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🍿 Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet / 📸 Complete a 365 day photo challenge / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🎓 Graduate / 🏛 Go to 5 different museums / 🧠 Learn a poem by heart / 📷 Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet / 🧠 Expand my vocabulary by 100 words / 🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / ✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / 👋🏽 Learn the alphabet in sign language / 📚 Find a new hobby / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 🔍 Learn 50 new things by clicking the random articles button on Wikipedia / 🌈 Make a list of the simple things that make me happy / 🏁 Finish a book in a day / 🤓 Get a library card / 🗺️ Learn to locate all 50 US states on a map / 👨🎓 Get an A in a class / 🍎 Visit an old teacher / 👧🏼 Write a children's book / Visit a museum / 📚 Read my height in books / Be able to name all the bones in my body / 🎸 Learn a song on guitar / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / 🖋️ Learn how to write my name in Japanese / Go to a museum / Write a new list for the next 1001 days / Join the library / Go back to school / Make a list of my 50 most favorite quotes / 🦋 Visit a butterfly garden / 🇯🇵 Learn to write my name in Japanese / Learn how to play the guitar / Learn to touch type / Listen to 10 books on tape / 🎸 Learn how to play a Beatles song on the guitar / 🎹 Learn to play a song on the piano / 📚 Read 10 non-fiction books / 📚 Read 10 new books / Learn a new card game / 🙈 Go to the library, close my eyes and pick a random book that I have to read / Donate books to a school / Go to college / Write a list of things that make me happy / Take a photography course / Read 5 non-fiction books / Memorize a poem / Go to a museum I have never visited before / Blog at least once a week for a year / 🎸 Learn to play 5 full songs on guitar / Finish my master's degree / Make a list of things that make me happy / Learn to play a song on the guitar / Watch 10 documentary films / Identify 101 things that make me happy / Learn how to play a song on the piano / Do a photography course / Make a list of my 100 most favorite quotes / Answer at least one of the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" every week / Read at least one book a month / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / Take a class in something new / Write another list of 101 things to do for the next 1001 days / Blog at least once a week / Read a nonfiction book / Graduate from college / Learn a song on the piano / Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me / 📚 Read a book to a child / Get a new hobby / Try and finish 5 ideas from Instructables / 📚 Read a non-fiction book / Complete my degree / Learn how to play a song on the guitar / List 100 things that make me happy / Get my Bachelor's degree / Learn a new instrument / Visit 3 museums / 🍿 Watch 50 films I've never seen before / Send a card/gift/flowers to Mum just because / Learn to play a song on guitar / Take a sign language course / Complete a 365 drawing challenge / Take a short course in something / Finish my Bachelor degree / Learn how to play three guitar chords / Learn to play at least one song on the guitar / Take an evening class / List 100 things I like about myself / Do one thing a month I have never done / Find a poem that means something to me and learn it by heart / Go back to college / Take a Spanish class / Update my blog at least once a month / Visit 5 different museums / Learn to play a song on piano / Visit five museums / Learn how to play at least one musical instrument / Write a children's story / Start a book club / Try ice skating / Do the mentos and diet coke experiment / Read 1 book a month / Watch 25 documentaries / 👟 Take a hip hop class / Make a list of 101 things I love / Take a salsa dancing class / Complete a photography course / Identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money) / Make a list of the 101 best experiences of my life / 🦕 Visit the Natural History Museum in London ENGLAND / Go to 5 different museums in 5 different cities / Try to do one creative project every month / Learn to play a song on guitar or piano / Volunteer at a school / Learn a new programming language / Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet over the course of a day / Master 3 songs on piano / Listen to a new song every day for a year / Try something out of my comfort zone / Learn how to play a new instrument / 📖 Read a book in German / Learn to play 5 songs on the piano / Go to 10 different museums / Learn to play a song on a new instrument / Attend a photography workshop / Learn how to play acoustic guitar / Read one book a week / Sign up for a free class / Watch a documentary every month / Complete a sketchbook / Learn how to play a ukulele / Read a non fiction book about science / Make a list of 101 things that are joyous / Take a cocktail making class / Take swing dance lessons / Teach a class / Complete the 30 day drawing challenge / Keep a blog for a year / Look up something new on Wikipedia every day for a year / Learn the basics of economics / Take an improv comedy class / Graduate from high school / Learn a new song on the guitar / Take an improv class / Visit five different museums / Learn to play a new instrument / Find something to be passionate about / Learn the capitals and locations of all countries / Try something new / Memorize 5 poems / Read 101 non-fiction books / Buy a cheap thrift store guitar and learn to play one song / Learn to play a song on my guitar / Look up a new word in the dictionary every day for a year / Read the dictionary / Fold a different origami piece once a day for a month / Try blogging / Get a degree / Learn to play 10 songs on the guitar / Make a list of 50 quotes that inspire me / Learn how to play at least one song on the guitar / Memorize the capital of each state / Illustrate a children's book / Learn to play a full song on my guitar / Learn to play one song on the piano / Attend a random free seminar / Start studying / Learn to play the acoustic guitar / Take a surfing lesson / Learn to play a song on an instrument / Learn 3 poems by heart / Watch a documentary / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / Learn how to play bass guitar / Learn how to play an instrument / Travel to state I've never been to / Get a new qualification / Take a hip-hop class / Memorise a favourite poem / Learn to play three pieces on the ukulele / Blog at least once a month / Do a 30 day photography challenge / Learn a song on the harmonica / Learn all of the world capitals / Learn every country in Europe / Visit the Bibliotheca Alexandrina EGYPT / Pass at least 8 of my GCSEs / Watch American football and learn its rules / Learn to play 10 new songs on the piano / Find a new passion / Be more open-minded / Watch baseball and learn its rules / Take a salsa class / Be a mentor to someone / 🏛️ Visit the National Museum of Scotland SCOTLAND / Learn to play the bass guitar / Take a knitting class / Memorize the periodic table / Bake something new each month for a year / Attend a blogging conference / Make a coloring book / Visit Te Papa (the Museum of New Zealand) NEW ZEALAND / Learn a skateboard trick / Be more open to new experiences / Learn Ruby / Learn to play the harp / Learn 5 poems by heart / Teach a child something I wish I knew at that age / Visit the Museum of Science and Industry ILLINOIS / Learn a poem by heart every month for a year / Be a mentor / Take flamenco lessons / Visit the Maryland Science Center MARYLAND / Learn to play 10 songs on the yukulele / Listen to a podcast on an unfamiliar topic / Go on a photo excursion once every month / Be someone's mentor / Attend the London Glassblowing workshops ENGLAND / Take Samba dance classes BRAZIL / Go to a life drawing class / Learn every country in South America / Find happiness / Learn to sew my own clothes / Be able to remember peoples names / Be more studious / Listen to 10 audiobooks / Attend Hay Festival WALES / 🎖️ Visit the National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial MISSOURI / Learn to play 10 songs on the bass guitar / Learn a Led Zeppelin song on guitar / Visit the Omniplex OKLAHOMA / Attend a creativity workshop / Visit MOTAT (Museum of Transport & Technology) NEW ZEALAND / Stroll around the The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia SPAIN / Stroll through the NEMO Museum on the banks of the IJ NETHERLANDS / Learn a new song on the piano every month / Visit the Wisconsin Historical Museum WISCONSIN / Visit the National Radio Astronomy Observatory WEST VIRGINIA / Take a sculpting class / Graduate from College! / Attend the Cambridge Science Festival ENGLAND / Take a gap year to travel and reflect / Listen to 5 audiobooks / Train my dog / Learn a new song on guitar every month / Learn my name in Morse code / Learn a new song on my ukulele every month / Join a photography club / Read one non-fiction book a month / Visit the University of Cambridge ENGLAND / Take a watercolor class / Complete an Around the World in 80 Books Challenge / Visit the Guinness World Records Museum TEXAS / Listen to a podcast every day for a month / Take surf lessons / Read an entire Encyclopedia / Be more hard-working / Learn a song on the ukulele / Try scuba diving / Learn how to play the harp / Visit the Museum of Nature and Science COLORADO / Watch a TED talk / Take a salsa dance class / Visit an arboretum / Travel to 10 new countries / Learn to play the bagpipes / Visit the Guinness Storehouse IRELAND / Learn how to play the bass guitar / Learn to play a Dresden Dolls song on the piano / Take a pottery course / Watch every episode of QI / 🛬 Visit Ouagadougou BURKINA FASO / Learn a song on the violin / Take pottery classes / Take ukulele lessons / Write a blog post once a week / Visit Centro Cultural Banco Do Brasil (Brasilia) BRAZIL / Spend an afternoon at the British Museum ENGLAND / Make a list of the best experiences of my life / Teach a dog a trick / Take a bookbinding class / Try salsa dancing / Take improv classes / Take a stained glass class / Take snowboarding lessons / Learn to play 3 songs on the ukulele / Visit London Science Museum ENGLAND / Be more awesome / Join a day-long archaeological dig for dinosaur bones at the T.Rex Discovery Centre in Saskatchewan CANADA / Stroll around the Thessaloniki Book Fair GREECE / Take a river kayaking course / Learn to play 5 new songs on the piano / Memorize the alphabet backwards / Live in a foreign country for a month / Learn Makaton / Learn a poem or limerick by heart / Learn how to play 5 songs on the guitar /