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Chavín de Huantar
Chavín de Huántar is an archaeological site containing ruins and artifacts originally constructed by the Chavín, a pre-Inca culture, around 900 BC. The site is located 250 kilometers (160 mi) north of Lima, Peru, at an elevation of 3,200 meters (10,500 ft), east of the Cordillera Blanca at the start of the Conchucos Valley. Chavín de Huántar has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Some of the Chavín relics from this archaeological site are on display in the Museo de la Nación in Lima.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Chavín de Huantar and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).
Culture Cultural Heritage Adventure Travel UNESCO World Heritage Site Archaeology South America Ancient Ruins High Altitude Archaeological Site Pilgrimage Site Mountainous Terrain Peruvian Culture Pre-Columbian History South American History