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Get laser hair removal

January - July 2018

Love that I was able to do this for myself.

That shit is painful. I've had 3 treatments now! Science rules.

That shit is painful. I've had 3 treatments now! Science rules.

I have my first laser hair removal session tomorrow.
Lasers in my eeeeyes, lasers on my skiiiin...
Lasers everywhere. LASER LIFE.
Lasers in my eeeeyes, lasers on my skiiiin...
Lasers everywhere. LASER LIFE.

Got 6 sessions done on upper lip. Didn't notice any difference and it was painful!! I also didn't like the fact that the hair had to be shaved off before each session. Think I'll stick to waxing :)

Lip started December 2012

First Appointment in March

6/15/11 - upper lip and chin! Bought on Groupon, this was the first session, with five session to go!

In process of having course of treatment on bikini line.

James at Badar's Hair and All Salon

Started Nov. 2010
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