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Jump into a body of water fully clothed
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On 693 lists and 236 people have done it.
Completed August 9th, 2014.

Went to Kenny's cottage with my family and jumped into the lake fully clothed! The experience was exhilarating and I couldn't wait to try again after the first jump. The lake water was surprisingly warm and it took a lot of persuading to get everyone else on boar (...more)
No bikini's allowed, so clothing by force, Batanes 2014
in Sa7l 2012 with friends. We swam in the early morning in the sea and i jumped fully dressed
Polar Plunge February 2010. IT WAS COLD!!!
We had to do this to get our swimming-diploma and it was fun!
"Take your clothes off, for Christ's sake!"
Appropriately right after a mud fight with Shanna!
COMPLETED on Monday, July 18, 2011 in Maggie's pool. Cleo, Claire, Maggie, Abbie, Griffin, and I were going to go swimming anyways, but Cleo and I jumped in first together into the pool wearing shorts and a shirt and underwear (of course). It was the oddest feeling. Like it was all just s- (...more)
Maki's apartment - 10-21-10
07.05.11- Jumped into a swimming pool clad in a full-length dress & monster earrings with Katelan, Lauren + the kiddos. Proceeded to swim for over an hour. Fun times!

07.10.11- Splashed, waded, hiked into waters waist-high in not one but TWO grutas in Hidalgo, Mexico.
Again with the full le (...more)
oh, in dubrovnik
Jumped into the Indian Ocean just off the shore of Prison Island.
Jumped into my aunt's pool but then also jumped into the Indian Ocean off the coast of Zanzibar in a brand new pair of jeans.