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Listen to every song in my iTunes library
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Love It!
On 507 lists and 122 people have done it.
Starting at 3293 left to listen.

14 Mar 2021 - 2997 left

29 Apr 2021 - 1945 left
I haven't took trace of all the song I listened to, but I assume in 1001 day I have listened to all of them...
N's, O's, P's, Q's and R's are all done
Finished the H's, I's, J's, K's, L's and M's are all done.
Finished the C's, D's, E's, F's, G's are all done and about half way through the H's
Finished the B's and the C's are in progress.
I am listening by song. I listened to all the ones that start with A and about half the ones that star with B.
even survived mega mindy and plop!
I was halfway through this when I added it as a goal. All 1297 songs!
268 songs out of 2165 so far.

A - Completed.

B- Completed.

C- in progress
304 / 2978 songs
A songs - Completed!

B songs - Inprogress
8/18/12: 1681/3202 played
Now I've listened 199 songs from 9558.
36th song going of all 9559 I have...
5/29/12: 1278/3119 played
3/21/12: 511/3179 played
excluding juvenile music defined as Avril Lavigne, etc.
582 tracks, initially organized by title so it's not all Hanson, all the time for six hours. Delete as I go, add possibilities for top 100 as I go.
Made a playlist of all the songs with 0 plays to work through
started on October 20, 2011
Make sure each song has been played at least once.
Feb 6 '12: 129/3204 played (I'm almost to 2010!)
- Starting with 7000 Songs.
Started with the A's in October....
completed all A songs today