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✍️ Write a book / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🧠 Expand my vocabulary by 100 words / ✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / 📝 Start a blog / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / ✍️ Participate in NaNoWriMo / Write a list of 100 things that make me happy / 📝 Journal every day for a month / Stay up all night / ✍️ Complete NaNoWriMo / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / 📝 Get a notebook and keep track of quotations from books I love / 🤪 Write with my left hand for a day / 🇯🇵 Learn Japanese / 🧘♀️ 'Unplug' for one whole weekend - no cell phone, no Internet, no TV, no computer / 📅 Keep a journal for a year / 🖋️ Learn how to write my name in Japanese / Learn calligraphy / 🏆 Enter a writing contest / 📔 Keep a diary for a year / Finish writing another 101 things list by the end of 1001 days / Write a new list for the next 1001 days / 🖋️ Complete 25 writing prompts from / ✍️ Publish a novel / 🇯🇵 Learn to write my name in Japanese / Keep a diary / 🖋️ Start my own blog / Make a font out of my handwriting / 💭 Write in a journal every day for a month / Update my blog at least once a week / Write a play / Take part in NaNoWriMo / Write an ebook / Get an article published in a magazine / Develop an alternative source of income / Keep a diary for a whole year / 📝 Write in a journal every day for a year / Write a list of 101 things I've already achieved / Blog at least once a week for a year / Write a letter to my favorite author / 📖 Read Shakespeare / 🇬🇷 Learn the Greek alphabet / 📰 Get an article published in a magazine or newspaper / ✍️ Start a journal / Keep a journal for this Day Zero Project / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / Write something and submit it for publication / Send a postcard via / Write another list of 101 things to do for the next 1001 days / Join and send 10 postcards / Blog at least once a week / Write a list of 100 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me / Blog / Participate in a NaNoWriMo / Get a new hobby / Enter a short story contest / Begin writing a book / Learn Spanish (to a conversational level) / Write in my journal at least once a week / Learn 50 new words / Have a piece of writing published / Go a week without using the internet / Write every day / Complete The Artist's Way / Keep a diary for a month / Send 10 postcards via / Build a second stream of income / Find a snail mail pen pal / Learn to speak French / Learn a second language / 🏆 Read a Pulitzer Prize-winning book / Create my own personal stationary / 🇩🇪 Learn basic German / Write an e-mail to my favorite author / Publish a book / Go to a poetry reading / Start a blog or journal / Update my blog at least once a month / Read 5 Shakespeare plays / Finish the first draft of my novel / Write 1000 words a day for a month / Write a letter to a famous person / Learn Chinese / Learn Arabic / Buy a moleskine / Speak Spanish fluently / Make a list of 101 things I love / 🇯🇵 Learn basic Japanese / Make a list of the 101 best experiences of my life / Identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money) / Become fluent in Japanese / Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal / Learn to speak Japanese / Finish a NaNoWriMo / Send a postcard through / Write one page of my novel every day for a year / Blog for 7 days in a row / Make my own paper / Learn how to speak Spanish / Write a short story only using alphabet spaghetti / Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for a month / Take a French class / Attend a writing workshop / Participate in NaBloPoMo / Learn to speak a foreign language fluently / Make 101 blog entries / Send 10 Postcards via PostCrossing / Start an art journal / Keep a daily journal / Blog every day for a week / Become fluent in a second language / Start a new hobby / Enter a short story competition / Read all of Shakespeare / Finish my PhD / Keep a gratitude journal / Add 100 words to my vocabulary / Get a book published / 📜 Buy a vintage typewriter / Finish my dissertation / Keep a blog for a year / Attend the Frankfurt Book Fair GERMANY / Read a collection of essays / Attend a book reading at the Oxford Literary Festival ENGLAND / Learn how to write with a fountain pen / Blog every day for a month / Write one blog post every day for a year / Learn to speak Russian / Get a short story published / Send 50 postcards via / Write a poem every day for a year / Look up a new word in the dictionary every day for a year / Learn how to speak Japanese / Try blogging / Blog at least twice a week / Buy a fountain pen / Write one poem each month for a year / Complete the 30 day letter challenge / Start studying / Learn to speak basic Chinese / Write a haiku about my day every day for one week / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / Attend the Deventer Book Fair NETHERLANDS / Blog at least once a month / Become conversational in Spanish / Contribute to a Wikipedia article / Learn to speak conversational Spanish / Take a calligraphy class / Get a novel published / Learn basic Korean / Write a book and get it published / Write a novel and get it published / Write and publish a book / Write every day for a month / Attend a writer's conference / Get a letter published in a major newspaper / Learn caligraphy / Attend a blogging conference / Learn fluent Spanish / Write a poem every month for a year / Publish a scientific paper / Enter a poetry contest / Learn Turkish / Become a published author / Write a letter in calligraphy / Publish a book of poetry / Make paper / Attend the Bath Literature Festival ENGLAND / Try writing a book / Attend a book festival / Write one haiku a day for a year / Attend Hay Festival WALES / Learn conversational Korean / Learn basic Chinese / Visit Hemmingway's suite at the Hotel Ambos Mundos where he wrote ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls' CUBA / Learn to write my name in Chinese / Read all of Shakespeare's works / Learn to write my name in calligraphy / Become fluent in Swedish / Buy personalised stationery at Smythson of Bond Street ENGLAND / Have something published in a magazine / Spend a weekend alone / Attend the Jaipur Literary Festival INDIA / Start a daily writing habit / Write 750 words every day for a month / Meet Misha Collins / Learn Elvish / Learn to write in shorthand / Keep a journal for at least a year / Meet J.K. Rowling / Write a blog post once a week / Start a successful blog / Learn how to write left handed / Attend the Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Learn Hirigana / Keep a journal for six months / Teach someone illiterate to read / Keep a handwritten journal / Meet Stephen King / Write the first chapter of my book / Learn how to speak Spanish fluently / Learn Malay / Raise a glass to Hemingway at his old haunt La Bodeguita del Medio CUBA / Write an article for Wikipedia / Attend Gothenburg Book Fair SWEDEN / Write a haiku a day for a month / Fill a notebook with favorite quotes / Live in Alaska / Take a creative writing workshop / Meet Anthony Bourdain / Learn to speak Chinese / Publish a novella / Maintain a blog for a year / Learn Albanian / 📝 Write and illustrate a short story / Attend the Ernest Hemingway Festival IDAHO / Know the alphabet backwards / Blog at least once a day for a month / Cycle across Cuba CUBA / Make a blog post everyday for a whole month / Create a travel journal so my future children can read all about my adventures / Create list of 52 Things to do in 52 Weeks / Complete a 52 Weeks Of Gratitude Challenge / Publish my own ebook / Write the novel I know I have inside me / Publish some of my poetry / Attend the Calabash International Literary Festival JAMAICA / Learn Gallifreyan / Take an Arabic course at the International Language Institute at Cairo EGYPT / Watch Struck by Lightning / Enter the Austin Film Festival Screenwriting Competition TEXAS / Be a published poet / Start a Patreon page / Meet Whitney Cummings / Start a journal & write every day for 1 month / Make a list of 101 things for my swap / Be able to speak German fluently / Make a list of the top 5 people who have positively influenced me and then write them a letter / Make Paper / Attend the Woody Point Writers Festival CANADA / Learn Japa / Get my short stories published / Text / Learn to speak French! / Meet Elizabeth Gilbert / Read a Pulitzer Prize winning book / 🇰🇷 Learn Hangeul / Become a stand-up comedian / Write a haiku each day for a month / Explore the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum near Vailima SAMOA /