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Top 10 To Do Top 10 Done!
1. | 🤿 | Go snorkeling |
2. | 🐟 | Go to an aquarium |
3. | 🐬 | Swim with dolphins |
4. | 🐠 | Visit an aquarium |
5. | 🐳 | Go whale watching |
6. | 🐬 | Go to Sea World |
7. | 🤿 | Go scuba diving |
8. | 🤿 | Dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA |
9. | 🐢 | Swim with sea turtles |
10. | 🐢 | Watch turtles enter the sea for the first time |

Most recent goals added...
🌊 Swim in the ocean / 🤿 Go scuba diving / 🐬 Swim with dolphins / 🤿 Go snorkeling / Go snorkeling/scuba diving / Swim in the sea / Visit the aquarium / Learn how to sail / 🐠 Visit an aquarium / 🐬 Go to Sea World / 🐟 Go deep sea fishing / Go sea kayaking in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / 🐬 Swim with a dolphin / Go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef / Swim with manatees / 🐠 Go to the aquarium / Visit Dolfinarium NETHERLANDS / 🐠 Visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium CALIFORNIA / Learn to dive / Try snorkeling / 🤿 Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🐢 Watch turtles enter the sea for the first time / Become a certified diver / Visit Fernando de Noronha BRAZIL / See penguins in the wild / 🐢 Swim with sea turtles / Go swimming in the sea / 🤿 Go snorkeling in a shipwreck / See a manatee / 🐟 Go to an aquarium / 🦈 Swim with sharks / 🐳 Go whale watching / 🤿 Learn to scuba dive / 🤿 Dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🏊♂️ Learn how to dive / 🤿 Scuba dive on Koh Tao THAILAND / 🏝️ Visit the Maldives MALDIVES / Go snorkeling or scuba diving / Sea Kayak in Phang Nga Bay THAILAND / 🌴 Visit the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / Swim in the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🐠 Visit the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Adopt a manatee / Kiss underwater / Go swimming with sharks / Go snorkeling at Great Barrier Island NEW ZEALAND / Live near the ocean / 🌙 Go swimming in the sea at night / 🐠 Visit the Georgia Aquarium GEORGIA / Visit Seychelles / 🐬 Visit Ocean Park HONG KONG / 🐠 Take pictures underwater / Visit the Florida Keys FLORIDA / Swim with a manatee / 🐟 Take photos underwater / 🐧 See penguins in their natural habitat / 🏝️ Visit the Whitsunday Islands AUSTRALIA / Visit Stewart Island NEW ZEALAND / Swim with a whale shark / Scuba dive in Belize / 🏊♂️ Swim with whale sharks / 🦈 Cage dive with sharks / Snorkel with manatees / 🐘 Visit Taronga Zoo AUSTRALIA / Visit Kiribati / 🏝️ Visit the Bu Tinah Shoals UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit Komodo National Park INDONESIA / Visit the Valdes Peninsula ARGENTINA / Visit the Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino MEXICO / Visit Coiba National Park PANAMA / Visit the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument HAWAII / Visit Majuro MARSHALL ISLANDS / Visit Male MALDIVES / 🐢 Visit the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / Visit Biscayne National Park FLORIDA / Visit the Channel Islands National Park CALIFORNIA / Visit Dry Tortugas FLORIDA / 🏔️ Visit Kenai Fjords National Park ALASKA / 🐠 Visit Lord Howe Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Macquarie Island AUSTRALIA / 🐢 See Costa Rica's Turtles and Birdlife COSTA RICA / Go Whale Watching in Newfoundland CANADA / 🤿 Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Go shark cage diving / Spend a day in Islas Cies SPAIN / Visit Jellyfish Lake PALAU / Snorkel at Hanauma Bay HAWAII / 🤿 Go snorkeling in Hawaii HAWAII / Watch baby turtles hatch / See a coral reef / 🐟 Swim with a school of fish / Cruise through the mangrove swamps on Havelock Island, Andaman & Nicobar Islands INDIA / Go whale watching at Ogasawara Islands JAPAN / Kayak with whale sharks at Espiritu Santo MEXICO / Snorkel with whale sharks at Donsol PHILIPPINES / Spend the weekend in one of the limestone islands at Phang Nga Bay THAILAND / Walk out across the causeway to St Michael's Mount during low tide ENGLAND / See Killer Whales in the Moray Firth SCOTLAND / See dolphins at Moray Firth SCOTLAND / Go diving in Sardinia ITALY / Spend the day with penguins at Boulders Beach SOUTH AFRICA / Go Whale-watching in Hermanus SOUTH AFRICA / Travel to the Hallyeo Maritime National Park in the southeast for a cruise around the archipelago SOUTH KOREA / Explore the Islas del Rosario COLOMBIA / Dive near islands off Costa Brava SPAIN / Visit the UNESCO biosphere reserve island of Menorca SPAIN / Enjoy the beaches around Saadani National Park TANZANIA / Snorkel in the waters around Prison Island TANZANIA / Feed a giant tortoise at Prison Island TANZANIA / Swim in the otherworldly turquoise shades of Jambiani's waters TANZANIA / Watch the dolphins at Kizimkazi TANZANIA / Try snorkelling at the sea near Bamburi beach KENYA / 🤿 Scuba-dive off the coast of Greece GREECE / Catch a glimpse of manatees (sea cows) at the lagoons of Chocon Machacas Biosphere GUATEMALA / Swim with whale sharks on Ningaloo Reef AUSTRALIA / Sail the Whitsundays AUSTRALIA / See the little penguins on Phillip Island AUSTRALIA / Explore the unknown on the Torres Strait Islands AUSTRALIA / 🏝️ Spend a few days at a Great Barrier Reef island AUSTRALIA / Take a boat out between the sandstone boulders of Ponta da Piedade PORTUGAL / 🐠 Visit the Oceanario de Lisboa PORTUGAL / Watch Paslama turtles come ashore to lay eggs in the Rio Escalante-Chacocente Wildlife Refuge NICARAGUA / Spot icebergs in Disko Bay GREENLAND / 🐬 Swim with dolphins at the Dolphin Cove lagoon in Ocho Rios JAMAICA / Explore the natural wonders around Aleipat SAMOA / Watch turtles being released back into the wild at the Auala Green Turtle Conservation SAMOA / Go snorkelling in the Palolo Deep Marine Reserve on Upolu island SAMOA / Go snorkelling in Ambergris BELIZE / Explore fields of coral at Cinque Islands in the Andamans INDIA / See the endangered Olive Ridley Turtles swim to sea near Bhubhaneshwar INDIA / Swim at Oholei Beach TONGA / Watch Humpback whales arrive to calf in the Tongan waters TONGA / Listen to the male whales sing at Neiafu TONGA / Snorkel in the coral reefs off Langkawai Island MALAYSIA / Swim in the clear waters of the unexploited beaches of Perhentian Besar islands MALAYSIA / Snorkel the reefs off the Perhentian Island MALAYSIA / Scuba dive off the islands of Sipadan MALAYSIA / Spot a school of hammerheads off while diving off the coast of Layang Layang MALAYSIA / Discover the Socotra archipelago YEMEN / Spot loggerhead turtles at the Palm Islands Nature Reserve LEBANON / Go snorkelling in Bocas del Toro PANAMA / Snorkel in the waters near San Blas Islands PANAMA / Discover lakes, waterfalls, grottoes and empty beaches at the Ile Sainte Marie MADAGASCAR / Dive in the thriving coral reeds around Bentota SRI LANKA / Snorkel in Hikkaduwa SRI LANKA / Visit the marine sanctuary of Pigeon Island SRI LANKA / Swim in the waters off Alega Beach AMERICAN SAMOA / Discover the underwater preserve of Pelican Cays Land BAHAMAS / Explore the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / Scuba dive a ship wreck or deep blue sea / Go snorkelling in the White Island Marine Park and Martin's Bay GRENADA / See Grenada's oyster beds, reached along a trail from Tyrrel Bay GRENADA / Snorkel in the waters of Ypao beach GUAM / Go whale watching off the Icelandic coast ICELAND / Go snorkelling in the waters of Abemama KIRIBATI / Go dolphin-watching in the Si Phan Don archipelago LAOS / Explore Santo's caves and Blue Hole VANUATU / Visit Lelepa Island VANUATU / Go snorkeling at Hideaway Island VANUATU / Visit Isla de los Lobos URUGUAY / Snorkel or scuba in the Red Sea, Eilat ISRAEL / Visit Parc National du Banc d'Arguin MAURITANIA / Visit the Kenai Fjords National Park ALASKA / 🐬 Visit SeaWorld Orlando FLORIDA / 🏝️ Visit Dry Tortugas National Park FLORIDA / Visit Kealakekua Bay State Historical Park HAWAII / 🐟 Visit the Shedd Aquarium ILLINOIS / Visit the Scott Kingdoms of the Seas Aquarium NEBRASKA / 🐟 Visit the South Carolina Aquarium SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Ripley's Aquarium of Myrtle Beach SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies TENNESSEE / 🐬 Visit the Seattle Aquarium WASHINGTON / Visit Shark Reef aquarium NEVADA / Visit the National Aquarium in Baltimore MARYLAND / Spend the day at the Georgia Aquarium GEORGIA / Ride the ferry through spectacular Lysefjord NORWAY / Go Turtle watching at the Ras Al Jinz Scientific and Visitor's Centre OMAN / See a narwhal in real life / Explore the Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park GRENADA / Visit Vaadhoo Island MALDIVES / See sea turtle eggs hatch / Visit Hanauma Bay HAWAII / Visit the San Juan islands WASHINGTON / Snorkel around Ile Cocos Marine National Park SEYCHELLES / See the giant tortoises of Curieuse Island SEYCHELLES / Swim in the lagoon at Grande Rivière TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Go turtle Watching in Grande Rivière TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Go reef swimming off Little Tobago TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Visit Koh Rong CAMBODIA / Visit the Oregon Coast Aquarium OREGON / Kiteboard the Keys FLORIDA / Sea Kayak the San Juan Islands WASHINGTON / Snorkel in Ustica ITALY / Visit the Busan Aquarium SOUTH KOREA / Snorkel at Malaekahana Beach Park HAWAII / Visit the Waikiki Aquarium HAWAII / 🐋 Visit The Deep ENGLAND / Visit jokulsarlon ICELAND / Visit the Blue Caves at Zakynthos Island GREECE / Visit Shedd Aquarium ILLINOIS / Go shell collecting on Sanibel Island FLORIDA / Visit Lochmara Lodge NEW ZEALAND / Visit El Nido PHILIPPINES / Go swimming in every ocean / Swim with sharks in the the Maldives MALDIVES / Visit Skomer Island UNITED KINGDOM / Go diving with whale sharks in Útila HONDURAS / SCUBA dive the Great Barrier Reef / See the seals and sea lions lounging at La Jolla Cove CALIFORNIA / Snorkel in La Jolla Cove CALIFORNIA / Visit the Bazaruto Archipelago MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Tubbataha Reef PHILIPPINES / Visit Madagascar to watch Humpback Whales MADAGASCAR / Visit SeaWorld San Diego CALIFORNIA / Visit the Bay Islands HONDURAS / Visit Glover's Reef BELIZE / Visit Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park SPAIN / Visit Arcipelago di La Maddalena National Park ITALY / Visit Kilwa Kisiwani TANZANIA / Visit the Musee Oceanographique de Monaco MONACO / Dive into Puerto Rico's Bioluminescent Bay PUERTO RICO / Kayak in La Jolla CALIFORNIA / Visit Neeltje Jans NETHERLANDS / See the Big Penguin, Tasmania AUSTRALIA / 🤿 Go Scuba Diving in the Cancun Underwater Museum MEXICO / Visit Palliser Bay Seal Colony NEW ZEALAND / Visit Saint Helena, Ascension & Tristan da Cunha UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Laguna Beach CALIFORNIA / Visit Malindi KENYA / Go diving in the Raja Ampat Islands INDONESIA / 🐚 Spend a day at the beach and collect seashells / 🛳️ Take a ferry ride to the Aleutian Islands ALASKA / 🐳 Go whale watching off the coast of Bar Harbor MAINE / Swim with wild manatee in Crystal River FLORIDA / 🐧 Explore the Isle of Mull and see the puffins UNITED KINGDOM / Learn to scuba dive and explore underwater wonders / Visit Bocas del Toro PANAMA / Visit Sitka ALASKA / Snorkel in the Maldives MALDIVES / See the penguins in Antarctica ANTARCTICA /