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🧶 Learn to knit / 🛍️ Buy something from Etsy / 👻 Dress up for Halloween / 🧶 Knit a scarf / 👔 Learn to tie a tie / 📷 Buy a new camera / Redecorate my bedroom / 💻 Buy a new computer / 👠 Buy a pair of heels / Redecorate my room / Buy a good camera / 👠 Buy a pair of killer heels / Decorate my bedroom / Start collecting something / 👟 Buy a new pair of shoes / 📷 Buy a proper DSLR camera / 👗 Buy a whole new wardrobe / Buy a new pair of glasses / Buy a professional camera / Decorate my room / 👭 Make friendship bracelets / 👜 Buy a designer handbag / Buy a charm bracelet / 🐍 Wrap a snake around my neck / Knit myself a scarf / Buy a pair of cowboy boots / Pierce my ears / Make something to sell on Etsy / Create a new wardrobe for myself / Buy a nice pair of sunglasses / Buy a designer bag / Buy a guitar / Learn to knit a scarf / Buy new laptop / Make an article of clothing / Knit a hat / Buy something on Etsy / Repaint my room / Wear a fake moustache for a whole day / 👜 Buy a new handbag / Attend a fancy dress party / Make my own Halloween costume / Make a pair of earrings / Find a hat I dont look silly in / Get an entirely new wardrobe / Get colored contacts / Sell something on Etsy / Buy an iPod / Learn how to make a friendship bracelet / Make a daisy chain / Change my clothing style / Wear coloured contacts / Wear a different outfit every day for 30 days / Learn to tie a bow tie / Purchase something from Etsy / Go to London Fashion Week / Learn to make jewellery / Go on a clothes shopping spree / Buy a camera bag / Attend and photograph a fashion show / Create a room you love / Make a costume / Change my wardrobe / Knit a rainbow scarf / Make a flower headband / Buy something from Victoria's Secret / Make my own earrings / Change my room in some way / Finish decorating my room / 🧵 Make a friendship bracelet / Learn how to tie a Windsor knot / Go shopping in New York / Make or buy a necklace hanger / Buy something from Chanel / Wear colored contacts / Buy a leather jacket / Make a hat / Knit a pair of mitts / Go to New York fashion week NEW YORK / Buy a hat / Go shopping at North Laine in Brighton ENGLAND / Spend time in the Dongdaemun market SOUTH KOREA / Buy a skateboard / Change my personal style / Get a complete makeover / Knit a pair of mittens / Make my own cosplay costume / Learn how to tie a bow tie / Own a leather jacket / Knit a pair of gloves / Create the perfect up-do / Try hair extensions / Add something new to my room every month / Get a wardrobe makeover / Shop at the road side bazaars and chichi boutiques in Delhi INDIA / Shop for unusual items at the weekend Chatuchak Market THAILAND / Learn to make friendship bracelets / Buy a pair of earrings every month / Wear a beret / See a show at London Fashion Week ENGLAND / Shop at Mall of America MINNESOTA / Sell a handmade item / Give someone a makeover / Knit mittens / Shop at the Rio Hippie fair at Ipanema BRAZIL / Learn how to make jewellery / Shop at Bugis Junction SINGAPORE / Knit an item of clothing / Buy something from Etsy or an online craft store / Buy a pair of knee high boots / Make a charm bracelet / Knit my own scarf / Shop at the Ben Tahn Market VIETNAM / Make an infinity scarf / Buy a sewing machine and learn to use it / 🧵 Make something out of felt / Make something from chainmail / Attend the Melbourne Fashion Festival AUSTRALIA / Visit the 5th Avenue Apple Store NEW YORK / Give a friend a makeover / 🧶 Knit a clapotis / 👜 Find the perfect handbag / Shop for junk jewellery at Fashion Street in Mumbai INDIA / Attend Berlin Fashion Week GERMANY / Learn how to make a tiara / Make a hula hoop / Do a wardrobe makeover / Buy red cowboy boots / Wear a bow tie / Go bargain shopping at Cox's bazaar BANGLADESH / Attend Cleveland Fashion Week OHIO / Visit Tassenmuseum Hendrikje NETHERLANDS / Go bargain hunting in the shops around the capital ANDORRA / Buy a host of multi-coloured glass bangles at Ferozabad in Uttar Pradesh INDIA / Have a Walk-in-Closet / Buy my own surfboard / Learn Japanese fabric gift wrapping / Develop a clothing style / Visit Dappermarkt NETHERLANDS / Buy me a wrist watch / Make a list of 101 things for my swap / Shop in a Victoria's Secret store / Make a fabric Cloche Hat / Buy a Malachite Necklace at the Central Market in Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Go shopping on Las Olas Boulevard FLORIDA / Shop for crafts at the Msasani Slipway TANZANIA / Visit the Museum of Bags and Purses NETHERLANDS / Shop at the duty-free stores on Central Avenue in Panama City PANAMA / Visit Apple Store SoHo NEW YORK /