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Learn a new word every day for a month

Dec 7 - Viceregal - relating to a viceroy
Dec 8 - Pyroxene - large class of rock-forming si (...more)
Dec 8 - Pyroxene - large class of rock-forming si (...more)

Oct 29
n - informal chat
Oct 30
v - to catch sight of or to discover
Oct 31
n - a confused mass
Nov 1
adj - expressing absolute certainty
n - informal chat
Oct 30
v - to catch sight of or to discover
Oct 31
n - a confused mass
Nov 1
adj - expressing absolute certainty

incongruous: not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something: "the duffel coat looked incongruous with the black dress she wore underneath"
synonyms: out of place · out of keeping · inappropriate · unsuitable · [more]
synonyms: out of place · out of keeping · inappropriate · unsuitable · [more]

Conciliatory: intended or likely to placate or pacify

16th. Fetid - smelly
17th. Maladroit - clumsy/ inelegant
18th. Stupefying- amazing
19th. Fervent - ecstatic
20th. Enervated - tired
21st. Conflagrate - burn
22nd. Mythos - tradition
23rd. Enfeebled - ill
24th. Culpability - guilt
25th. Convalesce - recover
26th. Prevenient - beginning
27th. Viable - (...more)
17th. Maladroit - clumsy/ inelegant
18th. Stupefying- amazing
19th. Fervent - ecstatic
20th. Enervated - tired
21st. Conflagrate - burn
22nd. Mythos - tradition
23rd. Enfeebled - ill
24th. Culpability - guilt
25th. Convalesce - recover
26th. Prevenient - beginning
27th. Viable - (...more)

October 2014, expanding my vocabulary!

Eens kijken hoe ver ik kan komen in oktober.
1 oktober - mutualiteit (wederkerigheid)
1 oktober - mutualiteit (wederkerigheid)

1st - althorn it's a musical instrument!

Starting 4/2/14

December Goal
Dec 1 - zeugma
Meaning: A term to describe a word that is used to modify or govern two or more words in a sentence. "He caught three trout and a cold."
Dec 1 - zeugma
Meaning: A term to describe a word that is used to modify or govern two or more words in a sentence. "He caught three trout and a cold."

1- pungente
i. Que punge. = PICANTE
ii. [Figurado] Doloroso ou comovedor.
i. Que punge. = PICANTE
ii. [Figurado] Doloroso ou comovedor.

in your birthday month.. march.


Necropolis, noun. An ancient burial ground (usually a structure).


Aug 14 - captious - cynical, argumentative
Aug 15 - pelimic - a conversation of high controversy
Aug 15 - pelimic - a conversation of high controversy
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