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Complete a 365 day photo challenge
Take and share one photo each day for a year. The ultimate photo challenge. Great for when you are stuck in a photography rut or just looking to spark some inspiration and creativity.
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On 7,964 lists and 313 people have done it.
Day 15
Dry January
Day 14
Passage in STAY WOKE a meditation guide for the rest of us
Day 13
Day 12
Morning Visitor
Day 11
Driving a Tank
Day 10

Day 9
Mosaic Diffuser Lamp Up Close

I made beef dumplings with a friend. I've never made dumplings before and we were both impressed that none of them opened during cooking!
Day 8
Leave Me

Day 7
Learning Tarot Reading

Just working on a little cross stitch that I designed. I'm stitching it up to work out how many meters of thread is used so that I can make up little kits to sell.
Day 6
Adult Skate Night

The snow has started to melt and I'm glad because I had to go out and buy veg! This is my haul from my local green grocers. I much prefer going there than the supermarkets as the produce is usually a better quality, and I can usually buy only what I need rather than bigger bags tha (...more)
Time to take down the decorations 😔
Day 5
Florida Winter

I woke up this morning to a blanket of snow. I was supposed to be volunteering at the museum today but they decided to close for the day. It's been nice to have a cosy day in to be honest, and I'll be able to run today's dinosaur session for the kids another day!
Day 4
Loretta Giving the Shakedown for Pizza
Day 3
Christmas Present to Self
Project: Learn to Play Chess
Day 1
Brunch with Friends Discussing 2025 Projects
I've missed 32 days of the whole year but given how busy and/or sick I always am, it's not going to get any better than that. I'm proud of myself! I've been trying to cross off this goal since I was 18, which is a decade and a half, so I've really struggled with it, which kind of makes it (...more)
12/27/24 I've chosen the photo challenge I'm going to do, though I might tweak it to be weekly rather than daily, not sure yet. My main focus is doll photos but the space to take them in isn't ready yet so that hinders starting things like I want to.
27-12-24 An art sculpture we came across in Blackwood. Ring of Eternity by Sebastien Boyesen.
26-12-24 Boxing day walk around Cwm Darran.
01-12-24 I love the crazed expression on this dinosaur 😂

I got the kids at the museum to draw their favourite dinos and place them roughly in the time period that they lived.
19-05-24 Sunday

The kids at the museum got to make paper lobsters today and learn about exoskeletons!
18-05-24 Saturday

We went to Greyhound races with some friends. We didn't win anything but it was a good night out. Also those dogs are fast and my photos were all like this one 😂
Just started photo challenge. Started with a plant.

I had a little walk around Meersbrook park and found this cool carving.

We went for a Boxing Day walk around Dam Flask to try and work off all the Christmas food! It was lovely but the wind had a bit of a chill. I saw many robins which brought me a lot of joy!

I noticed the sky was looking quite lovely so we quickly made our way to the beach to catch the sunset before it faded. I was quite beautiful.

I was just taking random shots of the vast beach at Barmouth.

After a sketchy descent down to the bottom of this gorge, we were met with this old iron bridge to cross over to get to the Devil's Bridge waterfalls.