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🛂 Get a passport / Go to London ENGLAND / Get my passport / 🛫 Travel to another country / Renew my passport / ✈️ Vacation somewhere that requires a passport / Travel out of the country / Travel overseas / 🛫 Visit a new continent / 🛫 Travel outside the country / Apply for my passport / Travel alone in a country where you don't know the language / Take the train from London to Paris / Visit the UK / Travel outside of Europe / Apply for a passport / 🎢 Visit Universal Studios Japan JAPAN / Travel outside of the US / Make plans to travel to another country / Visit Washington UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🎉 Visit Brazil during Carnivale / Travel outside of North America / Learn the capitals and locations of all countries / Travel out of state / 🏰 Visit Disneyland Hong Kong HONG KONG / 🎢 Visit Lotte World SOUTH KOREA / Go backpacking around the world / 🎢 Visit Universal Studios Singapore SINGAPORE / Do the trans-mongolian railway train journey / Learn to say hello in 20 languages / Go on a Contiki tour / Run the Big Five Marathon SOUTH AFRICA / Travel on the Eurostar / Visit 10 countries / Take a vacation to London ENGLAND / 🤘🏼 Attend the Rock in Rio Music Festival BRAZIL / Smoke a Cuban Cigar at Havana CUBA / Sleep in a hostel / Go on the Eurostar / Go to the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival CHINA / Attend the Dubai World Cup UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Travel outside of the United States / Go to New Zealand for a skiing trip / Visit Sziget Festival HUNGARY / Take a vacation to the beach in another country / Look at the Statue of Liberty (replica) in Odaiba JAPAN / 🎶 Attend Open'er Festival POLAND / Attend Tomorrowland BELGIUM / 🎢 Visit Shanghai Disneyland CHINA / Attend the Reggae SumFest JAMAICA / Participate in the Mongol Rally MONGOLIA / 🎶 Attend the Montreux Jazz Festival SWITZERLAND / Visit Astana KAZAKHSTAN / Participate in the World Bodypainting Festival AUSTRIA / Attend the Vienna Jazz Festival AUSTRIA / Attend Cubadanza, the winter festival of Cuban Dance CUBA / Pay homage at Red Square in Moscow RUSSIA / Attend the Primavera Sound festival SPAIN / Celebrate New Year's Eve in a foreign country / Attend the Harbin Ice Festival CHINA / Cross the Øresund Bridge to Copenhagen DENMARK / Attend the Lake of Stars Festival MALAWI / Take a photo on every continent / Visit Disneyland Shanghai CHINA / Go to Antwerp / Attend the Summer Jazz Festival in Cracow POLAND / Attend the Japanese Grand Prix JAPAN / Attend the Sarajevo Film Festival BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Attend the Rome International Choral Festival VATICAN CITY / Attend the Madajazzcar music festival MADAGASCAR / 🎵 Attend the Ocho Rios Jazz Festival JAMAICA / Visit Meiji Mura JAPAN / Participate in the Weifang International Kite Festival CHINA / Participate in Andorra Ultra Trail ANDORRA / Go to Hanoi / Visit Flevolang NETHERLANDS / Attend Festival Internacional de Benicassim SPAIN / 🏛️ Visit the Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Attend the Chinese Grand Prix CHINA / Attend the Hungarian Grand Prix HUNGARY / Attend the Qatar Grand Prix QATAR / Take the train from Paris to Italy / Travel to Warsaw / Attend the Air Guitar World Championships FINLAND / Attend the Boryeong Mud Festival SOUTH KOREA / Visit Calonda ANGOLA / Visit Cazombo ANGOLA / Visit Cuima ANGOLA / Attend the Abu Ghosh Vocal Music Festival ISRAEL / Attend Paleo Festival SWITZERLAND / Attend Donauinselfest AUSTRIA / Attend Lollapalooza Chile CHILE / Attend the Macao International Dragon Boat Festival MACAU / Attend JazzFest Berlin GERMANY / Visit Jamba ANGOLA / Visit Kuito ANGOLA / Visit Techamutete ANGOLA / Attend Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival CHINA / Take the Trans-Mongolian Express from Mongolia to Beijing MONGOLIA / Attend Rototom Sunsplash Reggae Festival SPAIN / Attend the Borneo Jazz Festival MALAYSIA / Visit the Palace of Culture in Pyongyang NORTH KOREA / Run Marathon Des Sables MOROCCO / Attend the Dubai International Jazz Festival UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Attend the Khan Tengri Mountain Festival KAZAKHSTAN / Attend a show at the Grand Theatre NORTH KOREA / Attend the Barbados Jazz Festival BARBADOS / Attend the KaZantip Republic UKRAINE / Photograph a famous landmark in each continent / Document a cultural festival in a foreign country / Attend the Sziget Music Festival HUNGARY / Attend the Havana International Jazz Festival CUBA / Travel from Geneva to Vienna by train / Visit Mansudae Grand Monument NORTH KOREA / Attend the Tokyo Ramen Show JAPAN / Travel to at least 10 different countries and experience diverse cultures / Attend Festival Mawazine MOROCCO / Attend the Jacob's Ladder Festival ISRAEL / Attend Lollapalooza in Tel Aviv ISRAEL / Attend Maldives Breakout Festival MALDIVES / Attend the St. Kitts Music Festival SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Attend the St Lucia Jazz Festival SAINT LUCIA / Attend Kaay Fecc SENEGAL / Attend Hultsfred Festival SWEDEN / Attend Krokstrand Festival – Man Must dance SWEDEN / Attend Öland Roots SWEDEN / Attend the Suriname Jazz Festival SURINAME / Attend the Ljubljana Jazz Festival SLOVENIA / Attend Bratislava Jazz Days SLOVAKIA / Visit Cuimba ANGOLA / Visit Cangumbe ANGOLA / Visit Caimbambo ANGOLA / Attend Roskilde Festival DENMARK / Visit the 7 Continents / Attend Lucca Summer Festival ITALY /