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Expand my vocabulary by 100 words
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On 3,603 lists and 210 people have done it.
1. Slow living
Odder 12-23-21
Ablution 12-23-21
Store cupboard/airing cupboard 12-23-21
Cucamelon 12-24-21
Tat 12-25-21
I did this but with german words.
3 - diametral - entgegengesetzt, gegensätzlich
2 - Traglodyt - Höhlenbewohner
1 - gustatorisch - den Geschmackssinn betreffend
12-4-20 de-extinction
11-23-20 e-waste
Parsimony 8-16-20
Tare weight 8-15-20
Fakement 7-24-20
Simplicitarian 7-17-20
Adamantine 7-16-20
Pilloried 7-16-20
Ebullience 7-8-20
Deracinate 7-7-20
Alembic 7-6-20
1. almanac - something like an annual calendar, listing important things









11. Sobriquet-i. (noun) a person's nickname-She was a vast and haughty person who answered to the sobriquet 'Duchesse'.

12. Coruscate-i. (verb) flash or sparkle-The light was coruscating through the walls.

13. Redound-i. (verb) contribute greatly to a person's credit or honour-His latest diplomatic effort will redound to his credit.

14. Fiefdom-i. (noun) a territory or sphere of operation controlled by a particular person or group-The stage is his personal fiefdom, no wonder he is so good.

15. Redintegrate-i. (verb) restore something to a state of wholeness, unity, or perfection-The Alzheimer's patient was able to redintegrate her memory of the entire song after hearing one note.

16. Otiose-i. (adjective) serving no practical purpose or result-There were occasions when I felt my efforts were rather otiose, but I did not lose hope.

17. Inveigle-i. (verb) persuade someone to do something by means of deception or flattery-We cannot inveigle him into signing the papers, he is too smart for that.-ii. (verb) gain entrance to a place by using deception or flattery-Jones had inveigled himself into her house.

18. Bowdlerize-i. (verb) remove material that is considered improper or offensive from a text or account, especially with the result that the text becomes weaker or less effective-Every edition of his letters and diaries has been bowdlerized, rendering them completely useless.

19. Sagacious-i. (adjective) having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement, wise or shrewd-They were sagacious enough to avoid any outright confrontation.

20. Factotum-i. (noun) an employee who does all kinds of work-She was a general factotum at the restaurant - washing dishes, cleaning the floors and polishing the furniture.

21. Fillip-i. (noun) something which acts as a stimulus or boost to an activity-The reduction of car tax would provide a fillip to sales.

22. Saturnine-i. (adjective) gloomy, generally used for a person or their manner-A saturnine temperament.

23. Frowzy-i. (adjective) scruffy and neglected in appearance-Doormen in frowzy uniforms guarded the building.

24. Lineament-i. (noun) an outline, or feature, or contour of a body or figure, especially the parts of the face-For comedic effect, the sketch artist exaggerated each lineament of our faces.

25. Frabjous-i. (adjective) delightful, joyous-The new baby let out a frabjous sound that made her parents smile with joy.

26. Skulduggery-i. (noun) underhand, unscrupulous, or dishonest behavior or activities-A firm that investigates commercial skulduggery.

27. Redoubtable-i. (adjective) formidable, especially as an opponent-The young singer was anxious about facing off against the redoubtable singer who had been performing for twenty years.

Rapporteur-i. (noun) a person who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings-The UN rapporteur on human rights.

28. Kludge-i. (noun) something, especially computer hardware or software, that has been put together from whatever is available, especially when it does not work very well-Some view the company's telecom adapter as brilliant, others as a bizarre hardware kludge.

29. Indefatigable-i. (adjective) persisting tirelessly-An indefatigable defender of human rights.

30. Belabour-i. (verb) attack someone physically or verbally-Bernard was belabouring Jed with his fists.-ii. (verb) argue or discuss a subject in excessive detail-There is no need to belabour the point, the decision has already been made.
1. Nival-i. (adjective) relating to or characteristic of a region of perpetual snow-The nival zone, the area above about 2,000 metres, is a very dangerous place with scarce wildlife.

2. Picayune-i. (adjective) of little value or significance, petty-The picayune squabbling of party politicians.

3. Uxorious-i. (adjective) having or showing a great or excessive fondness for one's wife-He had always impressed me as home-loving and uxorious.

4. Punctilio-i. (noun) a fine or petty point of conduct or procedure-Both counsel and judges follow the punctilios of court procedure and conduct.

5. Fulgent-i. (adjective) glowing or sparkling brilliantly-The fulgent sun shone in my eyes, making it difficult to see while driving westward down the road.

6. Unctuous-i. (adjective) too much praise, interest, friendliness, etc., in a way that is false and unpleasant-The head cheerleader made an unctuous effort to get the geeks to give her their prom queen votes.

7. Espial-i. (noun) the action of watching or catching sight of something or someone-He withdrew from his point of espial, and went home for the day.

8. Ersatz-i. (adjective) used instead of something else, usually because the other thing is too expensive or rare-I'm allowed to eat ersatz chocolate made from carob beans, but it's a poor substitute for the real thing.

9. Fantod-i. (noun) a state or attack of uneasiness or unreasonableness-People calling me Ray just gives me the fantods.

10. Omnishambles-i. (noun) a situation that has been comprehensively mismanaged, characterized by a string of blunders and miscalculations-Anyone with five minutes to spare, and a calculator could have averted the entire omnishambles by checking the civil servants' calculations.
1. Vehement

2. Vociferous

3. Kitsch

4. Pontificate

5. Oscillate

6. Acute

7. Apotheosis

8. Cognisance

9. Moribund

10. Repugnant

11. Ascribe

12. Defenestrate
Current plan is to shoot for a word every other week.
Tacit: implied, not blatant

1. Vicissitudes: a change in fortune or circumstances, particularly an unwelcome one

2. Muslin: cotton fabric of plain weave

3. Foible: minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character

Affluent: wealthy

Assuage: to satisfy an appetite or desire

Ennui: a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement

Veracity: conformity to facts; accuracy
I word I learnt today while attempting to use online dating (which I loathe). Anachronism.

It means someone (or something) which seems unbefitting of it's historical period.

That's me.

I'm not built for this historical period.
Loquacious: talkative.
Mogul: an important or powerful person, especially in the film or media industry.
Loath: reluctant, unwilling.
Bilious: sickeningly unpleasant. As in, Andrew is a bilious person to be around.
Frowsy: having a messy or dirty appearance.
1. Lacuna – an unfilled space; a gap

2. Unctuous – excessively flattering or ingratiating; oily
6. Equanimity - calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation.
3. Miasmic - foul smelling

4. Wanton - (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked, malicious

5. Dionysiac - relating to the sensual, spontaneous, and emotional aspects of human nature. Of or relating to the God dionysus.
2. Saturnine - Gloomy (person)
1. Enigmatic - Full of mystery and difficult to understand

1 - Float - used as "money to use as change"

2 - Nubile (Fr, En) - (of a woman/girl) sexually mature; old enough for marriage / sexually attractive

3 - Paraphernalia - miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity.

Signed up for Merriam-Webster’s word of the day emails.

6. Abstrus - dunkel, svårbegriplig, svårförståelig

5. Dväljas - vistas

4. Kautschuk - brasilianskt gummiträd, suddgummi

3. Akrofobi - höjdrädsla

2. Emetofobi - fobi för att kräkas

1. Impertinent - oförskämd






7 lateritious



10. antitussive

adjective: Suppressing or relieving coughing.

noun: Something that suppresses or relieves coughing.

Geegaw - A showy object of little worth 05/24/16

Prolepsis - 1.

Rhetoric. the anticipation of possible objections in order to answer them in advance.


the assigning of a person, event, etc., to a period earlier than the actual one; the representation of something in the future as if it already existed or had occurred; prochronism.


the use of a descriptive word in anticipation of its becoming applicable.


a fundamental conception or assumption in Epicureanism or Stoicism arising spontaneously in the mind without conscious reflection; thought provoked by sense perception.


Pathology. the return of an attack of a periodic disease or of a paroxysm before the expected time or at progressively shorter intervals.
Editing this into 'collecting vocabulary from school readings that I am unsure the exact definition of':

1. Sclerotic: becoming rigid and unresponsive; losing the ability to adapt.

2. Stymied: prevent or hinder the progress of.

3. Incendiary: (of a device or attack) designed to cause fires.

4. Anathema: something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.

5. Coterie: a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.

6. Dearth: a scarcity of something.

7. Laud: praise.

1 - audacious (adj): showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks

2 - ennui (noun): a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement

3 - daguerreotype (noun): the first commercially successful photographic process in the history of photography, used from 1839-1860 [ex = Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, Abraham Lincoln]

4 - excoriate (verb): censure or criticize severely, OR [medical] damage/remove part of the surface of the skin

5 - ebullient (adj): cheerful and full of energy

6 - edifying (adj): providing moral or intellectual instruction

7 - tautology (noun): the saying of the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style

8 - mien (noun): a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood

9 - glib (adj): [of words or the person speaking them] fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow

10 - voluble (adj): characterized by ready or rapid speech; talking a lot in an energetic and rapid way

11 - gallimaufry (noun): a confused jumble or medley of things

12 - dolorous (adj): feeling or expressing great sorrow or distress

13 - tenuous (adj): very weak or slight

14 - replete (adj): filled or well-supplied with something

15 - sycophant (noun): a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage

16 - obsequious (adj): obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree

17 - unctuous (adj): [of a person] excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily

18 - malaise (noun): a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify

19 - commiserate (v): express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize

20 - kerfuffle (noun): a commotion or fuss, especially one caused by conflicting views

21 - mirthless (adj): [of a smile or laugh] lacking real amusement and typically expressing irony

22 - straitened (adj): characterized by poverty

23 - fastidious (adj): very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail, very concerned about matters of cleanliness

24 - exculpatory (adj): something that frees one from accusations

25 - nonpareil (noun): an unrivaled or matchless person or thing

26 - paucity (noun): the presence of something only in small or insufficient quantities or amounts; scarcity

27 - limpet (noun): a marine mollusk with a shallow conical shell and a broad muscular foot, found clinging tightly to rocks; used in comparison to people and things that cling tightly

28 - putative (adj): generally considered or reputed to be

29 - honeypot (noun): an enticing source of pleasure or reward; a place to which many people are attracted

30 - garrulous (adj): excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters

31 - reticent (adj): not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily

32 - lugubrious (adj): looking or sounding sad or dismal (especially in an affected, exaggerated or unrelieved manner)

33 - ribald (adj): referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way

34 - irreverent (adj): showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously

35 - moonlight (v): have a second job in addition to one's employment [to "moonlight as" something else]

36 - quixotic (adj): exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical

37 - mercurial (adj): [of a person] subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind

38 -

39 -

40 -
91. passel, n.: a large group of people or things of indeterminate number; a pack (1/31/17, "The Squire's Quest" by Gerald Morris)

92. passepartout, n.: a picture or photograph simply mounted between a piece of glass and a sheet of cardboard (or two pieces of glass) stuck together at the edges with adhesive tape (2/1/17, "Charlotte")

93. conditorei, n.: a pâtisserie or confectionery shop (2/2/17, "Charlotte")

94. paean, n.: a song of praise or triumph (2/2/17, "Charlotte")

95. maladroit, adj.: ineffective or bungling; clumsy (2/2/17, "The Squire's Quest" by Gerald Morris)

96. antipodes, n.: Australia and New Zealand (used by inhabitants of the northern hemisphere) (2/2/17, "The Squire's Quest" by Gerald Morris)

97. mummer, n.: an actor in a traditional masked mime, especially of a type associated with Christmas and popular in England in the 18th and early 19th centuries; a pantomimist (2/2/17, "The Squire's Quest" by Gerald Morris)

98. obstreperous, n.: noisy and difficult to control (2/4/17, "On Writing" by Stephen King)

99. TL;DR, abbrev.: "Too long; didn't read," a shorthand notation added by an editor indicating a passage appeared to be too long to invest the time to digest (2/5/17, Facebook)

100. bey, n.: the governor of a district or province in the Ottoman Empire (2/5/17, "The Legend of the King" by Gerald Morris)
81. rusk, n.: a hard, dry biscuit or a twice-baked bread (1/17/17, "Trapped" by Ruth Bondy)

82. enteritis, n.: inflammation of the intestine, especially the small intestine, usually accompanied by diarrhea (1/18/17, "Trapped" by Ruth Bondy)

83. impetigo, n.: a highly contagious skin infection that causes red sores on the face (1/18/17, "Trapped" by Ruth Bondy)

84. saccharine, adj.: of, relating to, or resembling that of sugar; yielding or containing sugar; overly or sickishly sweet; ingratiatingly or affectedly agreeable or friendly; overly sentimental (1/19/17, "The Jews of Czechoslovakia")

85. feuilleton, n.: a part of a newspaper or magazine devoted to fiction, criticism, or light literature (1/19/17, "The Jews of Czechoslovakia")

86. parokhet, n.: the curtain that covers the Aron Kodesh containing the Sifrei Torah in a synagogue (1/19/17, "The Jews of Czechoslovakia")

87. diet, n.: a legislative assembly in certain countries (1/23/17, "The Tragic Tale of Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia")

88. provocateur, n.: a person who provokes trouble, causes dissension, or the like; agitator (1/26/17, "Trapped" by Ruth Bondy)

89. bullion, n.: gold or silver in bulk before coining, or valued by weight (1/28/17)

90. godet, n.: a triangular piece of material inserted in a dress, shirt, or glove to make it flared or for ornamentation (1/30/17, Lands End website)
71. wood wool, n.: a product made of wood slivers cut from logs and is mainly used in packaging, for cooling pads in home evaporative cooling systems known as swamp coolers, for erosion control mats, and as a raw material for the production of other products such as bonded wood (1/10/17, "Home Army" Wikipedia article)

72. hegemonic, adj.: ruling or dominant in a political or social context (1/10/17, "History of Italy" Wikipedia article)

73. paper tiger, phrase: something that seems threatening but is ineffectual and unable to withstand challenge (1/10/17, "History of Italy" Wikipedia article)

74. burgeon, v.: begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish (RD questions for "All the Light there Was" by Nancy Kricorian)

75. lycanthrope, n.: a werewolf, man-wolf, or lycanthrope is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf or a therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction (1/13/17, Booklist)

76. inter alia, adv.: among other things (1/13/17, "The Ghetto of Prague")

77. tympanum, n.: a vertical recessed triangular space forming the center of a pediment, typically decorated (1/13/17, "The Ghetto of Prague")

78. durance, n., archaic: imprisonment or confinement (1/14/17, "The Princess, the Crone, and the Dung-Cart Knight" by Gerald Morris)

79. trivet, n.: an iron tripod placed over a fire for a cooking pot or kettle to stand on (1/14/17, "The Princess, the Crone, and the Dung-Cart Knight" by Gerald Morris)

80. horehound, n.: a flowering plant in the mint family, native to Europe, northern Africa, and southwestern and central Asia (1/17/17, candy wrapper)
61. depredation, n.: an act of attacking or plundering (1/5/17, Encyclopedia of Jewish Life)

62. ẓaddik, n.: a righteous and saintly person by Jewish religious standards; the spiritual leader of a modern Hasidic community (1/5/17, Encyclopaedia Judaica)

63. gantry, n.: a bridgelike overhead structure with a platform supporting equipment such as a crane, railroad signals, lights, or cameras (1/5/17, Virtual Shtetl)

64. kehilla, n.: the elected local communal (secular as well as religious) Jewish structure in Central and Eastern Europe (Poland's Second Republic, the Baltic States, Ukrainian People's Republic) during the interwar period (1918–1940) (1/5/16, Virtual Shtetl)

65. escutcheon, n.: a shield or emblem bearing a coat of arms (1/6/17, "Parsifal's Page" by Gerald Morris)

66. raiment, n., archaic: clothing (1/6/17, "Parsifal's Page" by Gerald Morris)

67. frippery, n.: showy or unnecessary ornament in architecture, dress, or language (1/7/17, "Parsifal's Page" by Gerald Morris)

68. spavin, n.: a disorder of a horse's hock (1/7/17, "Parsifal's Page" by Gerald Morris)

69. furbelow, v.: adorn with trimmings (1/7/17, "Parsifal's Page" by Gerald Morris)

70. phlegmon, n.: an inflammation of the connective tissue, which can be found just under the skin in the case of a superficial abscess, or near an organ in the case of deep cellulitis. The connective tissue, rich in fiber, supports and protects other tissues and organs of the body (1/9/17, "The Auschwitz Volunteer" by Witold Pilecki)
51. auger, n.: a tool with a helical bit for boring holes in wood (12/9/16, "Here I Am" by Jonathan Safran Foer)

52. nugatory, adj.: of no value or importance (12/9/16, "Here I Am" by Jonathan Safran Foer)

53. dirk, n.: a short dagger of a kind formerly carried by Scottish Highlanders (12/10/16, "The Once and Future King" by T. H. White)

54. pathos, n.: a quality that evokes pity or sadness (12/12/16, "The Once and Future King" by T. H. White)

55. harridan, n.: a strict, bossy, or belligerent old woman (12/27/16, "The Squire's Tale" by Gerald Morris)

56. fribble, n.: a frivolous or foolish person (12/27/16, "The Squire's Tale" by Gerald Morris)

57. looby, n.: an awkward person, especially one who is lazy or stupid; lout; lubber (12/27/16, "The Squire's Tale" by Gerald Morris)

58. pillory, v.: attack or ridicule publicly (12/29/16, TIME Magazine)

59. hegemony, n.: leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others (12/29/16, TIME Magazine)

60. penury, n.: extreme poverty; destitution (1/5/17, Encyclopedia of Jewish Life)
41. palaver, n.: prolonged and idle discussion (11/22/16, "Oral History with Max Bamberger")

42. carbine, n.: a light automatic rifle (11/22/16, "Oral History with Max Bamberger")

43. halcyon, adj.: denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful (11/23/16, "The Prime Minister" by Anthony Trollope)

44. pundit, n.: an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public (11/24/16, Time)

45. bimah, n.: the podium or platform in a synagogue from which the Torah and Prophets are read (11/25/16, "Here I Am" by Jonathan Safran Foer)

46. gravamen, n.: the essence or most serious part of a complaint or accusation (11/28/16, "The Prime Minister" by Anthony Trollope)

47. epistolary, adj.: relating to or denoting the writing of letters or literary works in the form of letters (11/29/16, Booklist)

48. chantey, n.: a song with alternating solo and chorus, of a kind originally sung by sailors while performing physical labor together (11/29/16, Booklist)

49. alopecia, n.: sudden hair loss that starts with one or more circular bald patches that may overlap (12/1/16, Dan Savage)

50. tautology, n.: the saying of the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style (12/6/16, "Here I Am" by Jonathan Safran Foer)
31. internecine, adj.: destructive to both sides in a conflict (11/16/16, "Can You Forgive Her" by Anthony Trollope

32. praesidium, n.: a standing executive committee in a communist country (11/16/16, work)

33. Evrit, n.: the language spoken in Israel (11/16/16, work)

34. cicatrix, n.: the scar of a healed wound (11/16/16, "Can You Forgive Her" by Anthony Trollope)

35. Gauleiter, n.: a political official governing a district under Nazi rule (11/18/16, "Sophie Scholl: The Last Days")

36. subrisive, adj.: smiling (11/19/16, "Can You Forgive Her" by Anthony Trollope)

37. dilettante, n.: a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge (11/21/16, "Holocaust Biographies: Hans and Sophie Scholl" by Toby Axelrod)

38. despotism, n.: the exercise of absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way (11/21/16, "Soy Bracero" by Erika Vazquez-Aguilar)

39. Junior League, association: Since its founding in 1901 by social activist Mary Harriman, The Junior League has evolved into one of the oldest, largest, and most effective women's volunteer organizations in the world, encompassing more than 150,000 women in 291 Leagues in four countries. (11/21/16, curiosity)

40. deputation, n.: a group of people appointed to undertake a mission or take part in a formal process on behalf of a larger group (11/22/16, "The Prime Minister" by Anthony Trollope)
21. hecatomb, n.: an extensive loss of life for some cause (11/8/16, "The Warden" by Anthony Trollope)

22. coruscate, v.: (of light) flash or sparkle (11/8/16, "The Warden" by Anthony Trollope)

23. simony, n.: the buying or selling of ecclesiastical privileges, for example pardons or benefices (11/8/16, "The Warden" by Anthony Trollope)

24. teapoy, n.: a small three-legged table or stand, especially one that holds a tea caddy (11/8/16, "The Warden" by Anthony Trollope)

25. cellaret, n.: a cabinet for keeping bottles of wine and liquor (11/8/16, "The Warden" by Anthony Trollope)

26. synod, n.: an assembly of the clergy and sometimes also the laity in a diocese or other division of a particular church (11/8/16, "The Warden" by Anthony Trollope)

27. elver, n.: a baby eel (11/10/16, Pinterest)

28. weaner, n.: a baby elephant seal (11/10/16, Pinterest)

29. cheeper, n.: a baby game bird such as a grouse or partridge (11/10/16, Pinterest)

30. pachydermatous, adj.: thick-skinned; insensitive (11/12/16, JewishEncyclopedia.com)
11. acrimonious, adj.: (typically of speech or a debate) angry and bitter (10/22/16, "Charity and Sylvia" by Rachel Hope Cleves)

12. degaussing, v.: applying a strong magnetic field to tapes and hard drives to destroy magnetically recorded data (10/26/16, "Electronic Records Management," ARMA International)

13. syllabub, n.: an English sweet frothy drink popular from the 16th to 19th centuries. It is made of milk or cream, curdled by the admixture of wine, cider, or other acid, and often sweetened and flavoured (10/27/16, "Lilac Girls" by Martha Hall Kelly)

14. Svengali, fictional character: Svengali is a fictional character in George du Maurier's 1895 novel Trilby. Svengali is a stereotyped Jewish man who seduces, dominates and exploits Trilby, a young English girl, and makes her a famous singer (10/31/16, Numbers, Season 6)

15. flotilla, n.: a formation of small warships that may be part of a larger fleet (11/2/16, "The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah)

16. orotund, adj.: (of the voice or phrasing) full, round, and imposing (11/5/16, Pinterest)

17. vesicle, n.: a small structure within a cell, consisting of fluid enclosed by a lipid bilayer (11/7/16, "Micrographics," ARMA International)

18. cadre, n.: a small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession (11/7/16, Time Magazine)

19. somnolent, adj.: sleepy; drowsy (11/7/16, I knew this word but wasn't sure if it was somnolent or somnolescent so I looked it up before writing it in my journal)

20. Third Amendment, n.: places restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent, forbidding the practice in peacetime (11/8/16, after reading a discussion question about "The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah and saying "Wait, doesn't the US have an Amendment about that?")
1. fane: n., archaic: a temple or shrine (10/18/16, "The Warden" by Anthony Trollope)

2. peculate: v.: to steal or take dishonestly (money, especially public funds, or property entrusted to one's care); embezzle (10/18/16, "The Warden" by Anthony Trollope)

3. barrow: n., British: a pushcart used by street vendors (10/18/16, "The Warden" by Anthony Trollope)

4. spoliation, n.: the action of ruining or destroying something; the action of taking goods or property from somewhere by illegal or unethical means (10/13/16, "Records Retention and Disposition," ARMA International)

5. sortie, n.: an attack made by troops coming out from a position of defense (10/19/16, Time - and here I thought it just meant exit!)

6. picaresque, adj.: of or relating to an episodic style of fiction dealing with the adventures of a rough and dishonest but appealing hero (10/21/16, "Charity and Sylvia" by Rachel Hope Cleves)

7. peripatetic, adj.: traveling from place to place, especially working or based in various places for relatively short periods (10/21/16, "Charity and Sylvia" by Rachel Hope Cleves)

8. samp, n.: dried corn kernels that have been stamped and chopped until broken but not as fine as Mielie-meal or mielie rice (10/21/16, "Charity and Sylvia" by Rachel Hope Cleves)

9. PII, abbrev.: personally identifiable information (PII), or sensitive personal information (SPI), as used in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context. (10/21/16, "Electronic Records Management," ARMA International)

10. PCI, abbrev.: the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a proprietary information security standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards from the major card schemes including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and JCB. (10/21/16, "Electronic Records Management," ARMA International)
1. floe

2. natter

3. détente

4. dirge

5. het up

6. lacuna

7. shunting

8. gantry

9. euphony

10. wraith

11. hubris

12. flotilla

13. tableau

14. Pneumatic

15. Theremin

16. Gabble

17. Incorrigible

18. Wigwam

19. Interdiction

20. Cabalistic

21. fecund

22. Sagacity

23. Insouciance

24. Treadle

25. Prevaricate

26. Inchoate

27. Slattern

28. Paragon

29. Surfeit

30. Crepuscular

31. Revenant
34. Jeremiad - A prolonged lamenation or mournful complaint
33. Snuggery - A comfortable room or place
32. Oenomel - Something combining strength with sweetness
31. Larruping - Very; exceedingly (predominantly positive)
30. Cuncator - A procrastinator; Delayer
29. Ad hominem - Appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason; Attacking an opponents' character instead of their argument
28. Meliorism - The doctrine that the world tends to become better or may become better by human effort
27. bel-esprit - A person of great wit or intellect
26. Withershins/Widdershins - Contrary to the natural order (Esp. against the direction of the sun and counterclockwise)
25. Effloresce - To burst into bloom; blossom
24. Axiomatic - Of or pertaining to an axiom; self-evident; obvious
23. Immiscible - Incapable of being mixed
22. Achromic/Achromatic - Colorless; without coloring mattering
1 - Burnished; adj; made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow

The nurses roll towards me, their burnished chrome pincers taking a firm grip on my elbows.

2 - Treatise is related to the verb treat, which means "deal with." A doctor treats a patient. A teacher treats the senator's child with kid gloves. Treatise means a written paper or exposition that deals with or treats a specific subject.

Our principal published her fifty-page "Treatise on Gum Chewing" days before she was carted away by men in white coats. Treatises are formal papers that treat a specific subject. Gum chewing shouldn't merit one.

3 - Anon; Although the word anon sounds old (it is, it is!), it can still be used today to indicate "soon." If you say, "I hear you calling and I will come anon," the person calling you might still be impatient, but they'll be impressed.

The word anon can be found as early as the 11th Century, with the Old English word āne meaning "in one," or "right away." The word is considered archaic, and sounds a little pretentious when used today. It fits much better in older literature such as works by Shakespeare. For example, in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's nurse calls her just as the girl is bidding goodbye to Romeo, and she keeps putting the Nurse off by saying, "I come anon."
01- Omos

02- Adro

03- Charco

04- Dozed

05- Dell

06- Gleam

07- Scanty

08- Coarse

09- Slope

10- Dwelt

11- Despair

12- Assurance

13- Gap [en] - Lacuna

14- Attended [en] - Participou

15- Rid [en] - Livrar.

16- Revenue [en] - Receita.

17- Ledger [en] - Registro, Livro.

18- Borrasca [pt-br] - Vento forte e súbito com chuva, tempestade no mar.

19- Guideline [en] - Orientação.

20- Soothsayer [en] - Louva-a-Deus.

21- Jeopardize [en] - Pôr em perigo.

22- Cumbersome [en] - Pesado, embaraçoso.

23- Tâches [fr] - Tarefas.

24- Ainsi [fr] - Assim.

25- Cibleé [fr] - Alvo.

26- Chacune [fr] - Cada.

27- Parailleurs [fr] - Caso contrário.

28- Sufrágios [pt] - Processo de escolha por votação; eleição.

29- Imiscuía [pt] - Tomar parte em; misturar-se.

30- Exíguo [pt] - Que tem pequenas proporções; pequeno, apertado, acanhado.

31- Opulento [pt] - Que possui muitos bens, grandes riquezas; abastado, rico.

32- Mitômano [pt] - Mentiroso compulsivo

33- Letargia [pt] - Estado de profunda e prolongada inconsciência

34- Iconoclastia [pt] - Movimento político-religioso contra a veneração de ícones e imagens religiosas no Império Bizantino

1-Befitting - in keeping with, as befits, appropriate to, fit for, suitable for, suited to, proper to, right for, compatible with, consistent with, in character with.


















1) Delectable

2 Intonation
I'm going to spend a couple of days learning these words, going through these words, trying to use them in my written and spoken conversations. Maybe do this for 2 or 3 days.
30. Bloviate - (verb) - To bloviate is to talk, but not just to chat. To bloviate means to go on and on and on and on, usually in a pompous way. Can you hear the blow in the word bloviate? That's a clue that someone bloviating is blowing some serious hot air. When someone bloviates, he is speaking in an empty, pretentious, full-of-himself manner. This word is often associated with politicians, who probably invented bloviating. When someone is talking a lot and saying a little, they're bloviating.