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Redecorate my bedroom

Getting there.

Getting there.

New arrangement of furniture, new curtains!

Almost done! Cracked ceiling is fixed and painted, window frames and doors painted, wallpaper is up, including forest photo mural on one wall. Will have to postpone painting the floor until spring and better ventilation possibilities.

Since we moved house in December 2012, I have a whole new bedroom to the one I started my list in. Some parts of it, like the colour of the walls and the existing furniture, were not for me to choose, but I picked out my own bed, sofa and bedside table. I also positioned the record player (...more)

-bij Polare? (voorheen selexyz/slegte)

Cleaned up, moved the terrarium out, took down the horse puzzle and flowers, and going to buy a poster right shortly!

Feito algures em 2012.
Feito algures em 2012.

bought new bedding

Buy a loft bed.
Have everything matching (white palette)
Have everything matching (white palette)
Other recently added goals...