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Make a new friend

Anybody wanna be my friend!? :D

Since moving to Maryland in February (it's now June 22). I've made several friends in a class, the bus driver who used to take me to the class and some people at church.

Michelle and Stacey

I have been working on this for a while (obviously Covid slows down the in-person part...) I wanted to make some friends outside work because I am in a position of authority at my job and can't really "open up" and trust people not to gossip. So I joined a friend-making app and finally met up with someone from there. She seems keen to get together again, so I consider this accomplished. Time will tell!

New internet friends- 3
New IRL friends- 8
New IRL friends- 8

Make 5 new friends

New Internet friends- 3
New IRL friends- 5
New IRL friends- 5

I've made a bunch of new friends :))

Not sure how to call this "completed" either.
What is the border between hangout/acquaintances and friend?
Are they one and the same and it's all just a question of degree?
Are you a friend after a certain number of events we attend together?
I guess I am learning towards 3 "hangs" together then it counts.
What is the border between hangout/acquaintances and friend?
Are they one and the same and it's all just a question of degree?
Are you a friend after a certain number of events we attend together?
I guess I am learning towards 3 "hangs" together then it counts.


I started using slowly to find a penpal

I made a new friend at work! I'm happy 🙂

Tay and Zac are our new roommates (since March 2019), and Nadine from ITJ class added me on Facebook!

Jennifer Boden made at work

Julie ward

I met Sam Miles at Slimming World and we have become friends from there. Actually, I met a few people at SW I’d consider friends, plus lots of people from Ingram Micro!

Well, I don't like having ''friends'' but I like meeting new people.
My goal is to meet as many new people as possible (e.g. during language exchange meetings/in pubs/during business meetings) and learn as much as possible from them.
☑ Already met more than 50 new people and even gained some new clients.
My goal is to meet as many new people as possible (e.g. during language exchange meetings/in pubs/during business meetings) and learn as much as possible from them.
☑ Already met more than 50 new people and even gained some new clients.

Ангел :)))




Internet friends- 2!

Elise Williams - Casey's fiance

I didn't make one, I made two! And five acquaintances while I was at it. :P

Met Megan (from work) developed friendship.

Made several new friends at work this year

I think I can say by now that I've become friends with the guy who works at the charity shop where I volunteer?

Semptember.2016-Arie-exchange from Kazachstan

Vanessa from Church and a member of my Life Group.

13.6.2016-Dominik Eichinger and Ivan Mijailovic ♥ Turkey 2016

Taty <3

My new friend is Nova :)

Abbie - The Used gig 22.02.16

Work is such a good place to meet people. :)

I mean if by "new friend" I meant new acquaintance that I actually would like to hang out with..
Then sure this is done. It's a hell of a lot more successful than I usually am socially.
Then sure this is done. It's a hell of a lot more successful than I usually am socially.

Uni friends!

view 1 video fun

Made an office full of friends at work!

Amanda, Ginni, Heather, Natasha, Marissa, Jenna, etc...

Sue Farmer!

Mr. Jim Hill

I'm going to call this one done. My new friend Michael G. who I met through the book club I joined and I have met for lunch and book club seven times. I agreed to co-host the book club with him just today. It is nice to have some new folks in my new life. Thanks Michael for being my friend.


Made 3 new friends after my DnD campaign started.

Crystal Simmons!



Bridget Benedict

Nathan and Isabel

Nathan and Isabel

Nathan and Isabel

Nathan and Isabel

Thank you Jasmine!

Julia vaihtari austariasta

I made friends with Elizabeth

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an "acquaintance" or an "association", such as a classmate, neighbor, coworker, or colleague.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Friendship and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).
Community Friendship Socializing Networking Support Connection Bonding Community Building Open-Mindedness Conversation Meeting New People Companionship Interpersonal Skills Building Relationships
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