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🚶♀️ Go for a walk every day for a month / Start a daily gratitude journal / 📅 Keep a journal for a year / 🦷 Floss every day for a month / Sketch everyday for a month / 🎯 Complete 7 goals in a week / 🍎 Eat a piece of fruit everyday for a month / 🧘 Meditate every day for two weeks / Start taking pictures everyday / Learn a new word every day for a year / Make my bed every day for a year / Keep a journal for this Day Zero Project / Walk to work / Write a haiku about my day every day for one week / Don't hit snooze for one whole week / Meditate every day for a week / Start journaling / Make the bed every day for a month / Walk the dogs every day for a month / Write one page of my novel every day for a year / 🏃♀️ Wake up early every day for 5 days and go for a run / Carry a camera with me every day for a year / 📝 Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for 6 months / Note one good thing that happens every day / Take a picture of myself everyday for a year / Write in my journal at least once a week / Change my nail color everyday for a week / Take a Picture Every Day for a Whole Year / Listen to a new song every day for a year / Walk 10,000 steps every day for a year / 🧘♀️ Meditate daily for 30 days / Take a cold shower to boost mental and physical resilience / Complete a 30 day challenge every month / Photograph a day in my life / Run every day for a week / Take one photo a day for a month / Keep a daily journal / 🤓 Learn a new word every day for a month / Try drawing every day for a month / 🛏️ Make my bed every day for a month / Take a selfie every day for a year / Walk 10,000 steps every day for a month / Make flossing a habit / Start a skin care regime / 📔 Keep a diary for a year / 🙏🏼 Meditate for 10 minutes every day for a year / Go to bed at 10 every night for a week / Wake up when my alarm clock goes off / Walk a dog / Wake up before 9am every day for a week / 📸 Take one picture every day for a month / 🚿 Sing in the shower / 📝 Write in a journal every day for a year / Take a photo every day for a week / Walk 10,000 steps by taking the stairs and parking farther away / Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for a month / 💭 Write in a journal every day for a month / Create a regular exercise routine / Go running every day for a week / Go for a run everyday for a week / 📹 Make a video about a typical day of my life / ✍️ Start a journal / Start a daily stretching routine /