Your goals in one place, not all over the place
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Write down 100 things that make me happy
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On 452 lists and 55 people have done it.
1 - bubble bath

2 - walking

3 - Dragon Boat

4 - flowers

5 - nice red wine

6 - chilled white wine

7 - dancing

8 - ballet

9 - a good book

10 - The Nasty Show at Juste pour fire

11 - view from the top of Mansfield

12 - riding back of Gary's bike

13 - good sex

14 - a good meal at a restaurant

15 - Nonna's cooking

16 - Nagy mama yellow wax bean soup

17 - Grandmother's coconut candy

18 - Grandmother's fruit cake

19 - Crane Beach

20 - Monet's water garden

21 - Musee d'Orsay

22 - Broadway musical

23 - sunny spring day

24 - sunny fall day

25 - light snowfall

26 - massage

27 - apple pie

28 - getting my hair done

29 - My cat, Bailey

30 - pretty nails

31 - the smell of lilacs

32 - playing volleyball

33 - the moon

34 - sunset

35- the ocean

1. Rain

2. Waves

3. Vinyls

4. Noel Gallagher concerts

5. Nick Albrook's dancing

6. Nose pokes

7. Back-seat kisses

8. New shoes

9. Learning a new word

10. Helping Ando with his school work

11. Smiling at a stranger and getting a smile back

12. Train rides with no delays

13. Unexpected gifts and surprises

14. Dates in new places

15. Making someone happy by telling them how amazing they are

16. Jordan's high-pitched laugh (rarely given which makes it special)

17. Driving myself places

18. Teaching a student to do something they thought they couldn't

19. Feeling infinite

20. Being part of an excited crowd of people

21. Relaxing on a hill all day

22. Going to the beach and not getting burned

23. Having Bec or Croons sleep over spontaneously

24. Playing board games with my family

25. Going on midnight maccas run with Tim

26. Talking to Julie about everything

27. Finding a way to make a recipe vegan

28. Listening to a new album that gets me straight away

29. Relaxing by the river

30. Fresh oysters

31. Spending money for someone else

32. Long, comfortable hugs

33. Having someone play with my hair

34. When my parents joke around with my friends

35. Having someone to spoil

36. Making new friends and buddies

37. Wrapping paper

38. Organising my room after it's been trashed

39. Collecting random sleazy hits from the 80s

40. Ringpops

41. Cardigans

42. Clean sheets

43. New pillow slips

44. Old books

45. Figuring out a new objective for the next few years of my life

46. Lying down with my beb, just cause we have the time

47. Getting good morning texts

48. Marbles

49. Finding the perfect present to give someone

50. Any of Ludovico Einaudi's compositions

51. Captain Morgan mixed with the perfect amount of coca-cola

52. Going for long walks around the neighbourhood

53. Opening a new pack of pencils

54. Hubba bubba and the bubblegum game

55. Penguins

56. Late night train rides home with someone special

57. The Beatles

58. Playing the piano in the morning for a few minutes before leaving to the station

59. Waking up a few minutes earlier than my alarm

60. When my siblings all come in my room to just talk to each other, even though they could do that anywhere

61. Being pleasantly surprised by someone

62. The number 26

63. Correct spelling and grammar

64. Hamish and Andy videos

65. Watching someone else smile to themselves

66. Collecting rocks or shells from the beach

67. The sound of the wind through the tree outside my window

68. Fish and chips for lunch

69. Planning my week

70. Getting off at my station, not the station for work

71. Having a drink with dinner

72. Soup

73. Mashed potato

74. Going through the music I listened to years ago

75. Learning an old piano piece again

76. In-jokes

77. Cuties

78. Fast internet

79. Walks along the harbour

80. Sorbet

81. Polaroids

82. 7" singles

83. B-sides

84. C# chord

85. 100% full charge

86. Photos on my wall

87. Light blue

88. Teaching someone how to use a turntable

89. Long naps during the day

90. Holding hands with fingers between each other

91. Sharing slurpees

92. Writing letters to special people

93. Completing goals from a list

94. A pack of rainbow pencils

95. Curtains blowing from the wind outside

96. The dripping from my fish tank

97. Cute texts

98. Exploring a new location

99. Stars

100. Listening to a full album with Giordano whilst napping
I had actually already done this one, on my blog! But it's okay, these things still make me happy! ^_^

1. The colour blue.


3.The sun. Whenever it's out, I have the urge to smile for no reason. And I love that feeling.

4.Music! <3 Couldn't live without it.

5.Photography, cameras and editing.

6.Little kids, when they're being cute that is.



9.Kindness. It's the key to happiness.

10.Animals! <3

11.My beautiful pets. I have 28, (including the 15 sheep and 3 fish...)

12.Random contacts (People you can tell stuff, and they help without even knowing you)

13.The word random

14My sisters.

15.My god mother. Who also happens to be my aunty. The best aunty ever.

16.Blue eyes. :3

17.People who are beautiful AND nice, AND talented. They're gifted.

18.People who are incredibly nice to others, despite everything they've been through.

19.Nights out.

20.Disco Bowling!

21.D&Ms. (Deep and meaningfuls, basically just a big talk about everything in your life, with someone close to you)


23.Blogger. Even though I'm pretty sure there's no one reading this, I still love writing it. :)

24.One Direction. Don't judge. Haters gonna hate.

25.Playing soccer.

26.Organising desks and stuff...

27.To-do lists.

28.Top 10 lists.

29.People who make a difference. RESPECT.

30.The smell of tennis balls.

31.Finding money you didn't know you had!

32.Finding long lost childhood memories.

33.And old toys.

34.Squirrels. I'd never seen one before my trip to the USA.


36.My home country. Australia. <3 <3 <3

37.English, Irish and Californian accents.

38.Vintage style clothes.



41.Fingerless gloves.

42.Hippie vans.

43.Converse high tops.

44.Knitted cardigans.

45.Cookies. Who doesn't love them?

46.Eating cookies like the cookie monster, with sound effects. OM NOM NOM.


48.Mickey and Minnie Mouse.


50.Lady, off lady and the tramp. I have a stuffed one of her, whom I have loved and cared for since I was 3.

51.Being old fashioned and writing letters. Getting a letter is so much better than an email etc, because it's taken a lot of effort. <3 Emails are good too though, but only when you set it out like a letter.

52.Not caring what anyone thinks about you! :D

53.The hot shower after a long time of not showering.

54.Bathes. :3

55.Stopping the microwave with one second left, feeling like you stopped a bomb from going off.

56.Camping in the bush, with no toilet! Nothing quite like it.

57.The sound of birds in the morning.

58.Driving with your head out the window like a dog.

59.The smell of bakeries.

60.When the sports team you follow wins after a lot of losses.

61.Multitasking. While brushing your teeth.

62.Playing old video games.

63.Surprise hugs. <3

64.The feeling of walking along the beach in bare feet.

65.Five second rule!

66.Being in bed when it's raining outside.


68.Smiling for no reason.

69.Popping bubble wrap.

70.Getting off an airplane after a long flight.


72.Old, comfy clothes.

73.Sitting backwards on the bus.

74.Dangling your feet in water.


76.Sliding on floor boards with fluffy socks. :3


78.When you sneeze and a random says bless you, or vise versa.

79.Being hypo and tired at the same time.

80.Running to get a charger ninja style, just before it runs out of battery.

81.Opening new things.

82.Finally getting something you've been saving up for.

83.Randomly singing random songs at random times around random people.

84.Drawing on steamy mirrors/windows. :3


86.Laughing at jokes that aren't even funny, you're just laughing because it's so stupid.

87.Sharing stories with friends.

88.Hearing or reading something that makes you smile straight away.

89.Dancing and singing when you're home alone.


91.Staring into a fire.


93.Pinky promises

94.That game where you only say one word each and you go around in circles and make a random story. :3

95.Dreams, and comfy beds.

96.Blankets! <3


98.When you finish making something you've been working on for ages.


100.Me time.

And I will tape it onto my mirror and read it to myself everyday
met Jantine der Meister
I'll make a start:
laughing with friends, seeing other people happy, haighs violet creams, travel, history, reading, cooking, my family, my pets, happy animals, satisfaction of a hard days work, exercise, achieving goals, world music, nature, baths with candles, the seasons, christmas, chil (...more)
1. Candy (Mars bar, Reese Butter Cups, Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, etc.)
2. Bi-weekly paychecks
3. People who compliment me
4. My friend Bianca
5. My dog Kaylee
6. My family
7. Desperate Housewives (TV show)
8. Big Brother (TV show)
9. My cell phone
10. Going on a trip in the Caribbean
11. Trip to Dairy Queen
12. Saving money somehow
13. When the sun is out
14. Being spontaneous
15. Sangria
16. Pornstar drinks & shooters
17. When I missed a tv show and realize it's on the pvr
18. Tanning
19. Getting my nails done by Bianca
20. Cleaning
21. MUSIC!!! It's always playing!
22. Rihanna
23. Dancing my butt off
24. Candles a.k.a PartyLite
25. Spontaneous fun
26. Hanging out with my Godmother, Sylvie
27. Drive a car that's been paid off for a while now!
28. When gas prices drop down
29. When people say "you're welcome" when I say "thanks" in the drive thru
30. Being myself
31. My new hair extensions!
32. My wonderful boyfriend Drew <3
33. Lil baby kicking in my tummy
1. My dog

2. A day in the park

3. Waking up and stay in bed for as long as I want

4. Lying in bed with the sound of rain from outside

5. A walk on the beach

6. My niece

7. Sandwich with carpaccio

8. Laughing with tears rolling over my face

9. Driving a car

10. Caipirinha

11. Traveling

12. Going outside without a jacket, just because the weather lets you

13. Reaching a goal

14. Being in love

15. New shoes

16. Going out for dinner

17. Wearing a new outfit

18. USA

19. Fireplace

20. Being told I look nice

21. The softness after shaving my legs

22. Knowing there's tomorrow

23. Music that fits the mood

24. Clean sheets

25. Lying in a hammock
1. Doctor Who

2. Bananas

3. Thunderstorms

4. Smutty fanfiction

5. My sister

6. Writing.

7. The pool.

8. The Outer Banks

9. 4-wheeling

10. Playing games with my family

11. Stargate

12. Texts From Last Night

13. PostSecret

14. Smoothies

15. Gone with the Wind

16. Rain

17. My car

18. Books

19. Clean laundry

20. Photography

21. Blue sky

22. Cumulus clouds

23. Helping people

24. Good food

25. Going out to eat

26. Sleep

27. Rook

28. Poetry

29. Dreams

30. The New Yorker

31. Egyptian cotton sheets

32. Singing

33. My friends

34. The smell of hay

35. The smell of sawdust

36. Craft fairs

37. Situations that aren’t awkward

38. English classes

39. Knowing the answer to things

40. Turning in a paper that I am proud of

41. Dancing

42. Getting a letter in the mail

43. Television

44. Leslie Howard

45. Traveling

46. Storytelling

47. USA Network shows

48. Netflix

49. Free food

50. Southern literature

51. The mountains

52. Appalachia

53. Ballads
22. Rihanna
23. Dancing my butt off
24. Candles a.k.a PartyLite
25. Spontaneous fun
26. Hanging out with my Godmother, Sylvie
27. Drive a car that's been paid off for a while now!
28. When gas prices drop down
29. When people say "you're welcome" when I say "thanks" in the drive thru
30. Being mys (...more)
1. Candy (Mars bar, Reese Butter Cups, Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, etc.)
2. Bi-weekly paychecks
3. People who compliment me
4. My friend Sofia & Bianca
5. My dog Kaylee
6. My family
7. Desperate Housewives (TV show)
8. Big Brother (TV show)
9. My cell phone
10. Going on a trip in the Caribbean
11. Trip to Dairy Queen
12. Saving money somehow
13. When the sun is out
14. Being spontaneous
15. Sangria
16. Pornstar drinks & shooters
17. When I missed a tv show and realize it's on the pvr
18. Tanning
19. Getting my nails done by Bianca
20. Cleaning
21. MUSIC!!! It's always playing!