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🤐 Don't complain about anything for a week / 🚫 Not log into Facebook for a whole week! / 🎨 Complete a coloring book / 📷 Take a photography class / 🧗 Go rockclimbing / ✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / 📙 Read a book in a day / 🔍 Learn 50 new things by clicking the random articles button on Wikipedia / 📺 Don't watch TV for a week / 🧘♀️ Meditate daily for 30 days / 🤹♂️ Learn how to juggle / 🏁 Finish a book in a day / 🧘♀️ Try a basic meditation technique / 👨🎓 Get an A in a class / Complete a 1000 piece puzzle / 🎯 Complete 7 goals in a week / 📷 Enter a photography contest / Stay up all night / 🤓 Learn how to use all the functions on my camera / 📷 Buy a new camera / Read a book in one day / Go rock climbing / 🤪 Write with my left hand for a day / 🧗♀️ Climb an indoor rock wall / Learn to juggle / Finish writing another 101 things list by the end of 1001 days / Write a new list for the next 1001 days / 📵 Quit Facebook for a week / Finish a 1000+ piece jigsaw / 👀 Stay awake for 24 hours straight / Take a martial arts class / 😌 Spend a whole day reading / 📵 Go without Facebook for a week / 😴 Stay up for 24 hours straight / Create a vision board / Buy a good camera / 🧘♀️ Do yoga every day for a month / Learn meditation / Complete a colouring book / 🧘♀️ Try meditation / Learn speed reading / 📵 Don't log into Facebook for a week / Finish a 500+ piece jigsaw / Build a house of cards / Not log into Facebook for a week / Stop procrastinating / Enter a photography competition / Finish a crossword puzzle with no help / Learn to juggle with three balls / Finish a 1000+ piece jigsaw puzzle / Buy a professional camera / Read at least one book a month / 🙏🏼 Meditate for 10 minutes every day for a year / Clean out my inbox / Learn to meditate / Complete a 500 piece puzzle / Meditate once a week / Meditate daily / Go for a whole week without using Facebook / Make 10 shots in a row in basketball / Learn to juggle 3 balls / Learn to fold an origami crane / Go a week without using the internet / Break a bad habit / Learn to use my DSLR camera properly / List 100 things I like about myself / Turn off my phone for a week / Watch no TV for a week / Try yoga / Read all my unread books / Buy a better camera / Bowl a strike / Give up caffeine for a month / Don't hit snooze for one whole week / Walk a labyrinth / 💪 Finish reading a book in a day / Give up coffee for a month / Don't watch TV for a month / Meditate every day for a week / Finish a NY Times crossword puzzle with no help / Don't go on Facebook for a week / Stay off Facebook for one week / Spin a basketball on my finger / Learn how to use all the functions of my camera / Complete a 5000 piece puzzle / Learn to speed read / Meditate / Finish a NaNoWriMo / Get 100% on an exam / Learn the basics of a martial art / Go a week without coffee / Be a millionaire / Master 3 songs on piano / Make a vision board / Write one page of my novel every day for a year / Learn how to use my DSLR camera properly / Meditate for at least 10 minutes each day for a week / Give up coffee for a week / Read one book a week / Complete a Rubik's cube / Quit Facebook for a month / Meditate every day for a month / Spend less time fooling around on the net and more time actually working / Read a book a week for a year / Give up Facebook for a month / Read a novel in one day / Learn a martial art / Learn how to meditate / Give up Facebook for a week / Complete a 1000 piece jigsaw / Don't use Facebook for a week / 🎶 Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy / Read David Allen's 'Getting Things Done' / Learn a form of martial arts / Create a personal mission statement for myself / Go for a week without Facebook / Take a karate class / Learn to ride a unicycle / Be more organized / Learn the art of meditation / Complete a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle / Learn to juggle with four balls / Fold a different origami piece once a day for a month / Go for one week without Facebook / Be more productive / Make a list of 50 quotes that inspire me / Be hypnotized / Shoot par on a golf course / Find a scent of incense that invigorates me / Complete a song on expert level in Guitar Hero / Finish a Sudoku book by myself / Break a Guinness World Record / Learn to juggle three balls / Start studying / Stop procrastination / Start meditating / Learn to juggle with five balls / Be more efficient with time / Do a 30 day photography challenge / Master a video game / Learn how to juggle 3 balls / Start writing every day / Learn how to use a DSLR / Stay up for 24 hours / Avoid Facebook for a week / Pass at least 8 of my GCSEs / Start doing yoga / Don't take any selfies for a month / Practice playing an instrument / Earn a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do / Don't complain about anything for one week / Learn how to manage my time / Do a standing backflip / Earn a Black Belt in Karate / Practice archery / Learn to say no to things that don't align with my purpose / Learn to use all of the settings on my camera / Enter a photo contest / Practice mindfulness meditation / Be more disciplined with my goals / Be able to juggle three balls / Play darts / Start using my camera in manual mode / 🧘♀️ Learn to meditate and achieve inner peace / Learn how to slackline / Meditate at least once a week / Clean out my email inbox / Meditate every day / Stop wasting time / Do yoga every day for two weeks / 👀 Stay awake for 48 hours / No social media for a week / Stop making excuses / Hit the archery bulls-eye / Learn to hold a handstand / Be more motivated / Be more disciplined / Hold a handstand for 10 seconds / Be more studious / Be able to remember peoples names / 🪀 Play with a yo-yo / Meditate for 10 minutes / Write one haiku a day for a year / Earn my black belt / Learn to play squash / Learn to juggle with six balls / Drive a Formula 1 car / Take a cold shower to boost mental and physical resilience / Be more organised / Win a basketball tournament / Set a timer to focus on a task without distractions / Finish a cryptic crossword puzzle with no help / Try bullet journaling / Stop being lazy / Stop being so lazy / Win a game of solitaire / Be more decisive / Learn how to play solitaire / Go a week without social media / Learn to make origami cranes / Hit a bulls eye with a bow and arrow / Experiment with macro photography / Learn Zentangle / Start a daily writing habit / Write 750 words every day for a month / Start writing 750 words a day / Be more hard-working / Be more hardworking / Start acting and not reacting / Be more determined / Stop checking facebook every 5 minutes / Learn how to shoot in full manual mode / Learn Muay Thai / Make 100 origami cranes / Try breaking a world record / Go without social media for a week / Go a day without social media / Stay off social media for a week / Solve a Rubix-Cube / Practice meditation for 30 days / Learn Karate / Don't drink alcohol for a month / Learn Aikido / Read a novel in a day / 🧘 Meditate every day for two weeks / Stack and balance rocks / 📵 Spend 24 hours without my phone / Spend a week without social media / Learn Taekwondo / Learn how to juggle 4 balls / Teach a dog a trick / Win a poker tournament / Win a game of golf / Beat a game of solitaire / Win a game of basketball with more than 100 points / Go without Twitter for a week / Win a game of poker / Learn Kung Fu / Don't sleep for 48 hours / Practice meditation daily / 🧠 Memorize the first 100 digits of pi / Meditate for one hour per day for seven days / Pass all of my classes this semester / Play guitar every day for a month / Learn to juggle clubs / Take karate lessons / Stop complaining for an entire week / Watch an entire game of cricket / Give up Instagram for a week / Don't use social media for a week / Compete in an archery tournament / Declutter the desk / Stay up 24 hours straight / 👀 Stay awake for at least 24 hours straight / Avoid social media for a week / Practice yoga daily / 🏌 Shoot under 100 in golf / 👋 Give up facebook for one week / Don't drink coffee for one week / Develop a personal mission statement / Join a martial arts class / Swim across the English Channel / Develop a personal vision and daily mantra / Join a meditation class / Build an inspiring workspace / Be more industrious / Stop drinking too much coffee at work / Learn to tandem juggle / Learn to circular breathe / Learn to shoot in full manual mode / Actually complete my to do list / Don't use Facebook for one week / Don't use Twitter for one week / Be more tenacious / Be able to walk 10 steps on a slackline / Be able to do a roundhouse kick / Capture lightning in a photograph / Learn Yoga! / Master riding a wave for 10 seconds / Wake up at the same time every day to establish consistency / Meditate for 10 minutes each morning to clear the mind / Practice deep breathing to reduce morning stress / Avoid social media for the first hour of the day to stay focused / Start day with most important task right away to build momentum / Set aside an hour every weekend to organize my workspace / Create a vision board to visualize my purpose / Learn to juggle chainsaws / Write a journal entry every day for a year / Follow a recipe to the T without making any changes / Learn how to breathe through the chaos / Bowl a stike / Be a great poker player / Daven every day / Maintain goal lists / Learn to skip a rock on water at least 6 times or more /