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Identify 100 things that makes me happy / ✉️ Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years / 🎓 Graduate / 🤸♀️ Take a pole dancing class / Answer at least one of the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" every week / 🌍 Study abroad / Spend one weekend with only my music, art and books. "Unplug" / 🤔 Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" / Ask for a cute guy's number / Make a list of things to do before I die / Stop biting nails / 🤐 Don't complain about anything for a week / Go back to school / 📚 Find a new hobby / 🎨 Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor / 🔥 Write all my bad memories on paper, burn this paper afterwards / Complete the 100 Snapshots Challenge / Update my blog at least once a month / 🛏️ Make my bed every day for a month / 🚫 Stop biting my nails / Write a list of things that each person in my life has taught me / 🙏 Write down one thing that I'm thankful for everyday for a month / Take one photo a day for a year / 📚 Read 10 new books / Read 5 biographies / Take a photo every day for a week / Keep a dream journal / 🖥 Take a free online class / 📸 Complete a 365 day photo challenge / Get a master's degree / List 100 things I like about myself / Write a new list for the next 1001 days / 📝 Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over / 💪 Complete the 30 Day Shred / Go to a restaurant by myself / 🧘 Meditate every day for two weeks / 🚚 Move out of my parent's house / 📚 Read 10 non-fiction books / Create an inspiration notebook / 🧘♀️ Meditate daily for 30 days / Finish writing another 101 things list by the end of 1001 days / 🤔 Write a list of everything I want to change about myself / Start a book club / 😊 Make a list of 25 things that I like about myself and stick it to my mirror / Write a list of 101 things I've already achieved / Read 5 non-fiction books / Go back to college / 👩🎨 Draw a self portrait / Blog at least once a week / 💕 Write 5 letters to 5 people who changed my life / Give up alcohol for a month / Break a bad habit / Read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People / Make a list of things that I like about myself / Meditate every day for a month / Make a book of my favorite quotes / Buy and complete a "Wreck this Journal" / Write a poem every day for a year / 🏆 Write a list of 101 things I've already achieved in this lifetime / Read an autobiography / Quit my job / 📝 Journal every day for a month / Buy flowers for myself every month / Attend a silent retreat / 🍎 Eat a piece of fruit everyday for a month / 📔 Fill a sketchbook / 🍎 Visit an old teacher / 📚 Read a book a month / 🎴 Learn how to read Tarot cards / 🌙 Stay up all night talking / 💪🏼 Be more confident / Complete my degree / Start a daily gratitude journal / Keep a gratitude journal / Mentor someone / Don't speak for a whole day / Make five new friends / Stop biting my fingernails / Love myself / Go one week without swearing / Don't swear for a whole week / Don't speak for an entire day / Conquer my fear of flying / Make a list of things I like about myself / Make a list of my 100 most favorite quotes / Learn a new word every week for a year / Read one non-fiction book a month / Write a letter to myself to open in ten years / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / Ask a girl out on a date / 🤐 Don't swear for a week / Do the 200 squats challenge ( / Join Toastmasters / Stop complaining for a week / Read all my unread books / Fast for a week / Keep a daily journal / 📌 Create an inspiration board / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / 📅 Make a 5-year plan / Attend a networking event / 📅 Keep a journal for a year / 📝 Read at least one book a month and keep a list of them / Write myself a mail via / Travel alone / Find a mentor / 🚶♀️ Go for a walk every day for a month / 📸 Take one picture every day for a month / Read 5 books recommended by friends / Learn to meditate / Motivate someone to make a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / ✍️ Start a journal / Join the Peace Corps / Create a vision board / Read a book a week for a year / Give up soda for a month / Make a vision board / Finish my Bachelor degree / Write in my journal at least once a week / Write a letter to my future self / 😌 Spend a whole day reading / Live abroad / Don't complain about anything for a day / Leave an inspirational note in a book for someone to find / Volunteer at a retirement home / Graduate from university / 🌟 Write a personal mission statement / Finish reading all the books I own / Inspire someone to make a 101/1001 list / Do something completely out of my comfort zone / Take a picture of myself everyday for a year / Overcome my shyness / Quit drinking for 30 days / Don't complain for a week / Read at least one book a month / 📚 Read a book a month for a year / 🧘♀️ Try meditation / 💭 Write in a journal every day for a month / Find a job that I love / Conquer a fear / Meditate every day for a week / Wake up before 9am every day for a week / Join the Marine Reserves / Go a whole week without swearing / Learn watercolor painting techniques / Take a kayaking class / Start journaling / Introduce myself to someone new, every month / Read The Alchemist / 🤐 Go a whole day without saying anything negative / Give up Facebook for a week / Live in another country for a year / Finish my master's degree / Inspire someone to make their own list / Ask a stranger on a date / Conquer my fear of heights / Complete a sketchbook / 📝 Get a notebook and keep track of quotations from books I love / To live instead of exist / Take one photo a day for a month / 📔 Keep a diary for a year / Change my name for a day and do things I wouldn't normally do / 📚 Ask 5 friends to suggest one book, and read them all / Make the bed every day for a month / Go on a weekend alone / Create a photographic journal for each month / Read 1 book a month / Learn 3 poems by heart / Be someone's mentor / Start an art journal / Quit Facebook for a month / 📝 Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for 6 months / Learn a new word every day for a year / Do the 30 day song challenge / 🤐 Don't say anything negative for one day / Stop drinking alcohol for a month / Write a letter to someone who has inspired me / 🚶♂️ Walk the Camino de Santiago SPAIN / 📚 Ask 10 friends to suggest one book, and read them all / Learn to use tarot cards / 🌍 Live in a foreign country for one year / Attend a TED event / Complete The Artist's Way / Find a new passion / Conquer my fear of spiders / Take a personality test / Accept myself for who I am / Go for a week without Facebook / Blog at least once a week for a year / ✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / Don't swear for a week / Quit smoking for a week / 👏🏼 Make a list of the top 5 people who have positively influenced me and write them letters / Follow through with a New Year's resolution / Walk over hot coals / Write a letter to someone who changed my life / 🙏 Start a gratitude journal / Write a letter to three people who have made a difference in my life / Write a letter to myself to open the day I graduate high school / 🧘♀️ Complete a 30 Day Yoga Challenge / 🤐 Don't say anything negative for three days / Read Eat, Pray, Love / Listen to every CD I own / Read a memoir / 📷 Take a photo of the same place every month for year and then turn it into a calendar for the next year / 🛫 Visit a friend in a different country / Watch every season of Daria / Give a compliment to someone every day for a month / 📝 Write in a journal every day for a year / Read 10 books suggested by friends / Finish the books I own and haven't read / Don't hit snooze for one whole week / Take a solo trip / Live overseas for a year / Walk across hot coals / Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet over the course of a day / Take a Reiki class / 🎯 Complete 7 goals in a week / Change my lifestyle to be more healthy / Carry a camera with me every day for a year / Walk on hot coals / Write one poem each month for a year / Create a personal mission statement for myself / 📅 Take a photo of the same place every month for a year and then turn it into a calendar for the next year / Overcome my fear of failure / Have a tarot reading / Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me / 🍺 Don't drink alcohol for 30 consecutive days / Start a blog or journal / Live in another country for at least half a year / Learn not to take what others do or say personally / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / Eat breakfast every morning for a month / Swim across a lake / Learn a poem by heart every month for a year / Take a self portrait every week for one year / Run an ultramarathon / Take a class in something new / Complete "The Artist's Way" 12-week program / Read at least one book every month / Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal / Send myself an e-mail via / Stop worrying / 🏃♀️ Wake up early every day for 5 days and go for a run / Write a letter to myself to open when I graduate college / Keep a blog for a year / Learn how to make a friendship bracelet / Keep a journal for this Day Zero Project / Stop complaining for an entire week / Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for a month / Walk to Santiago de Compostela / Meet an internet friend in person / Overcome my fear of public speaking / Note one good thing that happens every day / Go for one week without Facebook / Note one good thing that happens every day for a month / Change a bad habit / Write the novel I know I have inside me / Overcome one fear / Ask twenty people to suggest one book and read them all / Make a list of 10 things I like about myself and stick it to my mirror / Make a list of ten people I admire and describe why I admire them / Write my life so far story / Stop worrying about things I can't change / Start writing everyday / Try running / 📸 Take a picture of myself every first day of the month / Start taking pictures everyday / Be more awesome / Start a memory jar / Try being happy whatever happens / Bike across America UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Find true happiness / Start reading more / Stop thinking negatively / Start visiting my mum at least once a month / Start writing down dreams in a journal / Stop being so self-destructive / Be more disciplined with my goals / Change one major thing about myself that I dislike / Stop putting myself last / Try to conquer my inner chicken / Be more accepting of myself / Be a Big Brother/Sister / Be a self-made millionaire / Create a photo journal / Make a career out of a hobby / Walk the Camino de Santiago from the French border to Santiago de Compostela SPAIN / 🧘♀️ Try a basic meditation technique / Take a free online course / Live in a foreign country for three months / Learn to speak my mind / Stop eating on the couch for 30 days / Run the Walt Disney World Marathon FLORIDA / Blog for 7 days in a row / Go on a pilgrimage to Emberemi ERITREA / Talk to one stranger a day for 2 weeks / Do a 30 miles in 30 days challenge / Read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin / Fill a notebook with favorite quotes /