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Give blood
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On 504 lists and 92 people have done it.
Appointment booked!
The children's national center does blood drivers at Marymount once in a while. I finally was able to donate this year. Feel good to contribute to someone's life.
Me right after giving blood again for the first time in years - restrictions relating to my travel have held me back for quite a while
I went to donate at the beginning of March as soon as it had been more than six months from my return from Thailand. (That's how long you have to wait.) Unfortunately my iron count was too low! Got to wait three months now so I guess I'll try again in June!
Registered for a session on 29th of April
There's a session on 25/1 (this Sunday) that I could go to. I asked mum and she said to have a really good diet before and after so I don't crash or anything. I might try doing the diet thing for a while and then go next month? I don't know when the best time to go would be, cycle-wise, or if it would even make any difference.
Appointment Booked: 17th September, 5.30
I gave blood at the blood drive at school!!
Giving blood on the 18th of June!
Completed 12th October 2012 - my 25th donation of blood
I made an appointment to get picked up at school, but it conflicted with OPIRG business (N)
(and finally find out my blood type)
Now 17 so it's possible! Woo!
Appointment August 10th 2011 at 18:00 to donate for the first time :)
DONE!! AND I managed not to faint!! :D
Attempt 1- 1st March- Big fail- veins too small!
Done on the 6th of January 2012
Appointment August 10th 2011 at 18:00 to donate for the first time :)
1/8/11 - Made another appointment to give again on the 24th October
1/8/11 - Donated blood :)
23.7.2011 - Booked an appointment for Monday the 1st of August at 2:15pm.