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Stephanie Kase - How to Grow Your Reach, Followers, & Customers with Reels

Storytelling for Leaders

My last update is from 2018 so I guess it's time to set a new goal...
Especially, since I changed my career path and kind of gave up on improving my knowledge.
My goal for the next 30/60 (?) days is to focus on IT-related courses.
(LinkedIn, PluralSight, SkillSoft, our internal studying platform)
I want to focus on these topics: Windows, Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking, 0365, Azure, Python.
Hopefully, this list will motivate me to finish my already saved courses, asap. :D
1. Cybersecurity Awareness: Breaking Down Cloud Security
2. IT Security Foundations: Core Concepts
3. Ethical Hacking: Cryptography
4. Windows 10: Troubleshooting Cloud Integration
5. Microsoft Cloud Fundamentals: Administering Office 365 and Intune
6. Inside the Breach
7. Networking Foundations: Protocols and CLI Tools
8. Learning Network Routing
9. Subnetting in Your Head
10. IT Security Foundations: Network Security
11. Ethical Hacking: Scanning Networks
12. Securing Windows Server 2016: Securing Network Infrastructure
13. Cisco Network Security: Secure Access
14. New Manager Foundations
15. Prioritizing Effectively as a Leader
16. Inclusive Leadership
17. Performance Management: Setting Goals and Managing Performance + Creating a High Performance Culture
18. Developing Your Team Members + Boosting Your Team's Productivity
19. Practicing Fairness as a Manager
20. Building a Coaching Culture: Improving Performance Through Timely Feedback
21. Managing Employee Performance Problems
22. Microsoft Cybersecurity Stack: Securing Enterprise Information
23. CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) Cert Prep: 4 Identity and Access Management
24. CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) Cert Prep: 1 Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities
25. AZ-900T01: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
Especially, since I changed my career path and kind of gave up on improving my knowledge.
My goal for the next 30/60 (?) days is to focus on IT-related courses.
(LinkedIn, PluralSight, SkillSoft, our internal studying platform)
I want to focus on these topics: Windows, Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking, 0365, Azure, Python.
Hopefully, this list will motivate me to finish my already saved courses, asap. :D
1. Cybersecurity Awareness: Breaking Down Cloud Security
2. IT Security Foundations: Core Concepts
3. Ethical Hacking: Cryptography
4. Windows 10: Troubleshooting Cloud Integration
5. Microsoft Cloud Fundamentals: Administering Office 365 and Intune
6. Inside the Breach
7. Networking Foundations: Protocols and CLI Tools
8. Learning Network Routing
9. Subnetting in Your Head
10. IT Security Foundations: Network Security
11. Ethical Hacking: Scanning Networks
12. Securing Windows Server 2016: Securing Network Infrastructure
13. Cisco Network Security: Secure Access
14. New Manager Foundations
15. Prioritizing Effectively as a Leader
16. Inclusive Leadership
17. Performance Management: Setting Goals and Managing Performance + Creating a High Performance Culture
18. Developing Your Team Members + Boosting Your Team's Productivity
19. Practicing Fairness as a Manager
20. Building a Coaching Culture: Improving Performance Through Timely Feedback
21. Managing Employee Performance Problems
22. Microsoft Cybersecurity Stack: Securing Enterprise Information
23. CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) Cert Prep: 4 Identity and Access Management
24. CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) Cert Prep: 1 Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities
25. AZ-900T01: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

I lean toward trying to learn something DIY for the house (like how to a tile backsplash or something similar) or learning chords on my guitar.
But it could be something else...
But it could be something else...

Udemy is a good resource for online courses and there are many free options.
I found this course interesting and informative.
I found this course interesting and informative.

I gave up SO MANY TIMES an online class before finishing it that I even forgot it was a goal! BUT I DID IT!!!! I got the qualification, and even bought the certificate. Actualy, I even sent it in a resume I sent out recently! for learning over 12 lessons how to speed read

I've done more than 40 on Coursera and I've got lots of people to take lots of classes too, like when I was a teacher and used them for part of the credit in my courses.
I actually put this stuff in my "CV/resume" as a sort of degree.
It's back on my to-do list because I want to do a mini- (...more)
I actually put this stuff in my "CV/resume" as a sort of degree.
It's back on my to-do list because I want to do a mini- (...more)

An Introduction to Forensic and Bio-Archaeology; Reading Human Skeletal Remains

Taking The Science of Well-Being on Coursera


Women in Leadership on Coursera

"Mastering Level 1"

My goal for 2018: at least 30 online courses (not necessarily free); about business (sales, marketing, management, MsOffice, business psychology, coaching, leadership, investing, personal development, entrepreneurship), photography, neuroscience, NLP, psychology, human rights, women's history...
1. Media społecznościowe w biznesie (Social Media in Business)
2. Komunikacja marketingowa i Public Relations (Marketing Communication and Public Relations)
3. Marketing i zarządzanie (Marketing and Management) -> a regular course; 7 months (April - October)
4. Visual Merchandising - kreator przestrzeni handlowej (Visual Merchandising - a Creator of Retail Counter Displays)
-> Design Thinking. Myślenie projektowe w biznesie
-> Podstawy planowania marketingowego (Marketing Plan Basics)
-> E-commerce i marketing internetowy w MŚP (E-Commerce and Internet Marketing in small and medium-sized enterprises)
-> Plan marketingowy w MMŚP (Marketing Plan in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises)
-> Budowanie wizerunku firmy (Corporate Image Building) #1
-> Specjalista ds. Marketingu (Marketing Specialist)
-> Manager Marketingu i Reklamy w Sieci (Marketing and Media Advertisement Manager)
-> Budowanie wizerunku firmy (Corporate Image Building) #2
Sales and Negotiation Skills:
1. Kluczowe umiejętności społeczne i personalne na rynku pracy (Key Social and Personal Skills in the Labor Market)
2. Sztuka negocjacji i mediacji (The Art of Negotiation and Mediation) - 180h
3. Skuteczna sprzedaż. Jak zostać mistrzem sprzedaży? (Effective Selling. How to Become a Sales Master?)
4. Negocjacje w biznesie (Business Negotiation)
Management (Sales, Project, Product, Event):
1. Kierowanie zespołem sprzedawców (Sales Team Management)
2. Umiejętności kierownicze (Executive Skills)
3. Savoir Vivre w biznesie (Savoir Vivre in Business)
4. Profesjonalny manager (Professional Manager)
5. Zarządzanie sobą w czasie i organizacja czasu pracy (Self-Management and Time Organization)
6. Motywowanie pracowników - formy pozapłacowe (Employee Motivation - Non-Monetary Rewards)
7. Zarządzanie zespołem dla zaawansowanych - Advanced Team Management
8. Zarządzanie zespołem ludzi - Team Management
1. Media społecznościowe w biznesie (Social Media in Business)
2. Komunikacja marketingowa i Public Relations (Marketing Communication and Public Relations)
3. Marketing i zarządzanie (Marketing and Management) -> a regular course; 7 months (April - October)
4. Visual Merchandising - kreator przestrzeni handlowej (Visual Merchandising - a Creator of Retail Counter Displays)
-> Design Thinking. Myślenie projektowe w biznesie
-> Podstawy planowania marketingowego (Marketing Plan Basics)
-> E-commerce i marketing internetowy w MŚP (E-Commerce and Internet Marketing in small and medium-sized enterprises)
-> Plan marketingowy w MMŚP (Marketing Plan in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises)
-> Budowanie wizerunku firmy (Corporate Image Building) #1
-> Specjalista ds. Marketingu (Marketing Specialist)
-> Manager Marketingu i Reklamy w Sieci (Marketing and Media Advertisement Manager)
-> Budowanie wizerunku firmy (Corporate Image Building) #2
Sales and Negotiation Skills:
1. Kluczowe umiejętności społeczne i personalne na rynku pracy (Key Social and Personal Skills in the Labor Market)
2. Sztuka negocjacji i mediacji (The Art of Negotiation and Mediation) - 180h
3. Skuteczna sprzedaż. Jak zostać mistrzem sprzedaży? (Effective Selling. How to Become a Sales Master?)
4. Negocjacje w biznesie (Business Negotiation)
Management (Sales, Project, Product, Event):
1. Kierowanie zespołem sprzedawców (Sales Team Management)
2. Umiejętności kierownicze (Executive Skills)
3. Savoir Vivre w biznesie (Savoir Vivre in Business)
4. Profesjonalny manager (Professional Manager)
5. Zarządzanie sobą w czasie i organizacja czasu pracy (Self-Management and Time Organization)
6. Motywowanie pracowników - formy pozapłacowe (Employee Motivation - Non-Monetary Rewards)
7. Zarządzanie zespołem dla zaawansowanych - Advanced Team Management
8. Zarządzanie zespołem ludzi - Team Management


It wasn't free, but it was an online class - A Practical Approach to Color for Knitters with Franklin Habit on

Have definitely got the online bug - have now also completed a teaching children with English as an additional language course, 2 meditation courses and signed up for a couple of astronomy courses!

Nearly finished a meteorology course - Come Rain or Shine from Reading university on Future Learn and am signed up for a beginners Dutch class starting next week. Am hooked!

Started data analysis course with future learn. Week one of eight complete :)

HB Craving: Faith free online class! Thanks to Hannah Brencher!

1. Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

Duolingo -- French

Duolingo -- French

Took a course on Blood Pathology and Biochemistry on Open Learn

Taking Spanish through Duolingo.

Oops, changed it to a class on Kundalini Yoga, which has now become my jam!

Discovering psychology with Zimbardo :D

Big History: Connecting Knowledge on Coursera. 99.5% final grade!

Hubspot - Inbound Certification April 3, 2016

Antiquities Smuggling and Art Crime - FutureLearn

Done: completed a three-week course on Robert Burns on


Jan. 6th, 2016: Enrolled in International Criminal Law from through Coursera. - gamefication

I've been using Craftsy and Skillshare to take classes. I've completed several this summer already.

Part of my Training Plan at work is to do any available courses that will help me with my job; specifically things related to working with the public, seniors, PTSD/mental illness, dealing with stress/harassment in the workplace (related to colleagues, responsibilities, and clients), etc.

The Art of Teaching via EdX.
Free online courses
Free online courses

Completed an Introduction to Japanese Course and now I can read and write Hiragana.

Took several through National Seminars.

Took a free class about mindfulness at work.

Yoga class!

Taking 'Internet History, Technology and and Security' with University of Michigan via Coursera.

Thanks Udemy!

I guess studying German on Duolingo counts as a free online class!

Enrolled in Gordon-Conwell's Dimensions of Faith Certification program

Taking a neuroeconomy class in Coursera! Enjoying it so far.

Motivacao na FGV

World War 1 - The Causes

Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life by Charles Cockell (The University of Edinburgh) on Coursera

songwriting on coursera

Took Aromaheads Introduction to Essential Oils free online class
Actual best thing I've ever done on the Internet. Now that I'm not taking university classes any more, taking these classes + reading snooty academic papers are all I've got.
Actual best thing I've ever done on the Internet. Now that I'm not taking university classes any more, taking these classes + reading snooty academic papers are all I've got.

Taking "How To Change the World" on courseera, just for fun :-)

Germany For Beginners.

Mental Illness and Addictions. PAID FOR by internship!

Build A Simple Website on Treehouse

Not free, but took several online classes for Alt For Everyone
Education Personal Growth Self-Improvement Skill-Building Personal Development Professional Development Skill Development
Other recently added goals...