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Meditate daily for 30 days
Create a consistent meditation routine by setting aside a specific time each day, preferably in the morning, and find a quiet and comfortable space to practice.
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On 1,355 lists and 102 people have done it.
Tried this a few years back and struggled through it, this time, for whatever reason, it was a much better experience. Also, if you want to try this we highly recommend Insight Timer. Great app for guided meditations.
I desperately need to start meditating again. I noticed that my stress is getting out of c (...more)
Started 29th June 2022 - not completed, need to try again!
I will do meditation for 20 minutes 5 days in week
Started 22/2/21

28/2/21: 7 out of 30
Day 1 - 12/7/2020
Start: 3/9/2020

End: 4/7/2020
I used an app called Smiling Mind for some guided mindfullness practice every day. I was not too excited about this goal, but I found the practice useful and hope to continue it throughout the year (although not every day!)
Restarted 1/1/2020
Restarted 18/12/19
Restarted 7/11/2019
[12/30] - 14/10/19
[8/30] 7/10/2019
Restarted 30/9/2019
Restarted 24/6/2019
Restarting Day 1 - 16/06/2019
Day 1 - 27/5/2019
Lost my streak on the 12th and had to start again!
Started the month by floating through meditation.
Start Oct 29

Finish Nov 29
Another habit I'm not sure I want to keep up long-term. I do think that I will reach for meditating more often when I'm stressed or can't sleep, and it's helped me figure out how to fall asleep a little faster, but I won't pressure myself to do it when I don't feel like I need or want to.
04/07 - started a colouring book. Will maintain this as my meditation.
restarted 11th June
On day five of this challenge and today I've started using the headspace app.
25.04.15: Week two. Increasing each meditation to ten minutes. Attempting twice a day.
First week: Little progress in regards to emptying my mind. Have vanishingly few full count cycles of 10. Have discovered it becomes slightly easier towards the end of the five minutes.
Starting 18.04.15. Attempting Zazen practice, five minutes.
Began 5/19/13 - mindfulness of breath and loving kindness meditations
Moved tracking to chains.cc.
Began 4/29

So far: 1 day
Gonna keep this going

Started 1/1/2013, penalty days added so I need to go through 2/11

1/1: pregnancy medi (...more)
Finished a mediation course.
YOGA TODAY... I took a meditative walk yesterday though;)
reiki yesterday, yoga today with Compassion Meditation
23/30... generic yoga/med
did some today amidst yoga - and wasn't paying attention so I sprained my knee or something:(
been not-thinking, but I've been doing some kind of meditation almost every day
been doing some meditation and/or chanting every day, with and without yoga/cardio... today a little reiki/meditation
early this AM felt really neurologically screwy so I did the Compassion Meditation, felt a little better afterward
woke up REALLY unmotivated:( soI did a modicum of yoga/EFT, nothing like yesterday which was so intense it made me sore
been doing a sort of lumped-together workout of yoga/reiki/EFT/cardio/qigung for about a week now, and it feels pretty good. Some meditation's mixed in, usually going with the reiki:)
did some yesterday during a migraine, along with reiki in effort to get CNS to calm down
today, yoga + meditation AM = it was the "Oak, ash, yew, rowan, willow" chant
On the one hand, I'm terrible at this because I keep getting distracted -- didn't do it yesterday or the day before (I think?) but I did do it today. On the other hand, what does it tell me? I did the Compassion Meditation today.
meditated this AM after yoga
Joined Meditation Revolution for some ideas... spent some time Om chanting
meditated today; Compassion Meditation again:)
I did it yesterday as was attempting to sleep; done this AM too: both times were Compassion Meditation
Let me be Love

Let me do Love

Let me feet Love

(visualize elements one by one, repeating this each time...)

(visualize Spirit repeating this)

did it sort of yesterday; but I did a more intense one this AM (the Compassion Meditation again)
6/28/2012: 15 mins from yogaempowered.com... that was nice:)
6.4.12 Started with 5 minutes in the morning.
so zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...n
for month of february
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Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Meditation and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).