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🛍️ Go to a flea market / See a movie at the Admiral Twin Drive-In OKLAHOMA / 🎞️ Watch a black and white movie / 🚐 Sleep in an Airstream / 📷 Buy a Polaroid camera / Get a Polaroid camera / See a movie at the drive in / 🪀 Play with a yo-yo / 🛵 Buy a Vespa / Watch a movie from my birth year / Play with an Etch A Sketch / 👟 Buy a pair of Vans / Get a Vespa or Lambretta / 📺 Watch old cartoons that I used to love / 📷 Buy a vintage camera / Watch a movie starring Marilyn Monroe / Remake childhood photo's / 🎥 See a drive-in movie / Visit the Neon Museum NEVADA / Make a list of 100 songs that I love / Design a tattoo / 🚗 Watch a movie at a drive-in / 🕹️ Play video games from my childhood / Sell a photograph / Have vintage-style pin-up photos taken / 🍿 Watch 10 movies that came out before I was born / Attend a flea market / 🕹️ Visit an arcade and play the same games that I enjoyed as a child /