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Speak in front of a crowd of over 100

Headspace talk

TTC 2017

Vishan's 21st & Year 12 Graduation

WMC Fest 2017!

A few weeks ago I did a motivational speech at a college for about 200 people. It was a great experience. I learned so many things!

Had to stand up at the front of a school assembly and speak - lasted literally less than a minute, but will have to do it again and it most definitely counts!

I did it as part of FOSP at the Funday. So I am marking it as in progress. The challenge is still on to do it again.

A strange one to put down as I regularly do this in my role as a member of the Friends of St. Peter's however I think this challenge is deliberately aimed at post FOSP (july 2014) as I am not sure I shall get the opportunity after that.

Completed by chance on Sept 17 as a substitute for FYE group presentation needs. =-) 202 expected in attendance in just a few minutes!

Pour la manifestation contre la réforme des retraites (au nom du CVL dans la cour rose)

Spoke today in front of an audience of about 500 at the Gavel club inaugration. I was the Toastmaster.

05/11/12, student council elections

8th grade promotion, Rotary speech (?)

Way too many times.

Fields of Faith on 11/2/2011!

Possibly Fields of Faith on October 12th.
Communication Storytelling Confidence Humor Stage Presence Public Speaking Preparation Audience Engagement Body Language Rehearsal Delivery Timing
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