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Pay off my credit cards
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Having been unemployed for some months in 2023, this is not going to get finished by the years end. However, I am going to try and get one more paid off by then.
As of 2021, I am credit card debt free. My score is 626 as of now.
We used a bonus to pay them off. 4/16/2022
[x] - laranja
[x] - azul
[ ] - roxo
One has been paid off, and then I ended up putting more on it. I decided not to mark it as complete until it's paid off again and I keep it paid off for at least 6 months.
One CC Paid off - one to go!!!

If anyone is looking for help in paying off your CC, look into the Digit app. It's a savings app, pulls small amounts from your bank accounts into a savings account. You can set up that savings account to then automatically make payments to your CC. By doing this, and by also paying more than my monthly payment, as well as funneling any other money I saved "elsewhere" to that bill - boom. Gone. :)
9/13 - made $500 payment

9/19 - $50 payment

10/4 - $50 payment
Finally caved and asked my dad for help. Leaving the goal up but now considering it "Pay back my dad."
I contacted all my creditors to set up payment plans directly. I am paying less per month on debt repayment but actually making higher payments which allows me to make a higher monthly payment on my active credit cards with the goal to pay them off
22-Aug-15 : $9557.45

27-Aug-15: $7049.45
I just paid off the final two cards to the tune of $1700! We started with several thousand more than that. We worked hard, and I felt like the day might never arrive...but it did.

It's a wonderful feeling! The peace of mind that accompanies this goal is soooo worth all the hard work and sacrificing.
(As of 2/12/15)

Kohls: $350.00

Walmart: $63.00

Discover: $75.00

Total: $488.00
Paid off Davids Bridal (5-20-14, $150.00)

Paid off Kohls and Target ($918.31, 5-24-14, $753.36 left)
The cards have all been paid off, so now just to keep them paid off!
I have applied for a loan that will let me consolidate the credit card debt into a fixed term loan, helping me pay the debt off faster, and with less interest paid. The trick will be keeping the credit cards paid off if we get there.
Paid off the first credit card yesterday. It's a start!



PAID OFF! July 2
Started paying them down
As of 9/16 balances are:
RCC: 7590.97
One is paid off and cancelled. The other should be paid off by the new year if I can keep my job!
1 card left for online purchases and emergencies.
Just need to close out one other and I will consider this completed.
Paid off Best Buy, Kohl's, Macy's and Value City Furniture cards. Now I only have my MasterCard to pay off--but that's going to take a while to do.