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Go stargazing
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On 452 lists and 147 people have done it.
I had an amazing experience of stargazing in Kamchatka, Russia, in 2020. It was truly a magical night - we were in a hot tub on the shore of the Pacific Ocean relaxing after a few hours of surfing. The night was falling quickly, and suddenly all these stars began to fill up the sky. I've never seen so many stars! They were endless. I saw shooting stars, The Big Dipper (Ursa Major), millions of other stars and constellations I don't know, and for the first time in my life I saw The Milky Way! Incredible experience. Starry nights are the best.
I also did stargazing with a friend in Dahab, Egypt, in the beginning of 2021, with a special app and stuff. It was more of an educational experience rather than just pure enjoyment =)
Completed: Sep 2nd, 2018

Lion's Head Beach, ON.

Sauble Beach

Saw the brightest star in the sky (North Star), Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and the Milky Way.

Also witnessed two shooting stars, and made a wish!

At Kielder Observatory. Alas, it was a very cloudy night!
Not a whole lot of stars on Cincy, but I did this solo by candle light withat music. It was nice.
I actually do this a lot! It's amazing to think of how much is out there we have no clue about or how stars are light years away!
Two Rivers soccer camp 2013
Went out the evening of August 10th to watch the Perseid meteor shower. There was quite a bit of waiting for meteors, so it was a good time to test our Astronomy knowledge. It was an incredibly clear night - not a cloud in the sky. The Seven Sisters was the first thing that I saw as I went outside. Something that I had never seen was the plane of the Milky Way, which is surprisingly neat and obvious.I didn't have a camera that couldn't take exposure shots, so that was a bit of a drag. Oh well, so it goes.
Went stargazing at the Edinburgh Observatory
Accomplished May 11th 2010

Walked to the dykes with Courtney Harris and stargazed.
And watched the perseid meteor showers with nick.