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Gothic Architecture
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Visit Assumption of Mary Pilgrimage Church, Lake Bled SLOVENIA / Visit the Poe Museum VIRGINIA / Visit Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace) ITALY / 🎨 Visit the Dali Theatre and Museum SPAIN / Explore Cracow and its the medieval market square (UNESCO) POLAND / Celebrate La Diada de Sant Jordi (Lover's Day) in Barcelona SPAIN / 🏰 Explore the medieval old town and ancient castle in Tubingen GERMANY / Visit St. Patrick's Cathedral NEW YORK / Visit the Waverly Hills Sanatarium KENTUCKY / Visit the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belem in Lisbon PORTUGAL / Wander the cobbled medieval streets of Riga (UNESCO) LATVIA / 🏰 Visit Cologne Cathedral GERMANY / 🏰 Visit the Sagrada Familia SPAIN / Hear a choir in one of the great cathedrals / Explore the medieval walled gothic old town of Toruń POLAND / 🏰 Visit Mont Saint-Michel FRANCE / Visit the Milan Cathedral ITALY / Visit the Cathedral of St. John the Divine NEW YORK / See the medieval architecture of the fortified city of Maastricht NETHERLANDS / 🏰 Visit Lincoln Cathedral ENGLAND / Visit the homeplace of Vlad Draculea, Sighisoara ROMANIA / Visit the Edgar Allen Poe house MARYLAND / 🏰 Discover the legendary abode of Vlad the Imapler, the Bran Castle ROMANIA / Visit Lübeck GERMANY / Visit Alcazar of Segovia SPAIN / 🏰 Tour Peles Castle ROMANIA / Visit the Catacombs of Paris FRANCE / Visit Rosslyn Chapel SCOTLAND / 🏰 Visit Cardiff Castle WALES / See Transylvania's numerous Saxon fortified churches ROMANIA / Discover gothic paintings at the Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz AUSTRIA / See the Monaco Cathedral MONACO / Visit the Historic Center and Cathedral of Cologne GERMANY / Light a candle in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna AUSTRIA / 🕍 Visit Notre Dame Cathedral FRANCE / Visit the Valencia Cathedral that claims possession of the Holy Grail SPAIN / Visit Edgar Allan Poe's grave MARYLAND / See the Cathedral of St. James in Šibenik (UNESCO) CROATIA / 🍷 Visit Bordeaux FRANCE / See the Cathedral of the Holy Saviour in Bruges BELGIUM / Visit the Sedlec Ossuary CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit Milan's Duomo ITALY / Visit Portugal's 7 wonders (Palacio da Pena, Castelo de Óbidos, Mosteiro de Alcobaca, Mosteiro dos Jeronimos, Mosteiro da Batalha, Torre de Belem, Castelo de Guimarães) PORTUGAL / Visit Kalmar Castle (Kalmar Slott) SWEDEN / 🏰 Tour the Black Church in Brasov ROMANIA / Stroll the cobbled streets of the medieval town of Sighisoara ROMANIA / See the Romanesque cathedrals in Mainz GERMANY / See the Santuario de Las Lajas COLOMBIA / Visit the Museum of Medieval Torture Instruments CZECH REPUBLIC / Do the Quasimodo tour of Burges BELGIUM / Climb the tower of Euphrasius Basilica (UNESCO) CROATIA / 🏰 Visit the Fisherman's Bastion HUNGARY / 🏰 Visit Sacre-Cœur, Paris FRANCE / 🏰 Visit the Washington National Cathedral WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🕯️ Light a candle at the Notre Dame Cathedral FRANCE / 🏰 Visit the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela SPAIN / Visit the Historic Centre of Siena ITALY / See the murals in St. Barabara's Cathedral in Kutna Hora CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit the Chapel of Bones in Portugal PORTUGAL / Stroll through the Mosteiro de Santa Maria (Monastery of Batalha) PORTUGAL /