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🤔 Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" / ✉️ Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years / 🌅 Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day / 📔 Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find / 🍿 Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet / 📸 Complete a 365 day photo challenge / ✍️ Write a book / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🎨 Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor / 💃 Dance in the rain / 🧠 Learn a poem by heart / 📷 Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet / 🎶 Write a song / ✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / 🤐 Don't say anything negative for one day / 📝 Start a blog / 👏🏼 Make a list of the top 5 people who have positively influenced me and write them letters / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 🔍 Learn 50 new things by clicking the random articles button on Wikipedia / 🎨 Fill a sketchbook with drawings / 🙏 Make a list of 100 things that I am grateful for / 📌 Create an inspiration board / 🚶♂️ Complete a 'Walk To Mordor' challenge / Spend one weekend with only my music, art and books. "Unplug" / 💕 Write 5 letters to 5 people who changed my life / Buy a Wreck This Journal and finish it / 🌟 Write a personal mission statement / 🍎 Visit an old teacher / ✍️ Participate in NaNoWriMo / Visit a museum / 📝 Write a letter to someone I admire / Stay up all night / Read the Bible / 🌅 Watch the sunrise / ✍️ Complete NaNoWriMo / 🎁 Do something for a person that has made a difference in my life / Write a list of inspirational things, one thing for each letter of the alphabet / 🎁 Start a new tradition / 🎨 Paint a canvas / 🎸 Learn a song on guitar / 👊 Help someone do something they thought they couldn't / Read a book in one day / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / 💌 Write a letter to myself to be opened on my wedding day / 📝 Get a notebook and keep track of quotations from books I love / Start a scrapbook / 🍹 Design and name a cocktail / Go to a museum / ✍️ Write on 20 creative writing prompts / Write a fan letter / 🚿 Sing in the shower / Write a letter to three people who have made a difference in my life / 🎨 Paint something / 🏆 Enter a writing contest / Finish writing another 101 things list by the end of 1001 days / Write a new list for the next 1001 days / Attend a TED event / Write to someone who inspired me / 📸 Create a photographic journal for one week / 📔 Fill a sketchbook / 📖 Read a self-help book / 🦋 Participate in Operation Beautiful ( / 🎻 Learn to play an instrument / Join the library / 🌅 Stay up and watch the sunrise on New Year's / Write a letter to myself to open in ten years / Create an inspiration notebook / Create a photo wall / 🖋️ Complete 25 writing prompts from / 📝 Write a screenplay / Take a picture every day for a month / See a Cirque du Soleil show / Complete the 100 Snapshots Challenge / Redecorate my room / Create a vision board / Watch a sunset / Take a photo every day for a month / Paint a self portrait / Leave an inspirational note for someone to find / 🤝 Help a friend obtain a goal / Update my blog at least once a week / Create a scrapbook / 🖼️ Go to an art museum / Take part in NaNoWriMo / 😊 Be happy / Write a letter to myself to open the day I graduate high school / 🖼️ Paint a canvas and hang it on my wall / 🌠 See a shooting star and make a wish / Make a list of 100 songs that I love / Write a letter to myself to open after 1001 days / Keep a dream journal for a month / Find a job that I love / Help someone else complete one of their goals / Compliment someone I don't know / Enter a photography competition / 🖼️ Visit an art museum / Take more pictures / Read 5 biographies / Pick 5 people who have changed my life and write each of them a letter / Write a letter to myself to open at the end of the 1001 days / Write and record a song / Write a love letter to my boyfriend / Blog at least once a week for a year / Watch a sunrise / 👕 Design my own t-shirt / Make a wish on a shooting star / Write a personal manifesto / Watch a sunrise and sunset in the same day / Leave an inspirational note in a book for someone to find / Write a list of 101 things I've already achieved / Read a biography of someone I admire / Paint a picture / Dance in the moonlight / Make a list of 100 things about me / Identify 101 things that make me happy / Finish a painting / ✍️ Start a journal / Write a letter to someone who has inspired me / Answer at least one of the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" every week / Make a wish upon a shooting star / Completely fill a blank sketchbook / Write a letter to someone who changed my life / Write a letter to my future children / 💭 Inspire someone else to make their own list / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / Write another list of 101 things to do for the next 1001 days / Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone / Blog at least once a week / Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me / Find a poem that means something to me / Participate in a NaNoWriMo / Get a new hobby / Begin writing a book / Take one photo a day for a month / Find 10 books that inspire me / Try and finish 5 ideas from Instructables / Write my personal manifesto / Spend a day exploring and photographing my neighborhood / Read a book of poetry / Participate in the 100 Strangers photo challenge / Complete a half marathon / Take a creative writing course / Write at least 20 full songs / Take one photo a day for a year / Refinish a piece of furniture / List 100 things that make me happy / 🏛️ Visit the Rijksmuseum NETHERLANDS / 🍿 Watch 50 films I've never seen before / Write every day / Send a card/gift/flowers to Mum just because / Read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People / Do the 30 day song challenge / Complete The Artist's Way / Get the autograph of one person I admire / Memorize a favorite poem / Complete a 365 drawing challenge / Attend a TED Talk event / Decide what the hell I would like to do with the rest of my life / Take at least 1 photo everyday for a month / Enter (and win) a photography contest / Learn to play at least one song on the guitar / Read the Bible (Old and New Testaments) / Find a poem that means something to me and learn it by heart / Inspire someone to make their own list / 🌅 Hike a mountain and watch the sunrise / Make a new 101/1001 list / Write an e-mail to my favorite author / Go to a poetry reading / Search for a rainbow on a rainy day / Start a blog or journal / Update my blog at least once a month / Shake the hand of a famous person / Finish the first draft of my novel / Keep journal of positivity / Take a photograph every day / 💪 Finish reading a book in a day / Make a mosaic / Fill a sketch book with drawings, design ideas and cuttings / Start a photoblog / Buy a piece of artwork / Make a list of 101 things I'm thankful for / Write a letter to a famous person / Note one good thing that happens every day for a month / Write a letter to myself and read it in one year / Motivate someone to make a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / Give a compliment a day for a year / Mentor someone / Make my own Halloween costume / Write a letter to myself to open at the end of 1001 days / Make a list of ten people I admire and describe why I admire them / Run a 5K every month for a year / Read 1 book a month / Paint a mural / 🌵 Go to SXSW TEXAS / Start a photography blog / Visit a photo exhibition / Write a book of poems / 💭 Write my dreams down every morning for a year / Identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money) / Make a list of the 101 best experiences of my life / Paint a picture on canvas / Complete a triathalon / Listen to a new artist a month for a year / Try to do one creative project every month / Overcome one fear / Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal / Write a collection of poems / Finish a NaNoWriMo / Paint something with watercolors / Run the Walt Disney World Marathon FLORIDA / Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet over the course of a day / Become a Big Sister / Attend the Olympics / Compose a piece of music / Compliment someone everyday for 30 days straight / Listen to a new song every day for a year / Spend an afternoon taking photos once a month for a year / Attend a photo exhibition / Make a vision board / Blog for 7 days in a row / Write one page of my novel every day for a year / Watch the sun rise and set at the same location, without sleeping / 👩🎤 Have a Lady Gaga themed party / Attend a photography workshop / Don't eat fast food for 30 consecutive days / Participate in NaBloPoMo / Streak in a public place / List ten things that made me happy on the last day of every month / Fill a notebook with poetry / Make 101 blog entries / Start an art journal / Complete a sketchbook / Watch a documentary every month / Blog every day for a week / Compliment someone once a day for a month / Make a list of 101 things that are joyous / Paint a watercolor picture / Enter a short story competition / Scream from the top of a mountain / Finish a sketchbook / 🖼️ Visit the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston MASSACHUSETTS / 🎶 Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy / Learn how to paint with watercolour / Visit a museum on a free day / Watch every Audrey Hepburn movie / Complete the 30 day drawing challenge / Keep a blog for a year / Complete a 30 day challenge every month / Visit the Art Institute of Chicago ILLINOIS / Create a personal mission statement for myself / Paint with watercolors / Fill an entire sketch book with ideas for paintings / Give a friend in need a care package / Read a poem a day for a month / Write one blog post every day for a year / Blog every day for a month / Create a photo collage / Learn a new song on the guitar / Learn to play harmonica / Create a room you love / Start drawing a weekly comic strip / Find something to be passionate about / Write a letter to my future self / Write a poem every day for a year / Sketch everyday for a month / Learn watercolor painting techniques / Write and compose 10 songs / Try drawing every day for a month / Try blogging / Watch the sunrise & sunset in one day / Carry a camera with me every day for a year / Blog at least twice a week / Participate in a marathon / Make a list of 50 quotes that inspire me / Make a calendar with my favorite photos / Read at least one book every month / Make a care package for someone / 🏃♂️ Attend the Boston Marathon MASSACHUSETTS / Be more optimistic / Illustrate a children's book / Find a scent of incense that invigorates me / Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art / Make my own earrings / Vacation solo / Start exercising daily / Learn to play a full song on my guitar / Create a sculpture / Write one poem each month for a year / Be more positive / Break a Guinness World Record / Create a new Spotify playlist each month for a year / Start finding a positive in each day / Make a journal jar / Paint or sketch something / Coach kids / Change my inner voice / Attend a random free seminar / Complete the 30 day letter challenge / Dance and sing in the rain / Give a compliment to someone every day for a month /