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Go sea kayaking in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / 🐬 Swim with a dolphin / 🐢 Watch turtles enter the sea for the first time / Hold a koala / Visit Fernando de Noronha BRAZIL / Visit the Everglades FLORIDA / See a manatee / Visit Point Pelee CANADA / Visit South America / 🦈 Swim with sharks / 🐳 Go whale watching / 🤿 Dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Track Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda RWANDA / 🌳 Take a Wildlife Safari to the Ngorongoro Crater TANZANIA / 🌴 Visit the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / 🌴 Visit the Amazon Rainforest BRAZIL / 🐼 Visit a Panda breeding facilty in China / 🐠 Visit the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🌲 Visit Patagonia / Visit the Nanda Devi National Park INDIA / Hold a sloth / Go snorkeling at Great Barrier Island NEW ZEALAND / Explore South America / Ride a donkey / Travel the Amazon River by boat / 🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 🌲 Visit Crater Lake National Park OREGON / 🇱🇦 Visit Laos / 🇭🇳 Visit Honduras / Visit Mendoza ARGENTINA / 🏔️ Visit Mount Rainier National Park WASHINGTON / 🐧 See penguins in their natural habitat / Visit Kenya / Visit Stewart Island NEW ZEALAND / Swim with a whale shark / 🗿 Travel to Easter Island CHILE / 🏊♂️ Swim with whale sharks / 🦈 Cage dive with sharks / Visit Comoros / Visit Kyrgyzstan / 🇳🇮 Visit Nicaragua / Visit Sao Tome and Principe / 🏝️ Visit the Bu Tinah Shoals UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / 🌳 Visit El Yunque National Forest PUERTO RICO / 🌈 Visit Iguazu Falls ARGENTINA / 🏞️ Visit the Jeita Grotto LEBANON / Visit Komodo National Park INDONESIA / Visit the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park PHILIPPINES / Visit the Valdes Peninsula ARGENTINA / Visit Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve HONDURAS / Visit Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve MEXICO / Visit the Sian Ka'an biosphere reserve MEXICO / Visit the Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino MEXICO / Visit Darien National Park PANAMA / Visit Coiba National Park PANAMA / Visit Huascaran National Park PERU / Visit the Central Suriname Nature Reserve SURINAME / Visit Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park HAWAII / Visit the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument HAWAII / 🌊 Visit Banjul THE GAMBIA / Visit Panama City PANAMA / 🐢 Visit the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / Visit Haleakalā National Park HAWAII / Visit the Wet Tropics of Queensland AUSTRALIA / Visit Macquarie Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Mount Qingcheng CHINA / Visit the Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui CHINA / Visit the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan CHINA / Visit Gunung Leuser National Park INDONESIA / 🦜 Explore the Amazon Rain Forest / 🐢 See Costa Rica's Turtles and Birdlife COSTA RICA / Go Whale Watching in Newfoundland CANADA / 🐊 See the alligators in the Everglades FLORIDA / Visit Borneo INDONESIA / Visit Shirakami-Sanchi JAPAN / 🤿 Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Visit Khao Sok National Park THAILAND / Visit Jellyfish Lake PALAU / Visit Iquitos PERU / Watch baby turtles hatch / See the salmon run / See a kiwi in the wild NEW ZEALAND / Cruise through the mangrove swamps on Havelock Island, Andaman & Nicobar Islands INDIA / Take a road trip through the Western Ghats INDIA / Look for Rhinos at the Kaziranga National Park in Assam INDIA / Trek across the Valley of Flowers in Uttarakhand INDIA / Take a river-boat through the Sunderbans Tiger Reserve INDIA / Visit the Madras Crocodile Bank near Mahabalipuram INDIA / Visit the crater lake in Gunung Rinjani INDONESIA / Spot orang-utans in Tanjung Puting National Park INDONESIA / Explore the geysers and volcanoes of Kamchatka RUSSIA / Go whale watching at Ogasawara Islands JAPAN / Kayak with whale sharks at Espiritu Santo MEXICO / Snorkel with whale sharks at Donsol PHILIPPINES / Journey to the centre of the earth in Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park PHILIPPINES / Kayak around the waterways of the Spreewald Biosphere Reserve GERMANY / Discover the equatorial forest surrounding Lake Ma Vallee DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit Thailand's highest limestone mountain in Chiang Dao THAILAND / Feed and bathe an elephant at the Elephant Nature Park THAILAND / Spend the weekend in one of the limestone islands at Phang Nga Bay THAILAND / Explore the James Bond Island, Ko Ping Kan THAILAND / See Killer Whales in the Moray Firth SCOTLAND / See dolphins at Moray Firth SCOTLAND / Go on a safari in Addo Elephant National Park SOUTH AFRICA / Hike to God's Window in the Canyon Reserve SOUTH AFRICA / Spend the day with penguins at Boulders Beach SOUTH AFRICA / Go Whale-watching in Hermanus SOUTH AFRICA / Go underground and marvel at the Manjanggul Lava Tubes SOUTH KOREA / Trek in the Popa Mountain Park MYANMAR / Explore the Islas del Rosario COLOMBIA / See the Indian tribes at Amacayu National Park COLOMBIA / Hike in the Usumbara Mountains TANZANIA / Feed a giant tortoise at Prison Island TANZANIA / Walk on the lower slopes of Mount Meru in Arusha National Park TANZANIA / Go wildlife spotting in the Selous Game Reserve (UNESCO) TANZANIA / Watch the dolphins at Kizimkazi TANZANIA / Spot red colobus monkeys at Jozani Forest TANZANIA / Harvest coffee with the locals in foothills of Kilimanjaro TANZANIA / Witness the giant wandering sand dunes at Slowinski National Park POLAND / Spot mountain gorillas in the forest at the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (UNESCO) UGANDA / Enjoy the botanical gardens and the lakeside beach at Entebbe UGANDA / Visit the Budongo Forest Reserve, situated near Masindi UGANDA / Climb Mount Elgon UGANDA / See a drum-making village in the Mpanga Forest UGANDA / 🦒 Feed giraffes at the Langata Giraffe Centre near Nairobi KENYA / Witness thousands of flamingos fringing the edge of the lake at Lake Nakuru National Park KENYA / Explore the old Swahili city at Lamu Island KENYA / See the Casacades d'Ouzoud in the Central Atlas MOROCCO / Trek through the fir forests in the Talassemtane National Park MOROCCO / Catch a glimpse of manatees (sea cows) at the lagoons of Chocon Machacas Biosphere GUATEMALA / Be Tarzan for a day and swing through the rainforest at Rincon de la Vieja National Park COSTA RICA / Spot monarch butterflies at the Point Pelee National Park CANADA / Sleep in the northernmost lodge in the world -- Arctic Watch Lodge CANADA / Swim with whale sharks on Ningaloo Reef AUSTRALIA / Spot a platypus in the wild AUSTRALIA / Complete the Uluru base walk AUSTRALIA / See the little penguins on Phillip Island AUSTRALIA / See Tasmanian devils in the wild AUSTRALIA / Marvel at the wildlife on Kangaroo Island AUSTRALIA / See the flood plains of the Mary River wetlands AUSTRALIA / See where the rainforest meets the sea in the Daintree AUSTRALIA / Visit Parque Fray Jorge CHILE / Take in the dramatic mountain scenery at Peneda-Gerês National Park PORTUGAL / Spend the day at the lagoons of Azores PORTUGAL / Explore the forests of the ‘City of Mists', Jinotega NICARAGUA / Watch Paslama turtles come ashore to lay eggs in the Rio Escalante-Chacocente Wildlife Refuge NICARAGUA / See the tropical rainforest in Ocho Rios JAMAICA / Explore the banana and sugar cane plantations of Rio Grande JAMAICA / Watch for mummified bears in the caves of Baisuntau UZBEKISTAN / Keep an eye out for snow tigers in the Chatkalsky Reserve UZBEKISTAN / Discover the ancient silver mine in the Chatkal National Preserve UZBEKISTAN / Explore the natural wonders around Aleipat SAMOA / Watch turtles being released back into the wild at the Auala Green Turtle Conservation SAMOA / Slide down the Papase'ea Sliding Rock into a freshwater pool SAMOA / See the Puila Cave Pool SAMOA / Discover the lava caves and fields near Saleaula SAMOA / Go snorkelling in the Palolo Deep Marine Reserve on Upolu island SAMOA / Watch for flying foxes in the Tafua Peninsula Rainforest Preserve SAMOA / Try to spot a jaguar at the Manu National Park PERU / Travel through the hills and river valleys of the Corbett National Park INDIA / Explore fields of coral at Cinque Islands in the Andamans INDIA / See the endangered Olive Ridley Turtles swim to sea near Bhubhaneshwar INDIA / Spot a rare flying fox at Kolovai TONGA / Watch Humpback whales arrive to calf in the Tongan waters TONGA / Listen to the male whales sing at Neiafu TONGA / See the Iguazú Falls ARGENTINA / Explore the limestone caverns of the Batu Caves MALAYSIA / Walk the rainforest boardwalk suspended in the canopy of the Forest Research Institute MALAYSIA / Explore the Gunung Mulu National Park (UNESCO) MALAYSIA / Go jungle trekking in the Taman Negara National Park MALAYSIA / Follow the trails to the canopy walkway at the Taman Negara National Park MALAYSIA / Snorkel in the coral reefs off Langkawai Island MALAYSIA / Visit the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in Borneo MALAYSIA / Explore the rainforests and jungles of the Templar Park MALAYSIA / Witness lightning minus thunderclaps at the Parque Nacional Cienagas del Catatumbo VENEZUELA / See the largest manmade lake on earth, Kete-Krachi GHANA / Go diving in Lake Bosomtwi GHANA / See the 700-year old Dragon's Blood trees and the Socotra Desert Rose YEMEN / Visit the Al Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve LEBANON / Explore Boquete PANAMA / Discover the volcanic highlands of Chiriqui Province PANAMA / Go wildlife spotting in the Soberania National Park PANAMA / Discover orchids in the The Anton Valley (El Valle de Anton) PANAMA / Do a tree canopy tour of the El Nispero Botanical Gardens PANAMA / Cycle one of the Romanian mountain trails ROMANIA / Spot wildlife from a boat as you cruise along the Danube Delta (UNESCO) ROMANIA / Visit the Carpathian Mountains ROMANIA / Spot lemurs and rare orchids in the Montagne d'Arbe National Park MADAGASCAR / Witness the ‘Song of the Indri', Lemur jungle calls in the Perinet Nature Reserve MADAGASCAR / Trek the trails of Ivolina Zoological Park and Botanical Gardens MADAGASCAR / Spot wildlife at the Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve MADAGASCAR / Explore the volcanic region of Ampefy MADAGASCAR / Witness geysers and waterfalls on the banks of Itasy Lake MADAGASCAR / See the Chute de la Lily waterfall MADAGASCAR / Dive in the thriving coral reeds around Bentota SRI LANKA / Hike through the cloud forests in the hilly interior of Sri Lanka SRI LANKA / Take a boat trip around the park of Butrint ALBANIA / Paddle the Everglades FLORIDA / Visit Mount Kenya KENYA / Visit Colca Canyon PERU / Visit the Madriu valley (UNESCO) ANDORRA / Discover the underwater preserve of Pelican Cays Land BAHAMAS / Discover Lake Rweru BURUNDI / See the L'Escalier Tête-chien rock formation DOMINICA / 🏞️ Visit Baños ECUADOR / Witness Kaieteur Falls on the Potaro River GUYANA / Walk the winding route from Libreville to the beach of Cap Esterias GABON / Look for liana bridges at Poubara GABON / See Grenada's oyster beds, reached along a trail from Tyrrel Bay GRENADA / Go bird-watching in the La Sagesse Nature Reserve GRENADA / Hike in the Grand Etang National Park and Forest Reserve GRENADA / Witness the Annandale falls and Mount Carmel Waterfall GRENADA / Visit São Tome das Letras BRAZIL / Visit Lake Turkana National Parks KENYA / Visit the Olympic National Forest WASHINGTON / Spot wildlife in the Borjami-Kharagauli National Park GEORGIA / Visit the Vashlovani National Park and Nature Reserve GEORGIA / Visit the Aggtelek National Park in northeastern Hungary HUNGARY / Go dolphin-watching in the Si Phan Don archipelago LAOS / Trek through the jungle on the back of an elephant to Tad Sae waterfall LAOS / Visit Hwange National Park ZIMBABWE / Visit Zambezi National Park ZIMBABWE / 🐘 Visit Kafue National Park ZAMBIA / Visit Munda Wanga Environmental Park ZAMBIA / Explore Santo's caves and Blue Hole VANUATU / Visit Efate's Mele Cascades VANUATU / Visit Bosque de Ombúes URUGUAY / Visit Isla de los Lobos URUGUAY / Visit Parc National du Banc d'Arguin MAURITANIA / Visit the Chamarel Waterfall MAURITIUS / Visit Black River Gorges National Park MAURITIUS / Visit La Vanille Crocodile Park MAURITIUS / Explore the Biogradska Lake and Primeval Forest National Park MONTENEGRO / Stroll around the famous Botanical Gardens in Kolasin MONTENEGRO / Go on a leopard safari with the AfriCat Foundation NAMIBIA / Witness giant aloes at the Quiver Tree (Kokerboom) Forest NAMIBIA / 🏝️ Visit Dry Tortugas National Park FLORIDA / Visit Okefenokee Swamp Park GEORGIA / 🌄 Visit Haleakala National Park HAWAII / Visit Lake Baikal RUSSIA / 🌋 Visit Mount St. Helens WASHINGTON / Go to Okeefenokee Swamp GEORGIA / See a sloth / Go Turtle watching at the Ras Al Jinz Scientific and Visitor's Centre OMAN / Visit Volcanoes National Park RWANDA / Explore the Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park GRENADA / Visit the Botanical Garden of Nevis SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Hike Nevis Peak SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / See sea turtle eggs hatch / Visit Langue de Barbarie National Park SENEGAL / Visit Hanauma Bay HAWAII / 🏞️ Visit the Plitvice Lakes National Park CROATIA / Explore the Troglodyte Caves of Matmata TUNISIA / Visit Triglav National Park SLOVENIA / Visit Moorea FRENCH POLYNESIA / Visit the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia COLOMBIA / Explore the Škocjan Caves SLOVENIA / Visit Morne Seychellois National Park SEYCHELLES / Visit Seychelles National Botanical Gardens SEYCHELLES / See the giant tortoises of Curieuse Island SEYCHELLES / Swim in the lagoon at Grande Rivière TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Go birdwatching at the Wild Fowl Trust in Point-a-Pierre TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Go turtle Watching in Grande Rivière TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Go bat watching at the Gasparee Caves TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Hike to the Paria Waterfalls TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / 🐘 Visit the Okavango Delta BOTSWANA / Visit the Rwenzori Mountains UGANDA / Visit Quang Binh VIETNAM / Visit the Laikipia Plateau KENYA / Visit the Mekong River VIETNAM / Bathe in a cenote (a deep natural sinkhole) in the Yucatan MEXICO / Explore the Rio Secreto caves MEXICO / Trek Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve ALASKA / Kiteboard the Columbia River Gorge (& Washington) OREGON / Visit Parque Nacional dos Lencos Maranhenses BRAZIL / Visit Waimea Valley HAWAII / Visit Luxor EGYPT / Visit a vanilla plantation in Madagascar MADAGASCAR / Visit an alpaca (or llama) ranch / Visit the Coffee Cultural Landscape COLOMBIA / Horseback ride with nomads in Mongolia MONGOLIA / Visit Flores INDONESIA / Visit Plitvice Lakes National Park CROATIA / Visit Wau Ecology Institute PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Visit El Nido PHILIPPINES / 🌴 Zipline through the rainforests of Costa Rica COSTA RICA / Visit Skomer Island UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the underground river at Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park PHILIPPINES / Snorkel in La Jolla Cove CALIFORNIA / Spend a night in a yurt on the Mongolian steppes MONGOLIA / See Komodo Dragons in the wild INDONESIA / Drink elephant dung coffee in Cambodia CAMBODIA / See Tassie devils in the wild AUSTRALIA / Visit Torres del Paine CHILE / Visit Tubbataha Reef PHILIPPINES / Visit Abel Tasman National Park NEW ZEALAND / Visit Chitwan National Park NEPAL / Visit Madagascar to watch Humpback Whales MADAGASCAR / Visit Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen NETHERLANDS / Visit the Banaue Rice Terraces PHILIPPINES /