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Learn 10 phrases in Spanish

--Mucho Gusto (Mooch-o Goos-toe)
Nice to meet you
--No te creo
I don't believe you
Qué tal?
--What's up ish
Qué estás haciendo
--What are you doing?
actually...Qué haces...Hahaha 12-30-14
Nice to meet you
--No te creo
I don't believe you
Qué tal?
--What's up ish
Qué estás haciendo
--What are you doing?
actually...Qué haces...Hahaha 12-30-14

Orale--Ok, ok then

Qué onda?
--What's up?
--What's up?

Puedo ver lo?
--Can I look at it?
--Can I look at it?

Estás Listo/a
--Are you ready?
Qué paso?
--What happened?
Qué es eso/esto?
--What is that/this?
Eso no es verdad.
--That's not true
--Are you ready?
Qué paso?
--What happened?
Qué es eso/esto?
--What is that/this?
Eso no es verdad.
--That's not true

Ya Terminé!
-I'm finished! (This is one of my favorite phrases when learning learn languages, hehe)
-I'm finished! (This is one of my favorite phrases when learning learn languages, hehe)

Qué hora es?
-What time is it?
--Son las dos y media (it's 2:30)
Son las tres menos cinco (It's five til 3)
Es la una (it's 1:00)
No hay de que (No IDK)
--It's nothing/You're welcome
-What time is it?
--Son las dos y media (it's 2:30)
Son las tres menos cinco (It's five til 3)
Es la una (it's 1:00)
No hay de que (No IDK)
--It's nothing/You're welcome

Qué hora es?
-What time is it?
--Son las dos y media (it's 2:30)
Son las dos menos cinco (It's five til 3)
Es la una (it's 1:00)
No hay de que (No IDK)
--It's nothing/You're welcome
-What time is it?
--Son las dos y media (it's 2:30)
Son las dos menos cinco (It's five til 3)
Es la una (it's 1:00)
No hay de que (No IDK)
--It's nothing/You're welcome
Culture Education Cultural Immersion Language Learning Communication Language Immersion Vocabulary Language Proficiency Language Acquisition Language Practice Language Skills Immersion Language Fluency Vocabulary Building Spanish Language Language Education Foreign Language Bilingualism Language Study Language Mastery
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