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Get my drivers license

Thursday - I took my test today - and I got my license!! :-)

Wednesday - I drove us to Carole's and back, to borrow her car. I also drove us to/from the dental clinic. I drove Carole's car for about an hour. Total: 42 hours.

Tuesday - I drove us to Carole's and back, to borrow her car. And I drove her car for about an hour. Total: 41.5 hours.

Monday - I drove us to the dollar store, US Bank and Winco and back. Total: 41 hours.

Sunday - I drove us to the bank and to Rite Aid and back. And also to Walmart. Total: 41 hours.

Saturday - I drove us for our run and back. Total: 40.5 hours.

Friday - I drove us to Erik's house and back. Total: 40 hours.

Thursday - I drove us to/from our run (30mins). And to/from Carole's. Plus I practised in her car for about an hour. Total: 39.5 hours.

Wednesday - I drove us to US Bank and to Rite Aid. About 30mins. Total: 38.5 hours.

Tuesday - I drove us to our run and back, then to Carole's house. Then I drove her car for an hour. About 60mins. Total: 38 hours.

Monday - I drove us to US Bank, Goodwill, Walmart and CVS. About 30mins. Total: 37 hours.

Sunday - I drove to our run and back. I also drove us to Walmart. For about 30mins. Total: 36.5 hours.

Saturday - I drove us to Winco and the Dollar Store, for 30mins. Total: 36 hours.

Friday - I drove for 30mins. Total: 35.5 hours.

Thursday - I drove us to our run and back (about 30 mins). I drove Carole's car for about 1.5 hours. I am not counting that toward my total though. Total: 35 hours.

Wednesday - I drove to/from Rush. About 15mins. Total: 34 hours.

Tuesday - I drove to/from our run. I drove us to/from Rush Employment and then the Medi-Cal. I drove us to/from Nona's house. Probably an hour in total. Total: 34 hours.

Sunday - I drove us to the Post Office, then on to the Library, and back. About 30mins. Total: 33 hours.

Saturday - I drove us to our run and back - the return trip was via the corner of Lake Boulevard. Approx 30mins. Also drove out to the airport (Wynters Nursery) and then visited Nona. About 30mins. Total: 32.5 hours.

Friday - Today I drove us to Winco and back. About 30mins. Total: 31.5 hours.

Thursday - I drove us to our run, and back. And later, in the afternoon, I drove us to the 99c Only store. Probably 30mins. Total: 31 hours.

Wednesday - I drove us to the library, to the dollar store (Saturday one), to RiteAid and to CVS. Lots of little manoeuvres. Probably about 30mins. Total: 30.5 hours.

Tuesday - I drove us to our run, the short way - it was about 30mins. Total: 30 hours.

Monday - I drove to/from the post office, but practiced hill-starts on Foothill. About 15mins. Total: 29.5 hours.

Sunday - I drove us to Walmart and back. About 30 mins. Total: 29.5 hours.

Friday - I drove us to our run, and back. About 30mins. Drove to Winco (via USBank) and back. About 30mins. Total: 29 hours.

Thursday - I drove us to Rite Aid on Eureka, and back. About 15 mins. Total: 28 hours.

Wednesday - I drove us to the Dollar Store and back. About 30 mins. Total: 28 hours.

Tuesday - I drove us to Breslauer Place and back. About 15 minutes. I also drove us to/from the cinema. Another 15 minutes. Total: 27.5 hours.

Monday - I drove us to Brandy Beach and back. Then to the Library and back. Maybe an hour. Total: 27 hours.

Friday - I drove to Winco (but Ian drove back because I had a cold, and didn't feel good). Total: 26 hours.

Wednesday - I drove to the Dollar Store, and then home past the other dollar store. It was a challenging drive. Total: 26 hours.

Tuesday (Ian had been sick for a few days) - I drove us to the library, then Wal-mart, then CVS. I think I'd been driving for about 30 minutes. Total: 25.5 hours.

Friday - I drove us to/from the bank, and then Rush Employment Agency. It was a total of about 30mins. Total: 25 hours.

Thursday - I drove us to/from Winco and the Dollar Store. It was a tough drive. It lasted about 30 minutes. Total: 24.5 hours.

Tuesday - I drove us to and from our run, but I took us the short way. It was about 30mins. I also drove us to Henry's game. It was also about 30mins Total: 24 hours.

Monday - I just drove us home from dropping off Henry. Probably about 10 minutes. Total: 23 hours.

Sunday - I drove us to our run and back. I drove the short way, and I can see how much I have improved because I am OK on the hill-starts now. Total: 23 hours.

Saturday - I drove out to Karl's house and back. It was a good drive, and I feel more comfortable. Total: 22.5 hours.

Friday - I drove to and from the library. Total 21.5 hours

Thursday - I drove us to the Dollar Store, and to Winco, and home again. It was intensive and intense. But I did it! Total: 21 hours.

Wednesday - I drove us out to our run, and back another way. I think it'd be about an hour's driving today. Total: 20.5 hours

Monday - I drove us to a walk - Wintu Loop. It was about 30mins return. Total: 19.5 hours.

Sunday - We drove around town a little. The drive was for an hour, and it was in the heavy rain. That was good practice for me. Total: 19 hours.

Saturday - We went for a long country drive. I drove for over an hour. I am definitely feeling more comfortable with my driving. Total: 18 hours.

Thursday - I drove us out/back to the Hornbeck Trail, for our run. It was a little shorter, but I am still going to list it as 30mins. Total: 17 hours.

Tuesday - I drove us to/from our run (going the back way). I definitely feel more comfortable driving now. And I did my first ever hillstart without rolling back. Total: 16.5 hours.

Monday - We went for a driving lesson, just around the outskirts of town. It was about an hour. I am definitely getting better at my corners. I still need loads of work on my hill starts. Total: 16 hours.

Sunday - I drove us to and from our run. We went the long way again, and I feel that it was one of my best lessons so far. I seem to be taking corners better. It was about 30 minutes. Total: 15 hours.

Friday 08-Jan - I drove the long way to our run, and the long way (plus going for petrol) back. It was about 30 minutes. Total 14.5 hours.

Saturday 02-Jan - I drove part of the way to our run, and the whole of the way back. It was about 30 minutes. Total 14 hours.

Thursday 31 December - I did a little bit of driving today. It was probably 30 minutes in total. Total 13.5 hours.

Monday 28 December - I had an utterly shite drive. We stopped at 5 minutes. I'm having trouble with my mood and it fucked it up. Total 13 hours.

Saturday 26 December - I drove us to and from our Hornbeck Trail run. It wasn't very good. Probably around 30 minutes. Total 13 hours.

Friday 25 December - I drove us home from Red Bluff to Redding. Again, it was about an hour. There was almost no traffic on the road, so it was a lot easier than yesterday. I drove us another half an hour to Anderson, to pick up the kids. Total: 12.5 hours

Thursday 24 December - I drove us to Red Bluff. It was about an hour of driving. I was on the freeway, and drove at 70pmh. Total: 11 hours.

Wednesday 23 December - We got up early again. And I drove through town, and onto the freeway - to the airport. Another hour of driving. Total: 10 hours 15mins

Tuesday 22 December - We got up early again, and I drove at 630am, for 50 minutes. This was again in the streets of Redding. I am getting better, I can tell this now. I also drove the whole way back from our run, which would be another 20 minutes. Total driving - 9 hours 15mins.

Sunday 20 December - We got up early and went for a drive at 645am, for an hour. This time it was in the streets of Redding. I left from home, and I parked the car in the street. I had lots of traffic lights, but almost no traffic at all. Total driving - 8 hours.

Saturday 19 December - I went for another 1-hour drive, around the neighborhood. I practiced starting at Stop signs a lot. Total driving: 7-hours.

Thursday 17 December - Today I left from the front door. I did all the driving from the time we left, until we returned. It was 1.5 hours. I drove at 65 miles an hour on the freeway. And I had quite a few sets of lights. I need way more practice at starting (setting out). That's what we ar (...more)

Wednesday 16 December - Today I drove the last 5 minutes to the parking place on our trail. And I drove about 15 minutes to a place before it got quite busy. I did a reverse to get out of the carpark, and I had a few stop signs to negotiate. I feel that I am getting better at keeping in my (...more)

Tuesday 15 December - I drove from Placer to Ono. The lesson was about an hour. I turned a corner for the first time. I drove in 4th gear with people behind me. I went through towns which had speed limits for schools/children. I am getting used to steering and negotiating bends in the road.

Monday 14 December - I drove a little bit on the way to our run. Maybe for 5 minutes. But I got up to 4th gear.

Sunday 13 December - Second lesson. Drove around Brandy Beach. Drove on the road, after about 20 minutes in the carpark. Geared up to 3rd gear. Had some odd corner manoeuvres to do at the end of each stretch. Lots of winding road, and bends to navigate, plus ups-and-downs from hills and va (...more)

Saturday 12 December - I went for my first driving lesson. We went to Centamudi Boat Launch. I learned how to adjust the seat and mirrors; drive on the right; steer; indicate; gear up from first to second; stop and start; brake; reverse. I drove around the carpark, and a little bit to the (...more)

Friday 11 December - I finally got my learner's permit from the DMV

First k's in aussiee

October 5, 2012!!

Got my drivers ed class finally accepted onto my schedule!


...Just learned you must be 18 to do so.... so...yeah.
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