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Get a passport
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On 4,074 lists and 2,870 people have done it.
My passport came in the mail today!!! I only turned in the paperwork on the 3rd. I wasn't expecting it for another month at the earliest. Awesome!
I turned in the paperwork and got the picture done, and I also paid for it. Now, I'm just waiting the 6 to 8 weeks.
I have the required documents and have set an appointment to submit them and get the picture done.
Start date: 11/02/24
Applied for our passports 8.9.23
Passports came via mail 10.4.23
I did send out the application and picture back in february.
Just recieved my new passport. wooo
Passport applications for me and Rio have been procured!
Now to go somewhere. But where?
Needed for visiting USA...
Alright so how much do these little guys cost
Everything's in and they've cashed the check. Now we wait.
Applied on January 26th, 2017 and received around February 14th, 2017! WHOOP!
1. proof of Canadian citizenship (original only)

2. a document to support your identity.

3. two identical passport photos (the name and the complete address of the photographer and the date the photos was taken must be included on the back of one of the photos.
1. proof of Canadian citizenship (original only)

2. a document to support your identity.

3. two identical passport photos (the name and the complete address of the photographer and the date the photos was taken must be included on the back of one of the photos.
I look horrible in my passport picture. But whatever, atleast I already have a passport. Mission accomplished! :D
I've had a passport since I was 16.
Passport for summer study abroad trip!
Steps Requires:

Receive a duplicate of my Australian Citizenship.

Have all the required documentation cited by the police.

Fill in all the paperwork.

Have boss sign as witness.

Hand in all required paperwork and documentation at Post Office.

I applied and received my first passport in September of 2015!
My husband and I both got our passports so we could go on a Caribbean cruise in December 2015
Received our passports!!!
Printed application. Setting up appointment.
Winter of 2015 completed. Ready for world travels!
Fui sexta-feira e disseram que saía quarta, ou seja, hoje. Fui hoje e disseram pra voltar segunda.
Checks in yesterday, so should have it in hand when I get back from Budapest!!
App complete...passport office will expedite as soon as I take in checks for the fees...sick today, so will finish it up tomorrow and have passport in hand in a couple of weeks. Need to find out total costs and figure out how to get them reimbursed.
Yikes...need a blue passport for Taiwan...who knew...
Going for my interview soon and then I'll have my passport =]
Still looking for the expired passport...hmm
February 3, researched and printed up the forms.

February 4, looked for expired passport book...no success yet

Have completed the paperwork and need to take a passport style photograph
I was having kind of a rough day today, but getting this in the mail made everything a little bit better!
July 3, 2013 - Applied for passport at the post office! Should be here in about a month!
Finally got my passport!
focusing only on this goal for this list. Have to have this completed by the last week of June 2013 in order to be able to go to Canada on Sept. 4th
name changes are done, now for the money to buy it. Do I want a passport or do I want a passport card
Ready for new places, emotions and impressions!
complete by July 2013
Apply and get my passport on 5.10.2012
got my picture taken and printed 3/20/10
applied March 2, 2010
Went on a Carnival Cruise in Spring Break of '08
Received on 6/18/11
já fui hoje entrar com a documentação (06/10)

buscar a partir do dia 14/10

oh, i have it in hands! 16/11
Delivered on 22/07/11.
Jan 2011
Came in today! Feb 2011
I applied at least, should be arriving in the mail soon. :)
I asked it one month ago. I get it today. I have to use it now (and I can't wait!)
Finally! Now, the question is which country will have its first stamp in my passport?
Appointment made
Application sent
Pictures taken
Now we play the waiting game. I'm saying DONE, because there's nothing else I can do about this one.
Heather was my garnteeor