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🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🧵 Learn to sew / 🧶 Make a quilt / 🧵 Make a piece of clothing for myself / Learn how to sew / Learn how to knit / 🧵 Complete a cross stitch project / Learn how to sew a button / Sew myself a dress / Make my own dress / Learn to sew with a sewing machine / Complete a sewing project / Pick 3 things to start and finish on / Get a sewing machine and learn how to use it / Sew a skirt / Sew a quilt / Buy a sewing machine / Make a stuffed animal / Make a dress from scratch / Sew an article of clothing / Get a new hobby / Learn how to use a sewing machine / Learn a new craft / Design and sew a dress / Make myself a dress / Make something with my sewing machine / Make 5 things from / Buy a sewing machine and learn how to use it / Learn how to cross stitch / Make an article of clothing / Learn to knit or crochet / Make a patchwork quilt / Design and make a dress / Make an item of clothing from scratch / Learn to sew a button / Get a sewing machine / Sew a dress / Make my own t-shirt / Make a T-shirt quilt / Learn how to knit or crochet / Sew an article of clothing I can actually wear / Make my own Halloween costume / Design and make my own dress from scratch / 👗 Make my own skirt / Sew my own skirt / Make five things from instructables / Learn to embroider / Start a new hobby / Learn some basic sewing skills / Learn to make jewellery / Make a quilt for someone special / Make a sock monkey / Open an Etsy store / Embroider something / Learn to sew by hand / Make a costume / Make my own curtains / Learn to sew buttons and hem pants / Design and make a piece of clothing / Learn how to sew a dress from a pattern / Make a cushion / Finish a quilt / Sew a skirt for myself / Learn to cross stitch / Do a craft project every month for a year / Make a corset / Learn embroidery / Make a hat / Make a doll / Make a rug / Take a knitting class / Make a quilt with Mom / Make a quilt from old t-shirts / Learn to hem pants / Make a teddy bear / Make my own cosplay costume / Learn how to embroider / Learn bookbinding / Learn to sew my own clothes / Learn how to quilt / Take a quilting class / Join a knitting group / Make a sock puppet / Learn basic sewing skills / Make a little black dress / Sew a sundress / Take sewing lessons / Build something with my own two hands / Learn to hem my own pants / Get stitches / Learn how to sew on a button / Make my own halloween costume / Sew a patchwork quilt / Knit a quilt / Buy a sewing machine and learn to use it / 🧵 Make something out of felt / Use a sewing machine / Teach myself to sew / Design my own dress / Make an infinity scarf / Make a pair of pants / Make something new out of old clothes / 🧵 Make a hexagon quilt / 🧵 Learn to sew buttons / Learn to sew on a sewing machine / Sew new curtains / Knit a stuffed animal / Make cushion covers / 🧦 Knit a sock monkey / Take dress making course / Attend the American Quilter's Society National Quilt Show KENTUCKY / Start a quilting project / Learn basic tailoring / Make a temari ball / Make a list of 101 things for my swap / Make a canvas picture with buttons / Sew on a button / Make a fabric Cloche Hat / Create a cosplay costume from scratch / Sew an article of clothing from scratch / Attend the Vermont Quilt Festival VERMONT / Make a kaftan / Learn to finger knit / Create a sock puppet /