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🏛 Go to 5 different museums / 🌍 Visit all 7 continents / Visit a museum / 🗿 Visit Stonehenge ENGLAND / Go to Egypt / 🇲🇽 Travel to Mexico / Visit 3 museums / Go to five different museums / Visit five different museums / 🏛️ Visit the British Museum LONDON / 🏛️ Visit the ruins at Petra and swim in the Dead Sea JORDAN / Visit Head Smashed-In Buffalo Jump CANADA / Go to Peru / See the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx EGYPT / Go to a museum I have never visited before / Visit Newgrange IRELAND / 🏛 Visit Pompeii ITALY / Go to a museum / 🐪 Visit the pyramids in Egypt EGYPT / 🏔 Visit Machu Picchu PERU / Visit the Pyramids EGYPT / 🌞 Visit Chichen Itza MEXICO / See Stonehenge ENGLAND / 🦖 Visit the Field Museum ILLINOIS / 🐫 See the pyramids in Egypt EGYPT / See Machu Picchu in Peru / 🌊 Visit the Dead Sea ISRAEL / See the Pyramids of Giza EGYPT / See the pyramids and the Sphinx / 🐍 Watch all the Indiana Jones movies / 🌅 Go to Stonehenge for Summer Solstice ENGLAND / See the Anasazi houses in Mesa Verde National Park COLORADO / 🏔️ Trek the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu PERU / 🏞️ Visit Mesa Verde National Park COLORADO / Visit Cyprus / 🐪 Visit the Pyramids at Giza EGYPT / 🏛️ Visit Palmyra SYRIA / 🏛️ See the Abu Simbel Temples EGYPT / 🗿 Travel to Easter Island CHILE / 🏛️ Visit the Acropolis in Greece GREECE / 🥾 Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu PERU / 🗿 See the moai of Easter Island CHILE / Go on an archaeological dig / Visit Sudan / 🌋 Visit Mount Vesuvius ITALY / 🏞️ Visit San Agustin Archaeological Park COLOMBIA / 🏛️ Visit the Archaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua GUATEMALA / 🐒 Visit Tikal National Park GUATEMALA / 🏛️ Visit the Maya Site of Copan HONDURAS / Visit the Ancient Maya City of Calakmul MEXICO / Visit the Pre-Hispanic City of Teotihuacan MEXICO / Visit the Pre-Hispanic Town of Uxmal MEXICO / Visit the Ruins of Leon Viejo NICARAGUA / Visit the Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo PANAMA / Visit the Chan Chan archaeological site PERU / 🌄 Visit Cusco PERU / Visit the Nazca Lines PERU / Visit the Sacred City of Caral-Supe PERU / Visit the Chaco Culture National Historical Park NEW MEXICO / Visit the Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam AFGHANISTAN / Visit Qal'at al-Bahrain BAHRAIN / Visit the Ruins of the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur BANGLADESH / Visit the Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi INDIA / Visit Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park INDIA / Visit the Elephanta Caves INDIA / Visit the Sangiran archaeological site INDONESIA / Visit Masada ISRAEL / 🏛 Visit the Parthenon GREECE / 🏛️ Explore Ancient Ephesus TURKEY / 🗿 See the Statues of Easter Island CHILE / 🏜️ Explore Petra JORDAN / Visit Giza EGYPT / Visit the ruins at Petra JORDAN / Find a treasure with a metal detector / Pay a visit to the Teracotta Warriors in Xi'An CHINA / Discover Pakistani history by spending time in the Lahore Museum PAKISTAN / 🏛️ Explore the Maya temples of Palenque MEXICO / Discover the ancient sites at Xochicalo MEXICO / Explore the pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan MEXICO / Explore the Great Pyramid of Khufu EGYPT / See the Sphinx of Giza EGYPT / See the world's oldest stone monument, the Step Pyramid of Djoser EGYPT / Explore the Valley of Kings EGYPT / See the tomb of Tutankhamen at West Luxor EGYPT / Visit the tomb of Ramses IX EGYPT / Explore the tomb of Nefertari EGYPT / Walk around the Valley of the Queens EGYPT / Visit the Temple of Ramses III EGYPT / 🏛️ Explore the ruins of Roman Trier GERMANY / Explore Viking history at the Wikinger Museum GERMANY / Visit the Archaeological Museum in Antalya TURKEY / See the mysterious Lycian tombs at Kalkan TURKEY / 🚶♂️ Walk along the 1800-year-old Hadrian's Wall that marks the northern boundary of the Roman Empire ENGLAND / Explore the pre-historic and Christian monuments at Aran Islands IRELAND / Visit the Dun Aengus fort on Aran Islands IRELAND / See the megalithic tombs and monuments at Burren IRELAND / Explore the ruins of the 7th century monastery at Inisfallen Island on Lough Leane IRELAND / See Skara Brae, a preserved Neolithic village SCOTLAND / Visit the Standing Stones in Callanish SCOTLAND / Discover the Kolo-Kondoa rock paintings TANZANIA / See the Uganda Museum at Kampala UGANDA / See the largest site of Roman remains in North Africa at Volubilis MOROCCO / Stroll down to the Ancient Agora in Athens GREECE / Discover Delphi, a pagan religious complex GREECE / Explore numerous finds at the Delphi Archaeological Museum GREECE / Explore the ruins of Knossos, a 3000 year old Minoan Palace GREECE / Pay a visit to the Archaeological Museum in Iraklio GREECE / Visit Mycenae citadel on the Peloponnese GREECE / Take a photo of Myenae's Lion Gate (UNESCO) GREECE / Discover the birth place of the Olympic Games, Olympia (UNESCO) GREECE / Pay a visit to the Heraeum, the Stadium and the Hippodrome at Olympia GREECE / Explore the pyramidal temples and causeways at the ruins of Tikal (UNESCO) GUATEMALA / See the Mayan ruins at Uaxactún GUATEMALA / Witness the dramatic basalt sculptures at the La Democracia archaeological site GUATEMALA / Explore ancient Mayan sites at Tikal National Park GUATEMALA / Stroll around the Museum of Pre-Columbian Gold in San Jose COSTA RICA / Explore the caves in the hills around Maastricht NETHERLANDS / Explore the Fiji Museum FIJI / Explore the unknown on the Torres Strait Islands AUSTRALIA / Explore the Côa Valley Archaeological Park (UNESCO) PORTUGAL / See the rock-carvings from the Palaeolithic period at the Côa Valley Archaeological Park (UNESCO) PORTUGAL / Visit Auckland War Memorial Museum NEW ZEALAND / Explore the Knights Templar castle PORTUGAL / Visit the ruins of the Roman town of Conimbriga PORTUGAL / See the Aleppo citadel that stands on the site of the Hittite acropolis SYRIA / See the 'pearl of the Euphrates' at Deir ez Zor SYRIA / Explore the desert oasis town of Palmyra SYRIA / See the ruins of the Valley of Tombs and the Monumental Arch in Palmyra SYRIA / Explore the Great Temple of Bel in Palmyra SYRIA / Discover mummies in the Greenland National Museum in Nuuk GREENLAND / Discover Viking ruins of Eric the Red in Narsarsuaq and Qassiarsuk GREENLAND / Visit the Port Royal Museum in Kingston JAMAICA / Watch for mummified bears in the caves of Baisuntau UZBEKISTAN / Discover the ancient silver mine in the Chatkal National Preserve UZBEKISTAN / Explore the Sans Souci Palace ruins in Milot HAITI / See the Tia Seu Ancient Mound SAMOA / Visit Juanita, the perfectly preserved Incan girl in the Museo Santuarios Andinos PERU / Visit the pyramid temples of the sun and the moon in Chan Chan (UNESCO) PERU / Explore the capital of the Inca Empire, Cusco (UNESCO) PERU / Ascend to the Inca city of Machu Picchu PERU / Visit Langi, the Terraced Tombs made from coral TONGA / See old coins, manuscripts, carvings and pottery at Sultani Museum AFGHANISTAN / Explore the Baalbeck ruins in the Bekaa Valley LEBANON / Explore Tyre (UNESCO) LEBANON / Visit the fortified seaside town of Biblos (UNESCO) LEBANON / Take an excursion to the ruins of Panama Viejo PANAMA / Visit the ancient treasure house in Portobelo PANAMA / Discover the ancient Greek city ruins of Histria, Tomis and Callatis ROMANIA / See the remains of the ancient capital of Anuradhapura SRI LANKA / 🏰 Witness the Sigiriya Rock Fortress SRI LANKA / See the Roman amphitheatre in Durrësi ALBANIA / Visit Sardinia ITALY / Discover the Baths of Aphrodite at the edge of Akamas Peninsula CYPRUS / 🗡️ Explore the largest-remaining Viking burial site in Ålborg DENMARK / Learn about Eritrean history at the National Museum, housed in the Ghibi in Asmara ERITREA / Discover the 3000 year old meteorite crate on Saaremaa Island ESTONIA / See the ancient city of Copan HONDURAS / Explore the deserted black basalt city of Um al Jimal JORDAN / Visit Mount Nebo JORDAN / See the mosaic floors of the excavated St. Stephen church in Um er Rasas (UNESCO) JORDAN / Discover the Ottaman ruins in Bitola NORTH MACEDONIA / Visit Crete GREECE / Explore the Great Pyramid of Giza EGYPT / Discover local history at the Georgian State Museum GEORGIA / See the Uplistsikhe ‘Fortress of God' Caves GEORGIA / Marvel at the mysterious Plain of Jars, near Phonsavan LAOS / Visit the historical cliff city of Al Hajjara YEMEN / See the Great Zimbabwe ruins ZIMBABWE / Visit Lao National Museum LAOS / Visit Nazareth Village ISRAEL / Visit the mountain fortress of Masada ISRAEL / Visit Montezuma Castle National Monument ARIZONA / Visit Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park on the Big Island HAWAII / Visit Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park HAWAII / Visit the Museum of World Treasures in Wichita KANSAS / Visit the New York State Museum NEW YORK / 🗝️ Visit Historic Jamestowne VIRGINIA / Visit Skara Brae SCOTLAND / Visit the Temple of Karnak EGYPT / 🏛️ Visit Historiska Museet (Swedish Museum of National Antiquities) SWEDEN / See the Roman ruins at Carthage TUNISIA / Visit Bardo Museum TUNISIA / Visit Nemrut Dagi TURKEY / Visit the Ashmolean Museum UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Teotihuacan MEXICO / Visit Sacsayhuaman PERU / Visit the ancient ruins of a fallen civilization / Visit the Pitt Rivers museum UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Rosicrucian Museum CALIFORNIA / 🏛️ Visit the Roman Forum ITALY / Visit Luxor EGYPT / Visit Flag Fen Archaeology Park ENGLAND / Visit the Musee de Tumulus de Bougon FRANCE / Visit the Cave of Altamira SPAIN / Visit the Gila Cliff Dwellings NEW MEXICO / Visit Allard Pierson Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit the pyramids of Egypt / Visit the Valley of the Kings EGYPT / Visit Museo De Las Momias de Guanajuato MEXICO / Visit the Catacombe dei Cappuccini di Palermo ITALY / Visit Knossos, Crete GREECE / Visit the Qin Terracotta Warriors CHINA / Visit the Archaeological Sites of Mycenae and Tiryns GREECE / Visit the Archaeological Site of Troy TURKEY / Visit Themapark Archeon NETHERLANDS / Visit a museum on a free day / Visit Baalbek LEBANON / Visit Maya Biosphere Reserve GUATEMALA / Visit ancient Pompeii ITALY / Visit Orkney Isles SCOTLAND / Visit the Isle of Lewis SCOTLAND / Visit the Bardo National Museum TUNISIA / Visit the Temple of Artemis TURKEY / Visit Jerash JORDAN / Read a non fiction book about science / Visit the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum MALTA / Visit the Gyeongju National Museum SOUTH KOREA / Visit the Acropolis Museum GREECE / 🏛️ Visit the Neues Museum GERMANY / Visit Kilwa Kisiwani TANZANIA / Visit the Luxor Temple EGYPT / Visit the National Museum of Anthropology MEXICO / Read The Old Ways by Robert Macfarlane / Visit a museum on a rainy day / Visit Stonehenge Aotearoa NEW ZEALAND / Walk along Hadrian's wall UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Huanchaco PERU / Visit the ancient ruins of Tiwanaku BOLIVIA / Visit Timgad ALGERIA / Visit Monte Alban MEXICO / Visit Copan HONDURAS / Visit Maeshowe In Orkney SCOTLAND / Visit Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad ALGERIA / Visit the ruins of São Miguel das Missoes ARGENTINA /