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Find a new job
Started at RBA
Job interview for pediatric-nurse-training ♥
I start my new job tomorrow! I will be a chef again.
Waitress 4/13/15
3rd Shift Grocery at Kroger
Found two new jobs! I hope that I am able to keep both of them and still have enough time to sleep!
2/8/14-PCA job
Okay within the same company, but still another job starting next week!
Interviews are coming, just need to close and I'll be sorted.
Start my new job on 20th August. What a relief!
Loving the new role, new team, new environment.
Institute of solid state physics. :)
now employed by nordstrom
Started Golden communications, My own company in April 2011
Not exactly what I had in mind. I?ll keep on looking.
1. English Teacher
2. As a journalist in a communication agency
2. As a journalist in a communication agency
July 19 - Lots of interviews, nothing yet. It really is a cut-throat world. I'm holding out hope though. Aerotek's offering me a temp-to-hire in Kent for pretty close to what I was making at Panasonic.
They submitted for me on 7/ it's a waiting game.
They submitted for me on 7/ it's a waiting game.
July 5 - Rec'd email with a pre-interview online interview. I don't understand the logic, but I do understand that I'll be heading up to Seattle this week for an interview. Wheee!
Networking Professional Development Career Development Career Advancement Job Search Work-Life Balance Job Opportunities
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