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🛍️ Buy something from Etsy / 🧶 Learn to knit / 🧶 Knit a scarf / Start a scrapbook / 🧶 Learn to crochet / 🎨 Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor / Sell something I've created myself / Knit a jumper / Knit a sweater / Make a quilt with Mom / Make a T-shirt quilt / Learn to knit or crochet / Make beeswax candles / Make a pinhole camera / Sew an article of clothing I can actually wear / Make christmas ornaments / Learn how to sew / Learn how to crochet / 🪁 Build and fly a kite / 🏺 Take a pottery class / Knit a pair of socks / Make my own dress / Knit a hat / Attend a flea market / Learn to knit a scarf / 🧶 Crochet a blanket / Make a mosaic / 🛍️ Go to a flea market / Make a pair of earrings / Make my own soap / 🧵 Complete a cross stitch project / Make 5 things from / Create a scrapbook / Carve something out of wood / Make a Christmas wreath / Learn to sew my own clothes / Make a fairy garden / Sew an article of clothing / 🎁 Give someone a handmade gift / Build a dollhouse / 🤲 Learn how to make an origami crane / Try pottery / Make a ship in a bottle / Embroider something / Take a glass blowing class / Sell a handmade item / 👗 Make my own skirt / 📿 Make a necklace / Paint my own pottery / Build a ship in a bottle / Make homemade candles / Learn to make origami cranes / 🍝 Make fresh pasta / 🧵 Make a friendship bracelet / Take a weaving class / Buy a sewing machine and learn how to use it / Make my own paper / Finish a knitting project / Learn to hem my own pants / Complete a sewing project / 👭 Make friendship bracelets / Make or buy a necklace hanger / Learn bookbinding / Make a mosaic table / Take a stained glass class / 🧵 Make a piece of clothing for myself / 🧶 Make a quilt / Make a scrapbook / Take a woodworking class / Learn origami / Learn how to knit / Complete a scrapbook / Make something to sell on Etsy / Refinish a piece of furniture / Take a sculpting class / Make a hat / Sew myself a dress / Knit a sweater for myself / Buy a sewing machine / Complete a knitting project / Learn how to knit or crochet / Take a glassblowing class / Learn how to cross stitch / Make a daisy chain / Make a cushion / Sell something on Etsy / Learn how to make candles / Take a pottery course / Make an origami crane / Make a teddy bear / Make and fly a kite / 🐦 Make a birdhouse / Knit myself a sweater / Learn how to sew a button / Make a stuffed animal / Make a puppet / Make a rug / Make a sock puppet / Sew a skirt for myself / Make a coloring book / Build a canoe / Learn to cross stitch / Buy a new candle every month / Make myself a dress / Make something out of clay / 👕 Design my own t-shirt / Visit Camden Market ENGLAND / Paint a matryoshka doll set / Take pottery classes / Carve a wooden bowl / Make a photo collage / Make a tie dye t-shirt / Open an Etsy store / Learn to sew by hand / Make a piñata / Make a flower headband / Give a handmade gift / Learn how to make stained glass / Learn to fold origami cranes / Learn to make paper / Try glassblowing / Make something out of paper mache / Build a bird house / Give at least one handmade gift to close family and friends / Learn to spin wool / Learn to make friendship bracelets / Try a new flavour of ice cream / Make 100 origami cranes / Make Christmas decorations / Make paper snowflakes / Make cushion covers / Build a kitchen table / Fold an origami crane / Take a bookbinding class / Make a scrapbook of memories / Build a bookshelf / Blow glass / Learn how to make origami cranes / Learn how to make a friendship bracelet / 🖼️ Paint a canvas and hang it on my wall / Learn pottery / Complete a crochet project every month for a year / Make an origami animal / Restore a piece of furniture / Carve a wooden spoon / Finish a sketchbook / Carve a chess piece / Learn how to crochet something new / 🎂 Make a birthday card / 💌 Make a handmade greeting card / Make mosaic art / Paint something at a ceramic place / Refinish an old piece of furniture / Shop at the Rio Hippie fair at Ipanema BRAZIL / Shop at the river market on the Mekong delta VIETNAM / Attend the London Glassblowing workshops ENGLAND / Shop for crafts at the Msasani Slipway TANZANIA / Send handmade Christmas cards / Make a kite and take it for a ride / Admire local ceramic craftsmanship at Jocotenango GUATEMALA / Buy local hand-woven textiles at San Antonio Aguascalientes GUATEMALA / Watch local potters at work at the wheel at Chalky Mount BARBADOS / Watch the skills of the porcelain makers at the Royal Delft pottery in Delft NETHERLANDS / Watch masters of 18 different crafts demonstrate their work at the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum LATVIA / Buy a host of multi-coloured glass bangles at Ferozabad in Uttar Pradesh INDIA / Get a pair of shoes made at Chinatown in Kolkata INDIA / Discover traditional arts and crafts at Patan NEPAL / See the silversmiths of Thula at work YEMEN / Fold a different origami piece once a day for a month / Stroll through the craft centre at Dutch Fort of Galle SRI LANKA / Shop for souvenirs at the Handicraft Emporium in Thimpu BHUTAN / Look for souvenirs in the markets in Bay Street in Nassau BAHAMAS / Visit the Arts and Crafts School in Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Watch women weave wool at the Bani Hamida workshop JORDAN / Learn how to fold the unicorn from Blade Runner from memory / 🍝 Learn to make fresh pasta / Learn how to knit a sweater / Learn to make paper flowers / Visit Dog Bark Park at Cottonwood IDAHO / Attend the American Quilter's Society National Quilt Show KENTUCKY / Attend the Santa Fe Indian Market NEW MEXICO / Attend the International Chainsaw Carvers Rendezvous PENNSYLVANIA / Paint my own matryoshka / Carve a wooden sculpture / Knit a rainbow scarf / Do a craft project every month for a year / Make my own advent calendar / Build an Edwardian doll house / Go shopping at North Laine in Brighton ENGLAND / Make a tree swing / Visit a glass blowing factory / Start a pressed flower notebook / Take a clay sculpting class / Build something useful with your own two hands / Make a lemonade stand / Make a canvas picture with buttons / Make a quilt from old t-shirts / 🌸 Make pressed flower bookmarks / 🌸 Make pressed flower soaps / Learn basic knitting/crocheting / Hand make a chess piece / Try basket weaving / Invent my own instrument / Paint my own surfboard / Create a sock puppet / Make a birdhouse or bird feeder / 🎉 Make a homemade piñata / Make my own wind chime / Design my own ugly Christmas sweater /