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Outdoor Activities
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Top 10 To Do Top 10 Done!
1. | ⛸️ | Go ice skating |
2. | 🪁 | Fly a kite |
3. | 🎣 | Go fishing |
4. | 🪂 | Go bungee jumping |
5. | 💥 | Go paintballing |
6. | 🏃♂️ | Run a 5K |
7. | 🚣♂️ | Go kayaking |
8. | 💦 | Jump into a body of water fully clothed |
9. | 🪂 | Go parasailing |
10. | 🧭 | Try Geocaching |
1. | ⛸️ | Go ice skating |
2. | 🎣 | Go fishing |
3. | 🪁 | Fly a kite |
4. | 🚣♂️ | Go kayaking |
5. | 🎶 | Go to an outdoor concert |
6. | 🌨️ | Have a snowball fight |
7. | 👼 | Make snow angels |
8. | 💦 | Jump into a body of water fully clothed |
9. | ⛳️ | Play mini golf |
10. | 🛶 | Go canoeing |

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Visit Whitefish Point Lighthouse and Museum MICHIGAN / Visit Muginga ANGOLA / Surf in Cape Town SOUTH AFRICA / Visit the Western Isles SCOTLAND / Do a flip on a trampoline / 🌞 Get a tan / Visit the Albanian Coast ALBANIA / Visit Christchurch NEW ZEALAND / 🎒 Go backpacking through Europe / Go on a bike ride through my old neighborhood / Plan and build a garden for the kids / Build a tree fort / Go cross country skiing / Go paddleboarding / Go swimming every month / 🎈 Go on a hot air balloon ride over Bath / See the Carpathian mountain range POLAND / Bathe in the Pedas Hot Springs MALAYSIA / Relax in the Riviera Beach Lodge in Beirut LEBANON / Walk across 25 de Abril Bridge in Lisbon PORTUGAL / Visit Meteor Crater ARIZONA / Visit the Stockholm Archipelago SWEDEN / Visit Skaftafell National Park ICELAND / Attend an art and food fiesta in San Miguel de Allende MEXICO / Visit Mesa ARIZONA / Visit Narbeth WALES / Visit Ludlow ENGLAND / Travel on the Barberton Steam Locomotive SWAZILAND / Take a cable car ride up to the top of Sugar Loaf mountain BRAZIL / 🛳️ Go on an Alaskan cruise / Visit Flag Fen Archaeology Park ENGLAND / 🏞️ Visit Milford Sound NEW ZEALAND / Attend the North Carolina Azalea Festival NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Ouwehand Zoo NETHERLANDS / Skate the entire length of the Rideau Canal CANADA / 🌋 See a volcano erupt / Visit Efate's Mele Cascades VANUATU / 🏔️ Hike Fitz Roy ARGENTINA / Visit Kalemegdan Citadel SERBIA / Visit the Tower of Hercules SPAIN / Go bungy jumping / Visit the Eisriesenwelt AUSTRIA / Visit Birmingham UNITED KINGDOM / Go on an African safari - in Africa! / Visit the Madriu valley (UNESCO) ANDORRA / Take a river kayaking course / Do the Mt. Huashan plank walk CHINA / Visit Devin Castle SLOVAKIA / Go to Tasmania / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / Visit the Reichenbach Falls SWITZERLAND / Visit the Rhine Falls SWITZERLAND / Visit Staubbach Falls SWITZERLAND / 🌳 Visit El Yunque National Forest PUERTO RICO / Have a water balloon fight in the park / Walk around the Monserrate gardens in Sintra PORTUGAL / Visit Drakensburg Amphitheatre SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Camden Yards MARYLAND / Visit Cowbridge WALES / Visit Dombe Grande ANGOLA / Visit North Carolina UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Douglas ISLE OF MAN / Visit Ile d'Orleans CANADA / 🏞 Visit the Lake District UNITED KINGDOM / 🐠 Visit Lord Howe Island AUSTRALIA / Take the Gates of the Mountains Boat Tour MONTANA / Visit the Bronx Zoo NEW YORK / 🌸 See Monet's Garden in Giverny FRANCE / Visit L'Union Estate on La Digue SEYCHELLES / Go bat watching at the Gasparee Caves TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Visit the Argyle Falls in Tobago TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Visit the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens NEW YORK / See the gardens of the Presidential Farm of Nsele DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Jump off a cliff / Ride a snowmobile / Witness the Eisriesenwelt (Ice Caves) in Werfen AUSTRIA / Jump off a bridge / 🌋 Climb an active volcano / Walk a dog / Make 5 things from / Go dogsledding / Visit Ilulissat Icefjord GREENLAND / 🐟 Take a stroll at the Fischmarkt in St. Pauli GERMANY / Explore the forests of the ‘City of Mists', Jinotega NICARAGUA / Take the funicular up Penang Hill MALAYSIA / Visit the Vashlovani National Park and Nature Reserve GEORGIA / Visit the Botanical Garden of Nevis SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Go to Dreamland Water Park UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit Humpata ANGOLA / Visit Saint-Georges CANADA / Visit Kildare IRELAND / Visit Cradock SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Chitembo ANGOLA / Visit Saurimo ANGOLA / Go snorkelling in the waters of Abemama KIRIBATI / Have a weekend away with my husband / 🚶♂️ Spend a day exploring my city / Visit the Auckland Zoo NEW ZEALAND / 🚲 Buy a bike / Visit Colorado UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🎡 Visit the Navy Pier ILLINOIS / Visit the bavarian themed town of Leavenworth WASHINGTON / Visit Mauna Kea HAWAII / 🏊♂️ Take a dip in the hot springs at Chena Hot Springs Resort ALASKA / Ice skate Lake Bogstadvannet NORWAY / Take the cable car ride to Lomnicky Peak SLOVAKIA / Visit Waterford IRELAND / Take a vacation to South America / Bungee jump at Royal Gorge COLORADO / Learn how to paddleboard / Play pickle ball / 🦅 Do some birdwatching / 🏃♂️ Run a 5K / Go to Sydney / See the sun rise and set in the same day / 🇳🇿 Travel to New Zealand / Take kids to Legoland / 🎢 Visit Nagashima Spa Land JAPAN / Visit Sweden / Go on a road trip to at least 5 different states / 🏔️ Visit Queenstown NEW ZEALAND / Visit Capulo ANGOLA / Visit Mount Kenya KENYA / Jumped off a cliff into water / Get Fit at a Navy SEAL Immersion Camp UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Attend Cheeseburger in Caseville festival MICHIGAN / Visit Montana UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / See the Folk Park on the grounds of the Bunratty Castle IRELAND / Visit the Lake Mead National Recreation Area ARIZONA / Hike La Soufriere SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / Snorkel in La Jolla Cove CALIFORNIA / Visit Cave of the Winds COLORADO / Go to Canberra / 🌄 Hike the Drakensburg mountain trails SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Peebles SCOTLAND / 🎶 Go to an outdoor concert / 🪁 Fly a kite / Go to the batting cages / Go cable-skiing in Phuket THAILAND / See the sculptures at Buddha Park LAOS / Visit the NaPali Coast on Kauai HAWAII / Go sea kayaking / 🏙️ Visit Oslo NORWAY / Take a snowboarding class / 🌴 Visit Virgin Islands National Park UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS / Participate in the Kite Festival at Kota Bharu MALAYSIA / See the Chute de la Lily waterfall MADAGASCAR / Visit Nemrut Dagi TURKEY / 🌴 Zipline through the rainforests of Costa Rica COSTA RICA / 👫 Have a tech-free date together / Visit South of the Border SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Vulcan Park and Museum ALABAMA / Visit Walnut Grove Plantation SOUTH CAROLINA / 🌳 Visit Sherwood Forest ENGLAND / Visit the deer in Nara Park JAPAN / Visit Wisconsin UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Kayak in Venice ITALY / Bathe in hot springs of Hervideros de San Jacinto in the north of Leon NICARAGUA / Explore the desert of Wadi Rum JORDAN / Visit Vesuvius National Park ITALY / Visit Lake Myvatn ICELAND / Visit Tierra del Fuego National Park ARGENTINA / Visit Lake Muhazi RWANDA / Go bungee jumping in the Gauja Valley LATVIA / Ride an Icelandic horse over a lava field ICELAND / Attend the Maryland Renaissance Festival MARYLAND / Visit New Mexico UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Brisbane AUSTRALIA / 🏔️ Visit Kenai Fjords National Park ALASKA / Take a dip in the Filwoha Hot Springs ETHIOPIA / See Horsetail Falls at Yosemite CALIFORNIA / Visit Bosque de Ombúes URUGUAY / Visit Dingle IRELAND / Visit Naritasan Park JAPAN / See the Wife-Carrying World Campionshis in Sonkajärv FINLAND / Visit Dog Bark Park at Cottonwood IDAHO / Explore Harrison's Cave by electric cart BARBADOS / Take a break from social media / Take my kids on a dream vacation / 🐦 Make a birdhouse / Go without TV for a week / Go ice-skating / Go to the dog park / 🦀 Visit Chesapeake Bay MARYLAND / Visit Asheville NORTH CAROLINA / ⛄️ Build a snowman with the kids / Visit Huascaran National Park PERU / Stay in a cabin in the woods / Take a boat onto Lake Managua to the active Momotombo volcano NICARAGUA / Explore the Wadi Mujib Nature Reserve JORDAN / Discover more than 180 varieties of rose at the Princess Grace Rose Garden MONACO / Visit Burgers' Zoo NETHERLANDS / Visit Latrobe City AUSTRALIA / Visit Hervey Bay AUSTRALIA / Visit Flinders Island, Tasmania AUSTRALIA / Visit Yyteri FINLAND / Ride the Fenelon Place Elevator IOWA / Explore Banja Luka BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit Pointe du Raz FRANCE / Visit Zwolle NETHERLANDS / Visit Vogelpark Avifauna NETHERLANDS / Hire a van and drive around Tassie AUSTRALIA / Go Ice Skating at Somerset House LONDON / Visit Crystal Bridges Art Gallery ARKANSAS / Attend the Floriade Festival AUSTRALIA / Visit the Apostle Island winter sea caves in Lake Superior WISCONSIN / Visit Kamloops CANADA / Visit Xangongo ANGOLA / Visit Hampstead Heath ENGLAND / Visit Kentucky UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Sitka ALASKA / Visit Port Lympne ENGLAND / Attend the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race ALASKA / Visit the vineyards of the Bekaa Valley LEBANON / Do a tree canopy tour of the El Nispero Botanical Gardens PANAMA / Tour Niagara Cave MINNESOTA / Visit Sumatra INDONESIA / Visit Mount Wuyi, Fujian CHINA / Go bird-watching in the La Sagesse Nature Reserve GRENADA / Visit The Outer Hebrides UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Alton Towers UNITED KINGDOM / Attend the Carolina Cup SOUTH CAROLINA / Go to London Zoo ENGLAND / Visit the Forest of Dean ENGLAND / Visit Rottnest Island AUSTRALIA / 🐘 Visit Kafue National Park ZAMBIA / Explore the Biogradska Lake and Primeval Forest National Park MONTENEGRO / Explore the San Antonio River Walk TEXAS / See the Big Penguin, Tasmania AUSTRALIA / Go horse riding on the beach / Visit the Los Angeles Zoo / Bungee jump off of the Bloukrans bridge SOUTH AFRICA / Travel to Australia / New Zealand / 🏐 Play volleyball / Visit and explore Colorado / Go to a floating lantern festival / Relax in the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools NEW ZEALAND / Visit the historic centre of Evora PORTUGAL / Visit the Parc de la Villette PARIS / See the blossoms in the Vihara Maha Devi Park SRI LANKA / Play Pond Hockey / Visit the Hillwood Museum & Gardens WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Berlin Zoo GERMANY / Visit Trulli di Alberobello ITALY / Vacation in the spa town of Borjomi GEORGIA / Visit Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park ITALY / Follow one of the hiking trails in the Nature Reserve of Berezinsky BELARUS / Visit trampoline bridge in france / Be Tarzan for a day and swing through the rainforest at Rincon de la Vieja National Park COSTA RICA / Visit the Cairngorms National Park SCOTLAND / Explore a new hiking trail / Visit White Sands NEW MEXICO / Go birdwatching on the Cliffs of Moher IRELAND / Visit Iceland / Check out the exhibits at Shaw Park Botanical Gardens in Ocho Rios JAMAICA / See the Pony Express National Historic Trail COLORADO / Move to Oslo / Snorkel at Malaekahana Beach Park HAWAII / Visit Viðey island ICELAND / Make a lemonade stand / 🏜️ Visit White Sands National Park NEW MEXICO / Visit Skelleftea SWEDEN / 🎄 Go to a Christmas tree farm and cut down a tree / Visit the colonial town of Villa de Leyva COLOMBIA / Visit Lelystad NETHERLANDS / 🌈 Visit Iguazu Falls ARGENTINA / Explore the Scottish Highlands SCOTLAND / Visit the Isle of Mull SCOTLAND / Attend the Hope Watermelon Festival ARKANSAS / See the Andes ARGENTINA / Visit Royal Burgers' Zoo NETHERLANDS / Visit Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen NETHERLANDS / Visit Madurodam NETHERLANDS / Visit Mendoza ARGENTINA / Visit the Kenai Fjords National Park ALASKA / Visit Scottsdale's Art District and Old Town ARIZONA / Visit Adventureland Park IOWA / Ride the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway CALIFORNIA / Explore the Great Vermont Corn Maze VERMONT / Visit Portree SCOTLAND / Visit Skye SCOTLAND / Visit Havergate Island ENGLAND / Set off on a climbing expedition to Mount Muhavura UGANDA / 🏃♀️ Do a Couch to 5k running plan / Island-hop by ferry between the many Hebrides SCOTLAND / 💦 Go to a water park / Go to Thorpe Park ENGLAND / Visit Lake Tekapo NEW ZEALAND / Join a community garden / Move to another state / Learn how to ride a bike / Visit Nebraska UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Niagara-on-the-Lake CANADA / Visit Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park COLORADO / Visit Shumen BULGARIA / Visit Bataan PHILIPPINES / Visit Monaghan IRELAND / Swamp Tromp in Big Cypress National Preserve FLORIDA / Visit Brecon Beacons WALES / Visit Dolni Morava CZECH REPUBLIC /