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🛩 Go skydiving / 👙 Go skinny dipping / 🪂 Go bungee jumping / 🚣♂️ Go white water rafting / Go ziplining / 🪂 Skydive / 💦 Jump into a body of water fully clothed / 🪂 Go parasailing / Go rock climbing / 🔍 Create a scavenger hunt / 💃 Spend an entire night out with friends and don't return home until daylight / Ride a mechanical bull / Throw a dart on a map and go to where it lands / 🚣♂️ Go whitewater rafting / Go sky diving / Go zip-lining / 🤪 Go zorbing / Go on a zipline / 🦈 Swim with sharks / Go paragliding / Ride on the back of a motorcycle / Fly in a helicopter / Do a bungee jump / 🧗♂️ Go indoor rockclimbing / Throw a dart at a map and go where it lands / 💨 Go jetskiing / Go on a helicopter ride / 🤸♀️ Bungee jump / 🚣♂️ Go rafting / Take a helicopter ride / 🌊 Ride a jetski / Go white-water rafting / 💦 Jump off a waterfall / Jump into a pool fully clothed / Go on an unplanned flight / 🚵♂️ Go mountain biking / Ride a roller coaster with my eyes closed / Jump out of a plane / 🌊 Go cliff jumping / 🛶 Go kayaking or white water rafting / Go bungy jumping / 🦈 Cage dive with sharks / 🧗♂️ Go abseiling / Kiss a stranger / 🚣♂️ Go river rafting / Go skinny dipping at night / Go ziplining at night / Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge AUSTRALIA / Swing on a rope into a lake / 🏄♂️ Try wakeboarding / Skinny dip / 🌬️ Go windsurfing / 🌴 Zipline through the rainforests of Costa Rica COSTA RICA / 🌪️ Go indoor skydiving / Go mountain climbing / Dive with sharks / Jump into a lake fully clothed / Ride a jet ski / Parachute jump / Go on a rafting trip / Go canyoning / Go swimming with sharks / Go quadbike riding / Ride a snowmobile / Indoor skydive / Learn to wakeboard / Attend a demolition derby / Complete a high ropes course / Try axe throwing / Rope swing into water / 🐂 Run with the bulls at the Festival of San Fermin in Pamplona SPAIN / Go cliff diving / Test drive a Ferrari / Go up Auckland's Sky Tower NEW ZEALAND / Go to the top of the Sky Tower NEW ZEALAND / Walk across the Royal Gorge Bridge COLORADO / Attend a monster truck rally / 🚣♂️ Go black water rafting / Ride a bull / Jump off a cliff / Abseil down a building / Climb the Harbour Bridge AUSTRALIA / Drive as fast as you want on the Zugspitze's no speed limit Autobahn GERMANY / Ride the scariest roller coaster I can find / Ride on the roof of a train / Make a rope swing / Go indoor skydiving at the Airkix wind tunnel ENGLAND / Go deep sea diving / Cage Dive with the great white sharks SOUTH AFRICA / Try skydiving / Go to a monster truck rally / Do a tandem sky dive / Try bungee jumping / Ride on a jet ski / Fly on a trapeze / Try waterskiing / Jump off a bridge / Go Black Water Rafting in Waitomo NEW ZEALAND / Go heli-skiing / Join the mile high club / 🌴 Zip Line Through the Rainforest in Guatemala GUATEMALA / Ride in a helicopter over the Grand Canyon / Tree-Climb Chilkat ALASKA / Do something completely crazy and out of character / Go shark cage diving / Fly in a fighter jet / Go Ziplining in Puerta Vallarta MEXICO / Raft the Grand Canyon / 🎡 Go to a local fair and ride the Ferris wheel / Try longboarding / Climb Sydney Harbour Bridge / Go Skydiving Over the Swiss Alps SWITZERLAND / Walk a suspension bridge / Bungee jump naked / Base jump / Rappell down a waterfall / Try kitesurfing / Go rafting in Colorado COLORADO / Travel on the Tianmen Shan cable car - the World's longest CHINA / Ride a snow mobile / Ride a luge down the Olympic run at Calgary's Olympic Park CANADA / Walk the ledge of the Willis Tower ILLINOIS / Be more daring / Try scuba diving / 🛩️ See the Red Bull Air Race live / Jump off a cliff into the ocean / Zorb in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Go to a theme park and ride the rides that I enjoyed as a child / Create an outdoor obstacle course / Walk on a suspension bridge / Drive a dune buggy / Go bungee jumping in the Gauja Valley LATVIA / Bungee jump off the cliffs at Matacanes MEXICO / Go dune-skiing ALGERIA / Visit Thorpe Park ENGLAND / Mud wrestle / Skinny dip at midnight / Take a high-speed spin around the Nurburgring race track GERMANY / Climb the Grand Teton WYOMING / Raft the Gauley River WEST VIRGINIA / Try bungy jumping / Go canopy-walking at Santa Elena COSTA RICA / Ride the zip line in Palo Duro Canyon TEXAS / Go ziplining on the UK's longest zip wire in Cornwall / Go ocean kayaking / Go for a ride on a motorcycle / Swim naked in the sea at night / Go jetskiing in any seaside resort SPAIN / Hang Glide Over Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Sleep in an abandoned building / Go dune-buggying in the Peruvian desert near Ica PERU / Ride on a luge / Swing on a rope swing / Jump into a fountain / Go down a water slide / Roll down a really big hill / Jump out of an airplane / Go skinny dipping at midnight / Swing from a rope into a lake / Watch the cliff-divers, La Quebrada, in Acapulco MEXICO / Go white-water rafting along the rapids in the White Nile UGANDA / Go white-water rafting through the canyons of Osumi River ALBANIA / 🚣♂️ Go white-water rafting in the Reventazon COSTA RICA / Take the Apaneca Canopy Tour above the tropical forest EL SALVADOR / Blow a lot of money gambling / Zipline at CLIMB Works Canopy TENNESSEE / Walk on the glass floor at Blackpool Tower ENGLAND / Ride a helicopter through the fjords NORWAY / Swim with the sharks at Exmouth AUSTRALIA / Stand at the edge of the granite cliffs of Bukhansan National Park SOUTH KOREA / Go bob-sleighing in Gauja Valley LATVIA / Get bucked off a bucking bronco / Jump onto a moving train / Abseil Table Mountain SOUTH AFRICA / Hand-glide off Pedra Bonita BRAZIL / Go parasailing at Soup Bowl BARBADOS / Take a zipline through the rainforest at Walkes Spring BARBADOS / Rev yourself up on the Outback Trailblazer AUSTRALIA / Soar through the air on a canopy tour above Tiscapa Lagoon NICARAGUA / Watch the moon rise while rafting through the River Beas INDIA / Smoke a cigar on a roller coaster / Go white water rafting on the James River VIRGINIA / Go white water rafting in Oulanka National Park FINLAND / Hike/Climb Via Ferrata- Italy / Go Base jumping / Try river rafting in the Mongoky River MADAGASCAR / Have Sex In A Car / Ride a roller coaster with loops / Try kiteboarding / Jump into a frozen lake / Try downhill mountain biking / Go rock-climbing on Rila and Stara Planina BULGARIA / Go white-water rafting in the Neretva mountain river BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Ride the largest roller-coaster in the world / Body surf through Ottawa River's rapids using a river-board CANADA / Mountain bike along the Paro Valley BHUTAN / Go kiteboarding / Ride an upside down rollercoaster / Visit The swing at the “End of the World” in Baños, Ecuador / Blow $200 on one 5-cent slot machine / Compete in a scavenger hunt / Air boat across an alligator infested swamp / Go Blob Jumping / Buy a plane ticket for the first flight out, and go wherever it takes me / Skydive over Interlaken SWITZERLAND / Go base jumping off Kjerag NORWAY / Close my eyes and point to a place on the map and just travel to it / Extreme Tubing on a whitewater river / Go Parachuting / Try dune buggy racing at Swakopmund NAMIBIA / Dive with hammerhead sharks / Ride the half-kilometre zip line on Sentosa Island SINGAPORE / Do a Malolotja Canopy Tour SWAZILAND / Go bobsleding in Calgary at Olympic Park / Take a Zipline Canopy Tour in St Kitts SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Bungee jump at Versazca Ticino SWITZERLAND / Walk the Tibetan Bridge in Claviere ITALY / Fly in jet pack / Ride a dune buggy in the desert / Go rally driving in Silverstone ENGLAND / Zoom down a zip line in Sun City SOUTH AFRICA / Experience white-water rafting on the Dalaman River TURKEY / Fly a MiG-29 in Moscow RUSSIA / Cling to a cliff at Mt. Huashan in Xi'an CHINA / Slide down a banister / Jump off a bridge into a river / Go speed riding (skiing+paragliding) at Les Arcs FRANCE / Go rafting on the rapids of River Manso ARGENTINA / Go rafting on the Angren and Pskem UZBEKISTAN / Mountain bike ‘the world's most dangerous road' at the Bolivian Andes BOLIVIA / Ride on the train's roof on the Devil's Nose route ECUADOR / Go white-water rafting at Vall de la Noguera Pallaresa SPAIN / Go whitewater rafting along the Bela River SLOVAKIA / Zipline at the Whitewater Center NORTH CAROLINA / Go cliff jumping in Portugal / Go white-water rafting in Kitulgala SRI LANKA / Witness the original bungy jump VANUATU / Go white-water rafting in Lempa and Paz EL SALVADOR / Raft the rapids of Kukkolankosi FINLAND / Paraglide over a mountain range / Dive with great white sharks / Kayak down class V rapids / Be at the top of the tallest building in the world / Bungee jump at Royal Gorge COLORADO / Try volcano boarding in Cerro Negro NICARAGUA / Ride the zip-line in Palo Duro Canyon TEXAS / Fly a paramotor over a mountain range / Go paragliding in Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Go banana boating / Go wingsuiting / Ride a zipline through the jungle / Ride on a jet-ski / Stand on Kjeragbolten Rock in Norway / Strap a rocket to a merry-go-round / Go at the top of the highest building of the world / Hold a dangerous snake around my neck / Ride the bobsled at the Utah Olympic Park UTAH / Bungee jump off of the Bloukrans bridge SOUTH AFRICA / Climb Leukerbad Via Ferrata SWITZERLAND / Go racing at Talladega (United States – Alabama) / Cage dive with Great White sharks / Go out one night and not come home until the sun rises / Go on a dog sledding expedition / Ride in a tiger moth plane / Canyoneer down a slot canyon / Rappel down a waterfall / Aerobatic plane ride / Go cave jumping / Have sex on a mountain top / Go rafting on the wild rapids of the Chico River PHILIPPINES / Bungee jump off a bridge / Ride the Death Road on a mountain bike BOLIVIA / Run with the bulls in Spain SPAIN / Abseil down a waterfall / Ride a dirt bike through a forest / Highline across a canyon / Kitesurf in strong winds / Windsurf in a hurricane / Ride a BMX bike in a skatepark / Go river-rafting in the Marsyangdi River NEPAL / Drive @ 100 mph / Bungee jump in new zealand / Cliff jump off of the South Point cliffs HAWAII / Bungee jump off the Kawarau Bridge in Queenstown NEW ZEALAND / Do the Mt. Huashan plank walk CHINA / Jumped off a cliff into water / Climb something you are afraid of / Fly in a wingsuit / Experience Parasailing / Experience Ride On A Jet Ski / Go white water rafting on the Rio Negro COLOMBIA / Go on a zip line tour in Mindo ECUADOR / Skydive from a plane / Skydive over Dubai UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Skydive from 15,000 feet / Go sandboarding in a desert / Go on a heli-skiing trip / Skateboard down a mountain pass / Go white-water rafting along the Cangrejal River, near La Ceiba HONDURAS / Visit Foxfire Mountain Ziplines TENNESSEE /