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Stop biting my nails
There are two popular methods to beat this habits. The first is to keep nails trimmed short so that you'll have less of a nail to bite. The second is to coat your nails with a bitter-tasting nail biting polish.
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On 3,107 lists and 929 people have done it.
This is the best new years resolution I ever stuck to.
What worked for me is always having a nail file with me to make sure my nails were smooth. If I had a snag, I would bite it.
The secret was finishing school.
Acrylic nails help me to stop biting
I've gone 5 weeks without biting my nails (since I physically cannot bite them off) but I'm still ending up cutting them super short.
Right now I can't bite my nails because I have temporary teeth which don't have much biting ability. So now the trick is just not trimming them so short.
Determined as not biting nails for 30 days
Complete when I get them to a length I like, without bitting them (on the way to the length, and after)
UPDATE: I'm working on it, doing okay.
I got a horrible infection from biting my nails :(
One month and a half of no biting my nails
2.10.2016-Almost... I bite just my nails on right hand.. :D

13.11.2016-All nail are same size. i FINALLLY STOP BITING MY NAILS.

First day of not biting - 3/29/16
57 days in a row so far (8/27/15)
I had nail tips put on and they grew out and so did my nails. Now to get them stronger but I'm not biting!
I will consider this complete when I complete 100 days of no nail biting
Thanks to my sister's wedding I can say I've finally broken my lifelong bad habit of biting my nails as of September 2014.
I have tried to stop biting and/or picking my nails for years. I can go a month or two without biting but then I start the process all over again. I will consider myself broken of the habit after 3 months of no normal biting or picking.
Began on 27th December 2013.....here goes!
No biting my nails for the best year. I pledge from this day forward to not bite any part of my nails for the next year.
073113: Still working on this... still using the nail polish. Uphill battle!!

9/1212: It's an ongoing battle....... :(

Day 3, so far so good.... :)

For anyone wanting to do this..... Walgreen and CVS sell a product that will assist... it's like nail polish and it tastes like total crap! It's (...more)
Day 1: Fail

Days 2-9: Success

Getting there, keeping them tidy with nail scissors helps.
I have a feeling I will always be fighting this battle but looks like I am about there!
I think, finally after years of trying it, that I have accomplished it. I'm really happy about that and I know you all will have the strength too! You can do that!
For at least one month.
congrats to those 154 people who have completed this!
I believe I stopped.. I don't bite them anymore, but i do have to wear nailpolish or I will do it again. I suppose.
For at least one month
Let's save this for 2012!
Also learn nail art!
It's been 2 weeks since I stopped biting my nails. They look pretty.
I bought some nail polish and painted my nails yesterday in hopes it will help me stop! 2/20/12 is day one of no nail biting!
I tried yesterday, but then I bite like four of my finger nails...
working on it. haven't bit in a good few weeks.
04/06: FAIL
05 - 10/06: SUCCESS
11/06: FAIL
1st Feb '12 - My nails are now long enough to paint. I count that :)

18th Jan '12 - Got some good growth on there now. Thumbs need a bit of work so not yet marking this one as done.

9th jan '12 - I had failed, but I'm trying again now :)

5th sept '11 - Working myself up to it. I'm now only b (...more)
I can't believe I did this!
I'm already part of the way there - I don't keep my nails bitten all the way down all the time any more. But I still tend to bite them off when they get too long.
Just cut all my nails, to get all of them growing up together.
8/20 going good
8/1 going strong
I've started carrying a nail file around with me which seems to help. I'm now down to nly picking at my nails when I'm stuck in an airport or bored in a hotel
7/25 growing all 10 one week down