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Top 10 To Do Top 10 Done!
1. | 🎶 | Go to a concert |
2. | 🎤 | Sing karaoke at a bar |
3. | 🎶 | Write a song |
4. | 🎶 | Go to a music festival |
5. | 👏 | Give money to a street musician |
6. | 🎭 | Watch a musical |
7. | 🚿 | Sing in the shower |
8. | 🎤 | Sing in public |
9. | 🎶 | Go to an outdoor concert |
10. | 🎤 | Go to a live concert |

Most recent goals added...
Buy an electric guitar / Have a bubble bath / 🕺 Participate in a flash mob / Make a playlist of my 101 favourite songs / See Cirque du Soleil live / Ride on a carousel / Listen to a new album each month / 🍗 Go to the renaissance festival / Visit Fremantle AUSTRALIA / Record an EP / Sing karaoke at a bar... solo / Go to Montreal / Attend the Rio Carnaval / 🏰 Visit Cesky Krumlov CZECH REPUBLIC / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / Picnic in the park / Make a list of the 101 best experiences of my life / Do a road trip across America UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / See a Cirque du Soleil performance / Celebrate Carnival / Participate in a pub crawl / Make a list of 101 things I'm thankful for / 🧺 Go on a picnic / Visit Tyrone UNITED KINGDOM / Learn to play the acoustic guitar / 🎤 See Radiohead in concert / Ask 50 people to recommend one song and make a playlist / 📚 Pick a random book off a library shelf and read it / Go to Jamaica / Compose a movie score / Hold a dinner party / Visit Kuwait / 🍣 Go to a food festival / See a Cirque du Soleil show / Create a playlist of my favourite songs for my iPod / 🎸 Learn to play guitar / Learn to play a song on the guitar / 🍺 Go to Oktoberfest GERMANY / Host a masquerade ball / Attend the Calabash International Literary Festival JAMAICA / Attend the Ernest Hemingway Festival IDAHO / Visit Oosterpark NETHERLANDS / 🎺 Attend the New Orleans Jazz Festival LOUISIANA / Celebrate harvest at the annual Gawai Dayak festival MALAYSIA / Explore Budapest HUNGARY / Visit Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre COLORADO / Follow a'Hafenklang' podcast tour around Hafen city GERMANY / Frolic across a mountaintop singing like in The Sound of Music / See papa roach live / Watch the Eurovision Song Contest / Read a book based entirely on its cover / 🎬 Watch all the Studio Ghibli movies / 🇲🇽 Travel to Mexico / Participate in the Romerias de Mayo Cultural Extravaganza CUBA / Go to Canada / Go to a karaoke bar / 🎭 See The Nutcracker / See panic! at the disco live / Join the carnival at the city of La Vega DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / 💃 Go clubbing / 🏝️ Visit the Virgin Islands UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Goa INDIA / Write a song about someone and sing it to them / Learn a brass instrument / 🎤 Sing a karaoke duet / Visit San Luis Potosi MEXICO / Learn to play one song on the piano / Create a holiday time capsule to open next year / Go to the Philippines / 🎸 See Coldplay in concert / Visit Resistencia ARGENTINA / Make a list of my 50 most favorite quotes / Attend Thunder Over Louisville INDIANA / Visit South America / Plan a fireworks party for the Fourth of July / Listen to a new artist a month for a year / Participate in the Carnaval de Barranquilla COLOMBIA / See the parade of the red devils during Mardi Gras FRENCH GUIANA / Celebrate Carnival in Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Serenade somebody / Attend the Scottish Traditional Boat Festival SCOTLAND / Take a salsa dancing class / Visit Minnesota UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Poland / Visit Nebraska UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🎻 Learn to play an instrument / Visit Morocco / 🗣 Learn Spanish / Take a hip-hop class / 🍽 Host a dinner party / 💃 Dance in the rain / Enjoy the parade during La Griteria festival NICARAGUA / Learn to tango / Compose/write a song with my guitar / 👀 Stay awake for 24 hours / 🏰 Visit Salzburg AUSTRIA / Watch 20 musicals / 🎶 Learn to play the ukulele / Learn to play the didgeridoo / Throw a party / Win a pub quiz / See Celine Dion in concert / Watch the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra's New Year Concert / Visit Kingstown SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / Attend the State Fair of Texas TEXAS / Visit Douglas ISLE OF MAN / Explore Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Attend a concert at The O2 (London) LONDON / Tour Royal Albert Hall LONDON / Attend the Festival of Giants FRANCE / Visit Normandy FRANCE / Visit Santiago De Compostella SPAIN / Visit the Lincoln Center NEW YORK / Attend the Hope Watermelon Festival ARKANSAS / Visit Belfast NORTHERN IRELAND / 🏙️ Visit Helsinki FINLAND / 🛬 Visit Ouagadougou BURKINA FASO / 🇳🇱 Participate in the Queen's Day Celebrations in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Attend Las Llamadas – Mardi Gras URUGUAY / Visit Camden Market ENGLAND / 🎶 Write a song / Take a vacation to South America / Have someone follow me on Bucketlist / Visit Kazakhstan / Go to a concert every month / Learn how to play the guitar / Visit Sweden / 👩🎤 Go to a Lady Gaga concert / Visit Croatia / Attend the Carnaval de Oruro BOLIVIA / Visit Birmingham UNITED KINGDOM / 🎤 Sing karaoke / 🕺 Dance in an elevator / 🎤 Sing in front of people / Visit Tamil Nadu INDIA / Visit Grand Rapids MICHIGAN / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / Host a theme party / Attend a masquerade ball / Host a Christmas karaoke night / GO TO RIO CARNAVAL / 🎭 See an opera / Listen to the Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time / 🎶 Attend the Montreal International Jazz Festival CANADA / 🎤 See Kelly Clarkson in concert / Learn to play the saxaphone / Memorize the lyrics to a favorite musical soundtrack / 🚶♂️ Get a picture taken on Abbey Road like the Beatles ENGLAND / Visit Baton Rouge LOUISIANA / Visit the New Orleans French Quarter LOUISIANA / Visit Bamako MALI / 🛫 Take a weekend trip to Seattle WASHINGTON / Spend the day at a Pachinko gaming Parlor JAPAN / Visit the Ozark Folk Center State Park ARKANSAS / Visit the Western Isles SCOTLAND / Visit South Africa / Attend the Hell & Heaven annual Brazilian LGBT party BRAZIL / Go to a wedding / 👀 Stay awake for 24 hours straight / Have a candlelight dinner / 🌈 Make a list of the simple things that make me happy / Listen to all of the Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time / 🎹 Learn to play the piano / Dance on a bar / Attend the Venezuelan Carnaval VENEZUELA / Visit Denmark / See a ballet / 👩🎤 Have a Lady Gaga themed party / Participate in the Festival of Colors / Visit Umeå SWEDEN / Hear a choir in one of the great cathedrals / See cobra starship live / Visit Nayarit MEXICO / Soak up Vienna's baroque elegance AUSTRIA / Visit Cork IRELAND / Learn to play bass guitar / Visit Riga LATVIA / Go to South Africa / Visit North Carolina UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Listen to every CD I own / Visit Bogota COLOMBIA / Stroll through the lively bazaar at the Gorkha hill town NEPAL / Visit Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville TENNESSEE / See a Team Starkid Performance ILLINOIS / Attend the Carnival of Viareggio ITALY / Visit a museum on a rainy day / Visit Narbeth WALES / Learn to play 10 songs on the guitar / Attend the North Carolina Azalea Festival NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Belem BRAZIL / Attend Abertoir Horror Festival WALES / Party in a private booth at a nightclub / Listen to all of Taylor Swift's albums in order / Go to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert / Visit Serbia / Visit Beethoven's Grave in Vienna AUSTRIA / Visit Malawi / Take a ballet class / Buy something from eBay / See Eminem in concert / Visit Germany / Stay up for new year countdown with friends / Start learning the guitar / Go to the Calgary Stampede CANADA / Take a capoeira class / Enter a songwriting competition / Sing in a karaoke bar / Host a costume party / Listen to Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time / Go to the Venice Carnival ITALY / Visit Basseterre SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Visit Veracruz MEXICO / Participate in the Darwin Beer Regatta or the Henley on Todd Regatta AUSTRALIA / Visit a Hindu temple / Write to a Death Row inmate / 🎭 Spend a night at the opera in Vienna AUSTRIA / 👏 Give money to a street musician / 🌴 Visit Åland Islands / 🩰 Go to the ballet / Choreograph a dance / Be in the front row for a concert / Visit Detroit MICHIGAN / Go to a dueling piano bar / Busk with a barbershop quartet / Stroll through Schonbrunn Palace Easter Market AUSTRIA / Attend the Umutomboko celebration ZAMBIA / See bsb live / Attend the Oregon Oktoberfest OREGON / Take a pole dance class / 🎤 Sing karaoke at a bar / 💃 Learn how to tango / Travel to Africa / Attend Cheeseburger in Caseville festival MICHIGAN / Make a list of 100 songs that I love / Attend AfrikaBurn SOUTH AFRICA / 🏙️ Visit Tegucigalpa HONDURAS / Visit Aberdeen SCOTLAND / Take a riverboat tour on the Mississippi MISSISSIPPI / Create a TikTok account and make a viral video / Write down 100 things that make me happy / Visit Austin TEXAS / 🎤 Attend a live concert / 🌲 Visit Michigan UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit/travel to a city in Europe I have never been to / 🎈 Attend the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival NEW MEXICO / Watch traditional dancing in Bukoba TANZANIA / Listen to every Eurovision song contest song (1993-now) / Have a Halloween party / Visit Oban SCOTLAND / 🎬 Watch a classic Disney movie and sing along to the songs / 🚿 Sing in the shower / 🎶 Go to an outdoor concert / Identify 101 things that make me happy / Be part of a flash mob / List 100 things I like about myself / See Bob Dylan live / Write a song on guitar / Attend the annual Cape Town Festival SOUTH AFRICA / 🏝️ Visit Iona SCOTLAND / Visit Granville Island CANADA / Learn to play 5 songs on the piano / Go to a wine festival / Go to Spain / Learn how to country line dance / See britney spears live / Attend the Manchester Irish Festival ENGLAND / See Muse in concert / Visit Scotland / Visit Brazil / Send a card/gift/flowers to Mum just because / 🎭 Watch a musical / 🎪 See the Highland Games in Scotland SCOTLAND / Host a New Years Eve dinner party at home / 👯 Learn a choreographed dance / 🔥 Have a bonfire at the beach / Watch 25 documentaries / Visit the city of Salvador during the Festival of Bonfim BRAZIL / Attend Notting Hill Carnival / Attend the City of Aberdeen Hogmanay Street Party SCOTLAND / Visit Graceland to see the King's home TENNESSEE / See Madonna in concert / 👟 Learn to moonwalk / Listen to 26 songs I've never listened to starting with each letter of the alphabet / Watch all movies directed by Wes Anderson / Make a playlist on Spotify / Make a list of my 100 most favorite quotes / Visit America / Learn to play the harp / Go to Scotland / Visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) WASHINGTON, D.C. / Attend the Verona in Love festivities ITALY / Visit Florida UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit the Zocalo MEXICO / Visit Abuja NIGERIA / Visit Coimbra PORTUGAL / Learn to play the ocarina / 🎶 Make a playlist of 101 of my favorite songs / Visit Mexico / Visit Alden Biesen BELGIUM / Throw a dinner party /