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Don't watch TV for a week
No TV, YouTube, Netflix, etc.
8/30/21 - 9/5/21
No tv, no streaming and no netflix for 1 week. I didn't miss it at all!
Started on 5/17/17
20.11 - 27.11.
Completed x
in July 2014
Holiday in spain!
Day 2 done. I'm seriously thinking about limiting tv to once per week or the weekends when I'm done.
Day 1: Almost complete. Very strange to not have this as a crutch when I'm eating dinner, cleaning house or any other thing where I "need a break" or am just looking for noise. As a result, I've gotten to a lot of things that I'm passionate about and really enjoy. Who knows, this could be the thing that breaks me of my cable addiction.
26.11.12. - ...
Piece of cake.
Jan/Feb 2010
even for 2 weeks, October 2010
Wednesday January 18-Wednesday January 25, 2012. Didn't watch even a second of anything on tv--not even DVDs.
Starts: 16.01.2012
Starting 1/10/12... going 21 days actually without TV till 1/31/12.
I had my DVR/Cable TV disconnected. :) I've only been watching netflix & dvds. :)
Relaxation Mindfulness Personal Growth Self-Improvement Mental Health Self-Discipline Self-Care Time Management Focus Productivity Healthy Habits Lifestyle Change Digital Detox Mental Clarity Unplugged Mindfulness Practice Screen-Free Mindful Living Technology Break Stress Reduction
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