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Make a list of 101 things that make me happy
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On 823 lists and 99 people have done it.
Coffee-- I love the smell of it first thing in the morning, I love my quiet early hours sipping it and watching the sun rise.
1 At jeg får jobbe med å oversette
2 Bøker
3 Å gå tur
4 Skogen
5 Sol
6 Regn
7 Å klemme barna mine
8 Å se barna mine smile
9 Fine utsikter
10 Å lage ting
11 Lyden av vind i trærne
12 Folk som har like teit humor som meg
13 Regnbuer
14 Skyer
15 Når folk jeg er glad i opplever gode ting
16 Juletrær i skogen
17 Hønene mine
18 Katter
19 Glade hunder
20 Sjokolade
21 Te
22 Pelletsovnen min
23 Fosser
24 Å ha fri
25 Å sove
26 Zumba
27 Flinke folk på biblioteket
28 At Amanda Hellberg er glad for at jeg oversetter bøkene hennes
29 Når barna mine gidder å spille et spill med meg og ingen krangler
30 Å gjøre noen glad
31 Å få noen til å le
32 Hver gang jeg får vite at jeg får oversette en bok til
33 Suppete scener i filmer, der folk er lettet eller glade
34 At Stephen Moffat er tilbake ved roret i Doctor Who
35 Det lilla huset mitt
36 Å se nye, fine steder
37 Å drømme om Caminoen
38 Å finne det riktige ordet eller uttrykket etter å ha grublet en stund
39 Sushi
40 Når jeg selv synes at maten jeg har laget er kjempegod
41 Når andre liker maten jeg har laget
42 Når redaktøren er enig med meg og ikke språkvasker / korrekturleser
43 Egg fra egne høner
44 Å henge opp klesvasken ute
45 Å bake
46 Kokosboller
47 Når jeg våkner om morgenen og føler meg uthvilt
48 Når noe jeg har sådd eller plantet i kjøkkenhagen faktisk gir ordentlig resultat
49 Når jeg skal legge meg om kvelden og kan se tilbake på en god dag
50 Å oppdage at jeg har gått ned en kilo
51 Instagramkontoer om bøker og te
52 Å se eller høre om noen som elsker tannsteinene mine
Ice cream-- One of my favorite weekend treats in the summer is walking to the ice cream place for a huge colorful cone. I love trying different flavors and I love walking back home in the sun enjoying it. Always makes me just as happy as when I was a kid.
Mushrooms-- I grew up morel hunting with my father in the woods, and still love spotting them on my walks now, figuring out which ones they are. I love when the mushroom stalls arrive at the farmer's market, all kinds of colors and shapes and sizes to take home and fry up. I love what fasc (...more)
Libraries-- One of my favorite places since I was a little girl. I love the atmosphere, the smell of the books, the quiet, the rows and rows and rows of books. I can spend forever browsing endlessly.
Ducks-- My home is right next to a large pond, and a flock of ducks returns there year after year. I always look forward to their return, and to seeing the ducklings arrive so cute and fluffy and tiny and grow up into the new flock.
Sunsets-- One of my own pics for this one. We have such beautiful sunsets where I live and it's so relaxing to watch the colors stretch across the sky at the end of the day.
Rainbows-- I've always loved seeing these since I was a kid, they make me feel so happy and make the day seem so special. I also love anything rainbow colored or patterned and have lots of stuff in rainbow colors.
Lilacs-- I love most flowers, but lilacs are very special to me. I grew up with huge bushes of them lining the yard, and the scent is still a fond memory of home. I'm lucky to live in a city with lots of them here, so that even now I can still enjoy that. I can't wait to have my own house (...more)
Fires-- I love having a roaring fire in the fireplace when it's raining or snowing out, curling up with a blanket and and a mug and reading. I love campfires and beach bonfires with friends, roasting marshmallows and sharing drinks and stories and songs. I have so many great childhood memo (...more)
Cafes-- One of my favorite ways to spend a lazy weekend morning or afternoon; taking in the ambience, trying specialty drinks, sipping tea or coffee and enjoying pastries or cheeses while reading a good book and watching out the window.
Autumn-- My favorite season of colorful leaves, crisp air, misty mornings, apple and pumpkin picking, and chilly nights with a cozy blanket and mug of tea and thick book.
Cinemas-- There's nothing like being in the darkness with your huge bucket of popcorn as a story plays out huge and loud in front of you, losing yourself entirely on the big screen.
Sci-Fi-- A lifelong love of mine; exploring the depths of space, galaxies and planets both real and imagined, all the most fascinating parts of science in brilliant new concepts.
Tea-- A passion of mine since I was very young. A warm comfort curled up with a book and a blanket, thousands of blends sweet and tart and strong, a soothing steaming mug.
Cats-- Well, all cats in general, but of course especially mine. I've had cats all my life. This is Cal asleep with his tail in his mouth-- since I was little I wanted an orange cat just like this, and I love him so much.
Books-- My lifelong passion and companions. I love losing myself in other worlds, faraway and imaginary places, growing to love characters like old friends. I even love the smell of the pages.
Fireworks-- I love watching fireworks. The lights, the colors, the excitement, the warm summer nights with the blue sky and the damp grass. It turns me right into a little kid again.
Summer-- I love soaking in the sun while I read trashy thrillers by the pool, floating in the cool blue water, warm nights barbecuing and sharing cold drinks, and all the heat and greenery.
Fantasy-- Ever since I was a little girl I've loved losing myself in fantastic worlds-- magical kingdoms, enchanted forests, epic quests across ancient realms, faeries, dragons, mermaids, unicorns, and more.
Horror-- Ever since I was a little kid and it was completely forbidden, adding to the thrill every time I got to sneak some home. I love horror. I love being scared. I love old school ghost stories and retro monster movies and modern slasher stuff. I love my old 80s black paperbacks. It's (...more)
Sea-- I've been fascinated by the sea since childhood. I love the beach, I love the roll and crash of the waves, I love the endless blue expanse on the open ocean, I love the changing colors, I love the romance of it.
Mail-- Who doesn't love getting a real letter in the mail? I love getting something from my penpal, bursting with chatty news and questions and decorated with cute stationery and stickers.
Piano-- The most soothing and lovely music to me since I was a little girl. I love both classical and modern piano music, and it never fails to relax me and make me happy. I'm still hoping to learn how to play.
Cooking-- I love how sensory it is, the sound of things steaming and sizzling and chopping, the colors of fresh ingredients, the feel of them under my hands, the look of the ingredients being transformed, the smell of something simmering on the stove, and of course the taste. I love unwind (...more)
Spring-- Growing up in Michigan with long harsh winters, I definitely learned to appreciate spring. I love the end of the cold bleak weather and the beginning of warm breezes, fresh air, open windows, everything sprouting up green and coming into flower.
Forests-- I grew up next to a nature preserve and my entire childhood was filled with exploring the woods, with hunting for mushrooms and berries and bugs and learning to identify leaves and wildflowers, imagining myself in a hundred different fantasy novels. It's still the place that brin (...more)
Rain-- Refreshing summer rain with the fresh green smell afterward, chilly autumn rain while you're warm inside, the look of it outside and the sound against the window while you're curled up with tea and a good book. My favorite kind of cozy night.
Baths-- Soaking and relaxing in the fragrant hot water, with lots of bubbles or a fizzy bomb in a luscious scent. I love reading and listening to books or music in the tub.
Baking-- The feel of kneading fresh dough, the smell of fresh bread or cookies in the oven, and of course tasty goodies when I'm done. One of my fave weekend activities.
Walks-- Ever since childhood I've loved the peace, solitude, and contemplation of wandering through forest trails or even just around the neighborhood.
Sewing-- I love this calming, zen-like craft. I love watching the stitches slowly bloom into something bright and colorful and lovely.
Fresh, clean sheets-- Is there any better feeling than climbing into a fresh, clean-laundry-scented bed at night after a long day?
Walks-- Long nature walks in the woods or by the shore, hiking through the wilderness, or just strolling around my neighborhood. This has been my place of peace and calm ever since I was a little girl and could spend hours and hours just wandering.
Putting on a favourite pair of socks

Wearing a Christmas jumper on my way home from university for the holidays

Finding a long, warm scarf in the sales

Sit wearing my blarf

Putting on some fluffy pjs when it's cold outside

Putting on my dressing gown after a long day

Being able to zip up my long coat at the first time of asking

Having an umbrella with me when it rains even though it was nice weather when I headed out

The weather being warm enough to wear shorts and a t-shirt or vest in Scotland

Meeting a friend for a catch up

Writing a letter to a friend

Receiving a postcard from a friend

Chatting into the wee hours, thinking it's only been an hour

Crying from laughing so hard

Singing along to the Mumin theme song in Swedish

Picnicing in Seaton park

Going for a wander

Sprinkling grated cheese onto hot food

Walking into a kitchen and smelling something cooking

Smelling food baking in the oven

Kneading bread

Getting sticky bread dough off my hands after kneading

Watching bread prove

Slicing into freshly baked bread

Eating Hagelslag, either on toast or as ice cream sprinkles or pretty much anything

Making some really tasty mashed potatoes

Making ice in the freezer in summer

My hot drink in my travel mug still being hot when I reach my lecture

Watching marshmallows melt into my hot chocolate

Eating ice cream when it's nearly all liquid

Peeling root vegetables

Grating a whole block of cheese

Watching cookery programmes

Trying to cook a dish I first saw on a cookery programme

Sprinting to cross a finish line

Crossing a finish line

Receiving encouraging messages from friends before a run

Getting a PB on a run

Wearing a finisher's top on a run after completing an official run

Being cheered on by strangers out on a run

Conquering an uphill running segment

Running at the pace I targeted

Freewheeling down a hill

The first push-and-glide when I swim

Pulling out my hair bobble underwater before getting out of the swimming pool

Keeping up with the coordination in an exercise class

Trying a new exercise class

Maintaining my balance when attempting a new yoga pose

Soaking in a bath after hiking in the mountains

Singing along to a song I like on the radio

Singing all the words to Smash Mouth's 'All Star'

Listening to Einaudi piano music

Playing recorder duets with my sister

Becoming emersed in a book that I love

Finishing a really good book and having another ready to start straight away

Standing with my feet in the sea on a hot day

Seeing sun block soak into my skin

Exfoliating after exercising

Writing blog posts

Writing up my planner

Listening to a newly uploaded Brexitcast

Discovering a new political / current affairs podcast I like

Reading live updates about political events

Being sent political memes

Watching a political documentary

Listening to the Chineasy vocab podcast

Pinning photographs to my noticebaord

Uploading a favourite picture to social media

Getting a new haircut

Getting the answer right to a question on University Challenge or Only Connect

Sleeping in clean sheets

Having a nap in the caravan when it's raining

Seeing the tracks of a hoover on the carpet

Emptying the hoover

Clearing away crumbs off a worksurface

Walking into a bright clean kitchen

Being able to pair every sock I wash

Drawing a pattern in a dusty surface

Visiting new countries

Scratching off said new countries on my scratch map

Getting stamps in my passport

Adjusting my watch to a new timezone

Feeling the wall of heat when leaving an airport

Zipping up my suitcase at the first time of asking

Hearing new languages spoken on public transport

Trying to speak the native language to a local

Planning itineraries of landmarks to see when travelling

Trying a local delicacy

Jumping into a swimming pool

Needing to sit in the shade because it's too hot for me

Not having a lecture at 4pm on a Friday

Making a to-do list that I complete

Finding a new playlist to study to

My ideas being incorporated into a MUN resolution

Passing a MUN resolution

Wearing my university pin at international MUN conferences

Referencing a piece of work quickly and correctly

Discovering the perfect primary source for an essay

Ticking off a deadline in my planner upon completion

Submitting coursework 24 hours before the deadline

Celebrating finishing a university module at the Bobbin with friends
9. Drinking cold water on a hot day.

10. Holding hands with Dan.

11. That post workout high

12. The smell if clean laundry

13. The smell of fresh cut grass
1. the smell of clean laundry

2. sunny days

3. my dogs acting goofy and playful

4. good coffee

5. completing a difficult project

6. naps in the sun

7. naps on a float in the pool

8. getting immersed in a book

1. My friend

2. my daughter

3. earl grey de la creme

4. my daemon

5. playing video games like Dragon Age 2

6. listening to damn good music

7. deity

8. buying my own stuff with my own money

9. dressing well

10. buying new clothes that look good on me

11. spending time with friends who truly accept me

12. dancing

13. certain cartoons/anime

14. finishing a song

15. finishing art that looks good

16. selling in the artist's alley

17. compliments on my achievements

18. compliments on my fashion sense

19. making music

20. my gingerbread voodoo doll

21. having my own computer

22. a tasty meal

23. city lights at night

24. dusk/sunset

25. going outside in the morning

26. black sesame smoothies (or black sesame anything, really)

27. taking part in a satisfying ritual

28. afternoon tea

29. a clean home

30. laying in a cushy bed

31. whipped cream

32. other good tea that isn't earl grey

33. baking something beautiful and delicious

34. the first signs of spring

35. warm, sunny days

36. silly cute things that aren't puke-worthy

37. marshmallows

38. when people actually respect my wishes

39. new art supplies

40. synths/gear with flashy lights

41. flowers in full bloom

42. view of the city from up high

43. urban witchcraft / technopaganism

44. food that tastes like nana's/papa's/mom's cooking

45. watching a really close match on esports/tourneys

46. when someone tells me they love me for me, and really means it

47. reading something that validates an idle feeling or belief of mine

48. helping the needy and knowing I truly helped

49. overcoming fear and anxiety

50. developing routines that work

51. cookie dough ice cream

52. my town

53. cupcakes

54. Blue Goose bakery

55. anything remotely related to Sailor Moon

56. strawberries

57. seeing strangers who dress like me or my friends

58. solo walks in secluded places

59. dessert

60. fun drinks

61. hot chocolate

62. good sex

63. when strangers surprise me by being progressive and open-minded

64. when I can relate to a character or personality quite well

65. latino/hispanic pride

66. buffet restaurants, even though the food is usually gross

67. deep conversations

68. multiplayer games

69. playing checkers or chess

70. massages

71. singing well

72. when somebody else does household chores before I ask them to

73. good movies

74. useful lessons in movies

75. getting lost in a really good book

76. happy faces on food

77. carnival games

78. festival food and novelties

79. being invited to parties

80. publishing a blog post

81. having a job I actually like

82. arcades, especially if modern/cutting-edge

83. self-serve froyo

84. double rainbows

85. other sky phenomena

86. identifying constellations

87. tarot cards

88. ravens and crows

89. watching vivi build or arrange things

90. free samples

91. visible progress in even the smallest capacity, like the ball of lint that forms in the vacuum cleaner

92. high quality red wine

93. good beer, red ale or stout

94. true love

95. wedding gowns and tuxedos in the shop window

96. little kids being kids in public

97. realistically depressing song lyrics

98. Japanese sweet potato flavor and chestnut flavor during autumn

99. seasonal food specials

100. bodies of (clean) water

101. epic dreams

More info on my blog: http://thecapillary.blogspot.co.uk/2010/09/mission-29-101-things-that-make-me.html