Rachel Leung
Toronto, Canada
I created this list to frame my memories, my past experiences, and to make sure that I live life to its fullest. I see life as an incredibly short journey; one moment you're taking your first step into your kindergarten class, and the next you're walking up to the podium to receive your high school diploma. But before time speeds by so fast that I'll hardly see it pass, there are just a couple of things I'd like to do - 101 things in 1001 days. And so begins my list. - Rachel L. [Mar. 29, 2012]

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22 May, 24
Marked goal Go on a road trip as Done!
Note added to goal Go on a road trip
10 Feb, 24
Marked goal Obtain a Master's degree as Done!
Jun 20, 2012 - Aug 05, 2012
Apr 04, 2012 - Dec 31, 2014
Goals with no specified timetime
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