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Learn to sew
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I have now made some clothes for myself - everything but a pair of pants. Once I've done that twice, I'll mark this as complete.
I think I've got tote making down, so now I'm ready for something a little harder. Next project - a brush roll for a friend who paints.
Latest tote I made, for my cousin. The inside of it. Pockets for her keys and her phone. She's been using it every day since I gave it to her. I think I've got tote making down, so now I'm ready for something a little harder.
Latest tote I made, for my cousin. The outside of it.
Just realized this didn't upload the picture of the other two totes I made for Christmas gifts.
Made some totes as Christmas presents; I think I'm getting the hang on it.
I made a tote bag for my best friend, and I'm in the middle of making one for myself. It's a good start!
I've had a sewing machine that was gifted to me by my MIL but It's been awhile since I used it. I've spent the past couple days tinkering around with it, re-learning how to thread it, wind a bobbin, and experiment with different stitches and I feel ready to attempt a project in the next few days.
Made Christmas present for pip!
I used back stitch to sew my aviator hat for Kitacon

Since then, I have done running stitch and ladder stitch, made several plushies, another hat, gloves and modified a t-shirt. I have also repaired trousers.

Learning to make late-Victorian dresses with Katy's help. Using a sewing machine and some hand-sewing.
I recieved my very own sewing machine for Christmas! So far, I have hemmed two pairs of pants and I'm working on new curtains for my family!
Took the class, now need to complete the pajamas.
Then, sew a dress.
Then, some pants. Or a cardigan.
I have learned the basics...and that's all I need to know, really! I made new curtains for Mila's bedroom and I'm on my way to pillows and curtains for the master bedroom!