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Don't eat fast food for a month
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On 1,268 lists and 313 people have done it.
Start May 1st and finish May 31st

May 9th - on track

Let's try this again....

Start - Thurs Sept 28

Finish - Oct 28

Recently finished my first month of Kick Start Fat Loss and didn't eat any fast food during the first four weeks.
Starting 10 May 2014

Not even coffee! Not even subway!
January! January will be the month.
So I should have specified this accounts for all forms of eating out. I had Panera today, totally cheating. Unless I'm in a Vegan restaurant then I feel as if there are loopholes. Looks like I start again tomorrow!
8/15/2013-Ok today is my first day. No fast food. That includes Taco shops. I got this
8/13/2013-First day- Pretty easy. I shouldn't have too much trouble with this until someone tells me Taco Shops are fast food. I think they are. Damn I went at 1:30 in the morning. I guess I will start tomorrow
August 11, 2013 - September 11, 2013 (and beyond???)

The goal here is a purge and assess: without eating fast food, how do I feel? In fact, do I feel any differently? It isn't as though we are frequent eaters of fast food. I'll really be cutting out Chipotle and Subway for lunch options as (...more)
Starting May 1, 2013. Hopefully I can get this the first time around!
Done! It wasn't as easy as I had thought haha, I had to turn down a lot of fast food. But it feels healthy, will definitely keep up with eating less unhealthy foods (:
Still going strong! I already refused a meal in the McDonalds and didn't eat any of the fries that came with meals in other restaurants. Jeej (:
18th of march - 18th of april

No french fries, hotdogs, kebab, dürüm döner, pizza or anything from a fast food restaurant (except for the drinks, salads and ice cream). I'm going to do it!
Pizza, Chinese take-out, Chinese buns and food court food all count.
27th August 2012: Done it for two months now!
1st August 2012: Completed!
15th July 2012: Half of the month completed!
1st July 2012: Started this today!
Day 1- CHECK
Day 2- CHECK
Started on October 6th 2010, failed October 11th 2010, started again October 12th 2010, failed a few times. Let's say we try again from November 1st 2010. This seems to be a hard one, new onset on March 7th 2011
1. Put post it notes in car, near phone, in wallet, etc: DON'T EAT FAST FOOD.

2. Eat nice things.
I think I have saved money. Certainly I have used more ingredients stored at home to prepare meals with less waste.
Started on Nov. 9th
November 23, 2010 - December 26, 2010.
Started: September 13th, 2010
Starting on 24/06/10; Ending on 24/07/10.
started January 1st 2012
starting today, 21st of july.