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Take pictures in a photo booth
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This happened randomly. I actually forgot it was one of my projects. I was going through my lists the other day as we are approaching another year soon. I wanted to lists my goals for next year in advance. I realized that Chris and I had gone to a dive bar called The Lazy Diamond while on vacation in North Carolina. It was such an eclectic little bar. I went back to find the bathroom and noticed a photo booth was beside the bathroom doors! I grabbed Chris and we squeezed inside the booth together to take some photos. It was a lot of fun.
One from Shedd Aquarium with avery
berlin - november - edita
James and I took pictures at Dave and Busters.
Não me lembro da data exata, mas foi em Janeiro desse ano! Nos EUA <3 (também não lembro onde exatamente, acho que em Chicago!)
In Florence, April 2014, with a friend. They turned out pretty okay!
Photo booth courtesy of Boss Ethel's wedding. :D
10.01.14 with my bff
I did it three times when i went to Berlin!
January 2013 - Jesse and I took a photo in a photobooth in Berlin. I saw this somewhere on the internet days before we left to Berlin, so I almost had to twist Jesse's arm to go to these oldskool photobooths. Totally worth it though :)
Adventure City with Kat and Presley
@Antwerp met Evelien
Sarah's Wedding 5/18/2013
Mission Accomplished! Opry Mills Mall, Nashville, TN June 24, 2013
Locations: http://www.photobooth.net/locations/browse.php?ddState=5
once again, was in a city where photo booths where available! did not take the chance, though :(
In Pittsburgh Zoo 11/10/12
@ the movies, Hunger Games
Gotta love the photo booth :) Date night earlier this year.
Photo booth picture taken while on holidays in Wales with Lucy Lou and Thelma.
Dani & I tried in London 'Rough Trade' Brick Lane, but machine failed :(
or just pictures, but with friends
12/9/11 - at work Christmas party
with a girlfriend hailey, with friends
14.Dez.2011 (com Patrícia, Margarida e Paula)
with Chey, Phillip, and Jeffrey. 12-17-10
Completed this at Disney as well with Katherine, Caitlin, Rose, and Hailey.
At Danielle Parise's wedding with Mom, Dad, Kyle, & Anthony 8/6/10.
Photo booth
A photo booth is a vending machine or modern kiosk that contains an automated, usually coin-operated, camera and film processor. Today, the vast majority of photo booths are digital.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Photo booth and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).