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Run a 5K
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On 1,179 lists and 203 people have done it.
Started couch to 5k
I've done (and marked this as "Worth Doing!" in the past but slacked off on my running. Time to get back in shape.
Ran the TosaFest 5K on 9/8/2018. Total time: 29:40
registered for Kickoff to Kinnick 5K (Sept 29, 2018)
SPFD Walk/Run to Remember 5K • 11 Sept 2015 • Lake Como • St. Paul, MN
30th Annual Resolution Run. First run of the year with Tim.
I technically started this goal in January using the Couch to 5K phone app :) I've had a lot of false starts and do-overs due to lack of motivation, but I'm finally at week 6, which is being able to run 3K.

Only two more "weeks" of running and hopefully I'll finally be at the point of running 5k! :D
Walked half way, ran the other. I still consider a victory because I tried and will try to run the whole thing next time!
Was prepping for this with the Couch to 5k running plan, and managed to hurt my knee on run 2. Probably just aggravated a really old injury, but still. Taking at least a week off to let it heal, and buying a knee brace so it's less likely to happen again.
Spartan Race. Climbing over 9 foot wall
Tunnel to Tower 5K with my friend Ricky
Ran the Tunnel to Tower 5K on Sep 14 '13
Run or Dye 5K on Aug 31st
Glow run! <3 Ran the whole thing on accident. :)
4 mi run - that counts!

Run for Hope - 3/2/13
Colour Run booked for May 19th 2013
Rocky run after the Philadelphia Color Run.
The Color Run DSM October 6
(spring 2010)
I must follow the Couch-to-5K running plan, but I may take more time to complete each week if needed (however much is needed.

After, I must register and complete a 5k.

Race for Life? With an aim to complete in 30-40 minutes?
Run 5K in 2011. Maybe do with Beth?
Start by walking 3 times a week for a month starting June 21
Training for the Disneyland 5K in September
Warrior Dash 6/19/11
Ran Weight Watchers Walk-It Challenge 5K 5/22/11
Warrior Dash 2011
did it with my soccerteam!
I actually walked a 5K. I should have said I wanted to participate in a 5K. I participated in the 35th Annual Baltimore Women's Classic on 6/27/2010.
Completed the VZW Corporate Classic - 15 July 2010
July 11, 2010 - Keep LA Running @ Dockweiler Beach
ran the avenue of the vines on 5-16-10 in 42 minutes
Take the Lake Race - 7/11/10
Goldy's Run 2011. 31:10.