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🏜 Visit the Grand Canyon ARIZONA / Explore a cave / 🏜️ See the Grand Canyon UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Go to Iceland / 🌋 Climb a volcano / Visit an active volcano / 🌋 See a volcano / Visit Crater Lake OREGON / Visit Wyoming UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🌋 Climb an active volcano / Visit Cave of the Winds COLORADO / Go to the Grand Canyon / Make a list of the 101 best experiences of my life / 🌲 Visit Yosemite National Park CALIFORNIA / Pan for gold / 🌴 Visit the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / 💦 Go to a natural hot springs / Take a helicopter tour over the Hawaii volcanoes HAWAII / 🌋 Climb Mount Vesuvius ITALY / 🏞️ Visit Zion National Park UTAH / 🌊 Visit the Dead Sea ISRAEL / Visit Big Bend National Park TEXAS / Visit Mammoth Cave KENTUCKY / Visit Idaho UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🌋 See a volcano erupt / Go to Four Corners, USA / 🦕 Visit the Natural History Museum in London ENGLAND / See a geyser / 🌋 See an active volcano / Visit Canyonlands National Park UTAH / 🦕 Visit Petrified Forest National Park ARIZONA / Visit Death Valley National Park CALIFORNIA / Visit the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland UNITED KINGDOM / 🏜️ Visit Antelope Canyon ARIZONA / Visit the Giant's Causeway / 🏞️ Visit Bryce Canyon National Park UTAH / 🏜️ Visit Arches National Park UTAH / Visit Drumheller CANADA / 🏞️ Visit Grand Canyon National Park ARIZONA / Go on an archaeological dig / 🦇 Visit Mammoth Cave National Park KENTUCKY / 🌊 Visit the Cliffs of Moher IRELAND / 🏞️ Visit the Jeita Grotto LEBANON / 🌋 Visit Mount Vesuvius ITALY / 🏞️ Visit Nahanni National Park CANADA / 🦇 Visit Carlsbad Caverns National Park NEW MEXICO / Visit Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park HAWAII / Visit Garden of the Gods COLORADO / 🌵 Visit Badlands National Park SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park COLORADO / Visit Capitol Reef National Park UTAH / 🏜️ Visit Great Sand Dunes National Park COLORADO / 🏞️ Visit Guadalupe Mountains National Park TEXAS / 🌋 Visit Hawaii Volcanoes National Park HAWAII / 🌋 Visit Lassen Volcanic National Park CALIFORNIA / Visit Purnululu National Park AUSTRALIA / Visit the Sangiran archaeological site INDONESIA / Witness a volcanic eruption / 🌋 Visit Iceland's Volcanoes ICELAND / Visit Fingal's Cave SCOTLAND / Visit Russia's 'Gateway to Hell' RUSSIA / Journey to the centre of the earth in Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park PHILIPPINES / Sail around Ha long bay VIETNAM / Explore the caves in the region of Mbanza-Ngungu DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit the Dun Aengus fort on Aran Islands IRELAND / Explore Giant's Causeway UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the active volcano, Mount Etna ITALY / Explore the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve SOUTH AFRICA / Go underground and marvel at the Manjanggul Lava Tubes SOUTH KOREA / See the stark landscapes around Ol Doniyo Lengai (volcano) the supposed home of the Masai God TANZANIA / Go spelunking at Amboni Caves off Tanga TANZANIA / 🏞️ Drive around the Great Rift Valley KENYA / Visit the Big Hole diamond put in Kimberley SOUTH AFRICA / Go spelunking in Perama, a karst cave in Crete GREECE / Sleep inside the crater of Hunapu GUATEMALA / 🌋 Witness Arenal erupting COSTA RICA / Explore the caves in the hills around Maastricht NETHERLANDS / See dino skeletons in the Dinosaur Provincial Park in southern Alberta CANADA / Hike the Bruce Trail in the ancient Niagara Escarpment CANADA / Visit Remarkable Rocks AUSTRALIA / Complete the Uluru base walk AUSTRALIA / Explore the Côa Valley Archaeological Park (UNESCO) PORTUGAL / Discover the ancient silver mine in the Chatkal National Preserve UZBEKISTAN / Discover the lava caves and fields near Saleaula SAMOA / Visit the volcanic islands of Tofua TONGA / See Mount Roraima, the inspiration for Conan Doyle's “The Lost World” VENEZUELA / Explore the Jeita Caverns LEBANON / Discover the volcanic highlands of Chiriqui Province PANAMA / Explore the Berca mud volcanoes near Buzau ROMANIA / Explore the volcanic region of Ampefy MADAGASCAR / Visit Lake Turkana / Explore Redona ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Witness the Eisriesenwelt (Ice Caves) in Werfen AUSTRIA / Visit Western Sahara / See the L'Escalier Tête-chien rock formation DOMINICA / Discover the 3000 year old meteorite crate on Saaremaa Island ESTONIA / See Eyuafjordur, the longest fjord in the country ICELAND / See the colourful rhyolite hills of Landmannalaugar ICELAND / 🌄 See the Fairy chimney formations in Cappadocia TURKEY / Visit Meramec Caverns MISSOURI / Explore Santo's caves and Blue Hole VANUATU / Stand at the edge of the Ramon Crater ISRAEL / Go on a safari in the Namib Naukluft National Park NAMIBIA / Visit the Petrified Forest and Burnt Mountain in Damaraland NAMIBIA / Visit Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument ARIZONA / Visit Crater of Diamonds State Park ARKANSAS / Visit the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island HAWAII / Visit Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park on the Big Island HAWAII / Visit Craters of the Moon National Monument IDAHO / Visit Lake Baikal RUSSIA / 🧂 Tour the Kansas Underground Salt Museum (Strataca) KANSAS / Visit the American Museum of Natural History NEW YORK / Tour Niagara Cave MINNESOTA / Visit the Chimney Rock National Historic Site NEBRASKA / See the 'El Capitan' rock formation in Yosemite National Park CALIFORNIA / 🌋 Visit Mount St. Helens WASHINGTON / Travel the Beartooth Highway MONTANA / Take the Lewis & Clark Caverns Tour MONTANA / Visit the Dakota Dinosaur Museum NORTH DAKOTA / Visit Goblin Valley UTAH / Visit Devils Tower National Monument WYOMING / Visit the Wyoming Dinosaur Center WYOMING / Hike the lava tubes in Flagstaff ARIZONA / 🏞️ Visit Garden of the Gods National Forest ILLINOIS / Visit Meteor Crater ARIZONA / Visit Mount Soufriere Drive-In Volcano SAINT LUCIA / Visit Zhangye Danxia Landform CHINA / Hike La Soufriere SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / See Pico Cão Grande (Great Dog Peak) SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / Visit Vintgar Gorge SLOVENIA / Visit the Upper Rock Nature reserve GIBRALTAR / Explore the Škocjan Caves SLOVENIA / Explore the Museum of Natural History NEW YORK / Hike Eyjafjallajökull ICELAND / Explore the Wellington caves AUSTRALIA / Explore the Rio Secreto caves MEXICO / Visit the National Museum of Natural History WASHINGTON, D.C. / Canyoneer Grand Staircase-Escalante UTAH / Visit Jökulsarlon ICELAND / Photograph the Flaming Cliffs (Bayanzag) MONGOLIA / Visit Fjaðrargljúfur Canyon ICELAND / Visit Reed Gold Mine NORTH CAROLINA / Climb Mount Ruapehu NEW ZEALAND / Hike to the top of Mount Haleakalā HAWAII / Visit Beachy Head ENGLAND / Hop the stones of Giant's Causeway in County Antrim UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Mount Yasur Volcano VANUATU / 🏔️ Visit the Norway Fjords NORWAY / Visit Thingvellir National Park ICELAND / Visit Kolob Arch in Zion National Park UTAH / Visit the Blyde River Canyon SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore MICHIGAN / Visit Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre COLORADO / Read a non fiction book about science / Visit Vesuvius National Park ITALY / Visit Mount Ararat TURKEY / Visit Laurel Caverns PENNSYLVANIA / 🏜️ Stand in Arch Rock in Joshua Tree CALIFORNIA / Trek the Grand Canyon's North Rim ARIZONA / 🌋 See a lava flow in Hawaii HAWAII / Read The Old Ways by Robert Macfarlane / Visit the volcanoes in Hawaii HAWAII / Visit the Senckenberg Museum GERMANY / Visit Jacob's Well TEXAS / Visit Mauna Kea HAWAII / 🌋 Visit the Ape Cave Lava Tubes WASHINGTON / Visit Stonehenge Aotearoa NEW ZEALAND / 🏜️ Visit White Sands National Park NEW MEXICO / 🌈 Visit Zhangye National Geopark CHINA / Visit Ischigualasto Provincial Park ARGENTINA / Visit Naracoorte Caves National Park AUSTRALIA /