Vicky Wright
Lakewood Ohio
Learn to be aware of all the wonder we have around us, let the past be in the past and not part of the future. Choose life every day, be grateful for whatever you have, and most important share, share, share—spread as much love as you can. ~Lula Insfran

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23 Mar, 20
Added the following to list 20 in 2020:
Learn to play 10 songs by heart on ukulele
, Go on a cruise
, Pay off my car
, Pay off my credit card
...and one other.
18 Mar, 19
Added the following to list 2019.:
Learn Spanish
18 Mar, 19
Liked the following:
Jan 01, 2019 - Dec 31, 2019
This list has no specified timeline
May 12, 2014 - Feb 06, 2017
Goals with no specified timetime
Goals completed!