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On 60 lists and 7 people have done it.

37. The Last Runaway - Tracy Chevalier

36. Bitter Fruit - Achmat Dangor


35. The Cinderella Deal - Jennifer Cruise

34. The progress of Love - Alice Munro

33. The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

32. The End of your Life Book Club - Will Schwalbe

31. On Chesil Beach - Ian McEwan

30. The Kitchen House - Kathleen Grissom

29. Settlers of Catan - Rebecca Gable

28. Stonemouth - Iain Banks

27. State of Wonder - Ann Patchett

26. The High Road - Terry Fallis

25. Mother Shock - Andrea Buchanan

24. I was a really good mom before I had Kids - Trisha Ashworth

23. Sippy Cups are not for Chardonnay - Stefanie Wilder-Taylor

22. A life of Bright Ideas - Sandra Kring

21. Baking Cakes in Kigali - Gaile Parkin

20. Everyone has Everything - Katrina Onstad


19. A short history of tractors in Ukrainian - Marina Lewycka

18. The Little Stranger - Sarah Waters

17. Holding Still for as Long as Possible - Zoe Whittal

16. Good to a Fault - Marina Endicott

15. Unless - Carol Shields

14. The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins

13. Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins

12. Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins

11.The Little Shadows - Marina Endicott

10.The Jane Austen Book Club - Karen Joy Fowler

9.The Kitchen God's Wife - Amy Tan

8.The Birth House - Ami McKay

7.The Best Laid Plans - Terry Fallis

49. Esio Trot 50. The Giraffe, the Pelly, and Me
47. Double Comfort Safari Club 48. The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party
41. Hunger Games 42. Catching Fire 43. Mockingjay 44. Trapped Between the Lash and the Gun 45. Saving CeeCee Honeycutt 46. Nothing to Envy
1. Bones of Faerie - Janni Lee Simner
2. Rampant - Diana Peterfreund
3. The Forest of Hands and Teeth - Carrie Ryan
4. Ever - Gail Carson Levine
1- why she went home, 2 - the opposite of love
1. Plenty - Feb 14th, 2010

2. The Time Traveler's Wife - Feb 22nd

3. The Challenge with Africa -
1.Educating Esme 2.The Art of Racing in the Rain 3.Huckleberry Finn 4.Eat Pray Love 5.The Gilded Chamber 6.The Help 7.Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 8. The Zookeeper's Wife 9. The Good Husband of Zebra Drive 10. Sizzling Sixteen 11. Start Your Family 12. Bridget Jones's Diary 13. Best Friends (...more)
1. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
2. Graceling
3. Wizard's First Rule (in progress)
procuro-te, vendedor de sonhos, memorial do convento, guardi? de sonhos, vai aonde te leva o cora??o, o deus das pequenas coisas, contos tradicionais, brida, o poder dos sonhos
Like Water for Chocolate - Laura Esquivel
Purple Hibiscus - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
PS, I love you - Cecelia Ahern

The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival - John Vaillant
The Five People you Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom
The Thing Around Your Neck - Chimamanda Ngozi Ad (...more)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,
3 boy crazy stacey
1 alas babylon
2 dawn and the impossible 3