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Underwater Adventure
Explore the depths of the ocean with these exciting and adventurous goals.
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Top 10 To Do Top 10 Done!
1. | 🤿 | Go snorkeling |
2. | 🏨 | Stay in an underwater hotel |
3. | 🤿 | Go snorkeling in a shipwreck |
4. | 🦈 | Swim with sharks |
5. | 🤿 | Scuba dive in a shipwreck |
6. | 🐟 | Take photos underwater |
7. | 🤿 | Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA |
8. | 🐟 | Eat in an underwater restaurant |
9. | 🏊♂️ | Swim with whale sharks |
10. | 🚤 | Ride in a submarine |
1. | 🤿 | Go snorkeling |
2. | 🐟 | Take photos underwater |
3. | 🦈 | Swim with sharks |
4. | 🤿 | Go snorkeling in a shipwreck |
5. | 🤿 | Scuba dive in a shipwreck |
6. | 🤿 | Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA |
7. | 🏊♂️ | Swim with whale sharks |
8. | 🐟 | Swim with a school of fish |
9. | 💦 | Dive the Red Sea |
10. | 🚤 | Ride in a submarine |
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🤿 Go snorkeling / 🐠 Visit the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🤿 Go snorkeling in a shipwreck / 🦈 Swim with sharks / Stay in an underwater hotel / 🐬 Go swimming with dolphins / Take photos underwater / 🤿 Scuba dive in a shipwreck / Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef / Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Eat in an underwater restaurant / Go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef / Dive with sharks / 🏊♂️ Swim with whale sharks / Go swimming with sharks / Go snorkeling in a coral reef or a shipwreck / 🚤 Ride in a submarine / Scuba dive off Australia's Great Barrier Reef / 🤿 Scuba dive with manta rays / Dive the Red Sea / Dive in a submarine / Snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef / 🤿 Scuba dive in Hawaii / Snorkel / Get a kiss from a dolphin / 🤿 Scuba dive on Koh Tao THAILAND / Try snorkeling / 🤿 Scuba dive in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Snorkel the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Swim with a school of fish / Scuba-dive off the coast of Greece GREECE / Eat at the Undersea Restaurant Ithaa MALDIVES / Walk the sea floor around the Bay of Fundy islands CANADA / Swim with stingrays / Swim in the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Scuba dive in Belize / Dive in Palawan with Dugongs - The Phillippenes / Snorkel in the Belize Barrier Reef BELIZE / Dive in some of the underwater gardens in Montego Bay Marine Park JAMAICA / Go in a submarine / Swim with whales / Visit Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Go snorkelling in Leone Bay AMERICAN SAMOA / Scuba dive a ship wreck or deep blue sea / 🤿 Go snorkeling in Hawaii HAWAII / Find hidden caves and shipwrecks BARBADOS / Go snorkelling in the coral reefs TONGA / Go snorkelling in the Palolo Deep Marine Reserve on Upolu island SAMOA / Swim with the nurse sharks in the waters of Hol Chan Marine Reserve BELIZE / Snorkel at Las Sirenitas in Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park MEXICO / See a whale shark / Go diving in the Blue Grotto CROATIA / Go snorkeling at Hideaway Island VANUATU / Snorkel or scuba in the Red Sea, Eilat ISRAEL / See a shark in the wild / Dive with seals / Explore the underwater peaks at dive sites around Pulau Weh INDONESIA / Snorkel in Hikkaduwa SRI LANKA / Snorkel in the coral reefs off Langkawai Island MALAYSIA / Scuba dive off the islands of Sipadan MALAYSIA / Dive at Protea Banks and look for sharks and wrecks SOUTH AFRICA / Go snorkelling in the White Island Marine Park and Martin's Bay GRENADA / Go snorkelling in the waters of the Red Sea DJIBOUTI / Dive with great white sharks in Port Lincoln AUSTRALIA / Go diving with whale sharks in Útila HONDURAS / Go snorkelling with manta rays in Bora Bora FRENCH POLYNESIA / Go wreck-diving off the Abacos to find America's first steamship BAHAMAS / Go scuba-diving in the waters around Bay Islands HONDURAS / Go reef swimming off Little Tobago TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Dive the SS President Coolidge, Espiritu Santo VANUATU / Scuba dive in Bunaken INDONESIA / Dive in the Coral reefs of the Red Sea Coast SUDAN / Take pictures with an underwater camera / Touch a shark / Dive with a whale shark / Dive in the Red Sea off Yemen's coast YEMEN / Snorkel in the reefs of Inhambane MOZAMBIQUE / Go diving in Nossi Lava MADAGASCAR / Do the Alexandra Dive to submerged harbour sites EGYPT / Try snorkelling at the sea near Bamburi beach KENYA / Snorkel at Maria la Gorda in Pinar del Rio CUBA / Go wreck- diving at the Isla de la Juventud CUBA / Dive with hammerhead sharks / Snorkel around Ile Cocos Marine National Park SEYCHELLES / Snorkel in the waters of Ypao beach GUAM / Go diving at Aqaba JORDAN / Spend a night in an underwater hotel / Dive in the Gulf of Tadjoura DJIBOUTI / Become a qualified scuba diver / Go diving in the Molinière Reef near St. George's GRENADA / See a basking shark in the wild / Snorkel at Shark's Cove HAWAII / Go diving in Pakin Atoll MICRONESIA / Go snorkelling in the coral reefs of Kosrae MICRONESIA / Scuba dive at Mermet Springs ILLINOIS / Snorkel with mako sharks / Scuba diving in Tonga / Explore a shipwreck underwater / Go snuba-ing in tahiti / Cage dive with Great White sharks / Spend the night in an underwater hotel / Go diving in one of the biggest reefs at Cayo Coco CUBA / Dive in the thriving coral reeds around Bentota SRI LANKA / See the underwater caves and shipwrecks in Hikkaduwa SRI LANKA / Spot a school of hammerheads off while diving off the coast of Layang Layang MALAYSIA / Go scuba diving in Kadavu's Great Astrolabe Reef FIJI / Dive in the Beqa Lagoon FIJI / Go diving off the Vava'vu Islands TONGA / Dive in the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary AMERICAN SAMOA / Go diving off the Isla Grande near Portobelo PANAMA / Dive off the coast of Carlisle Bay BARBADOS / Go scuba diving in the Sodwana Bay near Durban SOUTH AFRICA / Swim with a Sea Turtle in the Wild / Take An Underwater Photo / Scuba dive the Sardine Run SOUTH AFRICA / Dive to a shipwreck / Go swimming with the dolphins / Sleep Underwater / Be submerged in a submarine / Do underwater photography / Scuba dive in Bonaire NETHERLANDS ANTILLES / Snorkel the Bight Reef Trail TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS / Check out the reef fish snorkeling off Buck Island UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS / Snorkel with sea lions / Attend the Underwater Musical Festival in the Florida Keys FLORIDA / Snorkel a tropical reef / Dive with great white sharks / Scuba Dive among the California Coast Kelp Beds CALIFORNIA / Dive at the Banana Reef MALDIVES / See the Tropical Aquarium with underwater exhibits from the Red Sea DJIBOUTI / Go skindiving in Cedar Beach LIBERIA / Go snorkelling in the waters of Abemama KIRIBATI /